Fabiana Gallo della Loggia

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Fabiana Gallo della Loggia OBS
Talking during District's Ferragosto, August 2010
2nd Minister of Culture and Education
In office
January 6, 2010 - January 8, 2011
Predecessor Mohammed El-Giathi
Successor Patryk Adam Bronisz
2nd Vice-Secretary General of the St.Charlian Socialist Movement
In office
January 4, 2010 - April 20, 2010
General Secretary Magnus de Armis
Predecessor Magnus de Armis
Successor Nicolò Alvisi
1st General Secretary of the St.Charlian Socialist Movement
In office
January 23, 2009 - January 4, 2010
Predecessor Office established
Successor Magnus de Armis
1st and 3rd Director of St.Charlie Action News
July 12, 2010 - August 15, 2010
September 5, 2010 - October 1, 2012
Predecessor Office established
Successor Sante Carbone
Personal information
Born 27 April 1995 (1995-04-27) (age 29)
Rome, Italy
Birth name Fabiana C.
Citizenship St.Charlian
Nationality Italian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Political party New Socialist Party

Fabiana Gallo della Loggia (née Fabiana C.; born 27 April 1995) is a St.Charlian politician. She served as Leader of the St.Charlian Opposition from January 2009 to January 2010 as founder and General Secretary of the then-St.Charlian Socialist Movement; after her resignation as leader she was Vice Secretary General of the SCSP until April 2010. She is the only woman to have held either post.

Born in Rome, Italy, she joined micronationalism through the Federal Republic of St.Charlie in December 2008; albeit her entrance in politics, she's one of the few politicians who did not actively participate in the November Revolution. After the signing of the Branson Act 2009, she became a citizen of the newly-founded New Ridgeway, established the St.Charlian Socialist Movement and had a seat in the Ist Legislature of the St.Charlian Parliament, becoming the MP for the English federation. She ran for the title of Prime Minister, together with Magnus de Armis at the General Elections of 2010, but lost with 35% of the total votes.

Nevertheless, during her term as leader of Socialists her popularity increased both internally and internationally, especially within the leftist sphere, the Intermicronational Socialist Alliance and the Democratic People's Republic of Erusia, which awarded her the Order of Lenin, 1st Class; she's the only non-Erusian who was ever awarded such medal.

Her political philosophy emphasised a larger collaboration with GUM member states, particularly Sandus and Erusia, the adoption of a Socialist economic type, and the disestablishment of the St.Charlie Armed Forces in favor of an bb-armed Law Enforcement agency. She took a hard line against the Triune Alliance and the Empire of New Europe, signed the Aberystwyth Agreement and was seen as the starter of the Eurogate controversy, which apparently lead to the New Euro-Erusian War.

When Reinhardt formed the Second Administration in January 2010, he appointed Gallo della Loggia Minister of Culture and Education, succeding Mohammed El-Giathi. She became head of the Department of Culture and Education determined to develop the projects for the Tor Pendente State University and establish a museum. Four months later, she backed Nicolò Alvisi for the title of Vice Secretary of the SCSP; when he was elected she officially abandoned the leadership of the Socialist Party and started keeping a low tone in the affairs of the movement.

Although she never became Prime Minister, Gallo della Loggia's tenure as politician was one of the most populars since the November Revolution, with a respectable percentage of supporters, particularly in New Ridgeway. She still is the first woman to have ever lead a major political party in St.Charlie, and the third of three women to hold a Ministerial position.

Relationship with the NPSC

Fabiana as Leader of the Opposition, in 2009

While leader of the Socialist Movement, Gallo della Loggia was subject of various criticism by the National Party of St.Charlie for a certain period, when at a conference, she declared that Prime Minister Alexander Reinhardt planned the Branson Act 2009 before December, with the intention to become Prime Minister and get more power than the President, at the time Whisky I. Later, the allegations were investigated by the MIB but gave no results. Relationships with the National Party later improved, and in December, during the campaign for the 2010 Elections, the two parties behaved in a friendly way.

Awards and decorations

Preceded by: Minister of Culture and Education Succeded by:
Mohammed El-Giathi 6 Jan 2010 - 8 Jan 2011 Patryk Adam Bronisz
Preceded by: General Secretary of the SCSM Succeded by:
Office created 23 Jan 2009 - 4 Jan 2010 Magnus de Armis
Preceded by: Director of St.Charlie Action News Succeded by:
Office created 12 July 2010 - 15 August 2010 Patryk Adam Bronisz
Preceded by: Director of St.Charlie Action News Succeded by:
Patryk Adam Bronisz 5 September 2010 - Incumbent