Brandon Mierzwa

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His Majesty
Brandon I of Matachewan

Brandon Andrew Mierzwa
Former Photograph During Late 2020
King of Matachewan
In office
30 June 2015 - 26 July 2021
Prime Minister Kamiron Chaisson
Krill Lyzhin
Peter Warren
Ágá Sárrajuoksa
Desile (N.N.)
Suyash Adhikari
Chief (N.N.)
Chris Ramsay
Nicholas Lokin
Beau Edwards
Ashton Currie
Premier Chris Ramsay &
Simon Fraser
Christina Nowell &
Beau Edwards
Nicholas Lokin
Robert Smith
Xavier Jackson
Predecessor Office Established
Successor Grand Prince Jakub
Marshal of Humberlea
In office
4 April 2019 - 16 October 2020
King of Humberlea Nicholas Lokin
Prime Minister Andreas Hudson
Johann Kümmel
Predecessor Garvey Mallet
Successor Phillip Johnnasan
Emperor of the Grand Matachewanian Commonwealth
In office
3 November 2019 - 18 February 2020
Emperor Brandon Mierzwa
Predecessor Office established
Successor Chris Ramsay
Chancellor of Roskya
In office
22 July 2020 - 4 October 2020
Emperor Andreas I
Johann I
Predecessor Christina Nowell
Successor Christina Nowell
Personal information
Born 30 June 2005 (2005-06-30) (age 19)
St. Catharines, Ontario
Citizenship Polish, Canadian, Matachewanian
Nationality Matachewanian
Ethnicity Polish-Canadian
Residence St. Catharines
Occupation Student
Religion Roman Catholic
Military service
Allegiance  Poland
Rank MAT Commander-in-Chief

POL Private

Unit Szeczp Pomorze (Formerly)

King Brandon I (Born: Brandon Andrew Mierzwa, 30 June 2005) colloquially known as just King Brandon is the first and present King of Matachewan and one of the founding fathers of Matachewan. Currently serves in Matachewan's Armed Forces, ran two terms as Deputy Prime Minister in the Kingdom of Humberlea as well as being the former Emperor of the Grand Matachewanian Commonwealth and is a current Private in the Polish Armed Forces.

Early Life Before Micronationalism

Brandon Andrew Mierzwa was born on 30 June 2005 at the St. Catharines General Hospital in St. Cahrarines Ontario to Andrew Jan Mierzwa and Nicole Gauthier. Brandon's sister Jessica Mierzwa was born on 20 October 2006. Brandon was baptized at St. Alfred Catholic Church which he attended quite rarely preferring to rather attend services at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, a Polish Church located on Oblate Street. Brandon went to the St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School starting in 2011 which before he attended Port Weller Public School during his years of Junior and Senior Kindergarten.

ZHP/Polish Scouting

On 1 September 2016 after the failed early Matachewanian state Brandon went on to join the Polish Scouting Association in Canada, where he met two men by the names of Adam and Pawel (last names unknown). During Brandon's time in scouts he started to build a sense of Polish Patriotism something found in many young Poles not only in Poland but those coming from generations of Polish people that immigrated to the Americas. At this time Brandon learned many of his skills in leadership and speech as well as spending time learning basic survival and military tactics for boys. It would be around this time when Brandon finally found a sense of belonging and he stuck with it, dedicated till the end he would do anything for the Scouts. On 1 July 2017 Brandon went to Kaszuby, Ontario where he was put in one of the scouting camps run by Szczep Dunajec at this camp he would meet two very important people in his early childhood, these being Jakub Szek and Grzegorz (last name unknown), these two boys would give Brandon a different perspective on how he viewed people and how being in ranks really was. With this group and with these boys he felt a camaraderie and brotherhood, something Brandon lacked throughout his childhood do to him never being close to his parents and being raised by his Great Grandparents Kpt. Stefan Mierzwa and Eugenia Mierzwa. After his time at this camp ended he never saw most of the boys again but still kept in touch with Jakub until February 2019.

End of ZHP Chapter-re-enter to Micronationalism

On 3 August 2018 Brandon officially recreated the state of Matachewan and formally reentered micronationalism after 3 years of forgetting entirely about the micronational career. It was also around this time when Brandon's good friend Adam, Brandon's former leader, left the ZHP leaving the organization into the hands of the less competent leader Pawel. After a few months of incompetent leadership and lack of care and organisation Brandon left the ZHP ending his chapter in the organisation. After his leaving he had more time to focus on Matachewan which he took as his main priority after leaving the ZHP. In September 2018 Brandon was given a Polish Military Uniform by his Great Grandfather Kpt. Stefan Mierzwa a veteran of the Second World War. His Grandfather could no longer represent the Polish Military in St. Catharines and Niagara due to his age and state of health so he made Brandon his official successor giving Brandon the responsibility to represent the Polish Military in the Niagara Region and to this day Brandon still proudly represents his Fatherland while still attempting to bring Matachewan into the fold to one day find Polish recognition for the state of Matachewan.

Brandon Mierzwa in his Military Uniform given to him by his Great Grandfather Kapitan Stefan Mierzwa.

Reign as King of Matachewan

2015 and Early Matachewan

On the 30 of June 2015 Brandon Mierzwa along with a few of his friends declared the State of Matachewan a free and independent state from the Dominion of Canada. On the same day Brandon was made King of Matachewan. There would be no formal coronation but rather just an assumed office.

This early Matachewanian State is now known by Matachewan to be the "Early Matachewanian Era". During this time the state was completely localized with only 6 citizens and the citizens it did have weren't contributing much to the nation as this Matachewan was still in its early period and led by a bunch of fifth-graders. After some time Matachewan's main leaders fell into disagreement and in December 2015 a snowball fight that turned physical was deemed the Matachewanian Civil War as the citizens of Matachewan were fighting against each other over minor disagreements that for the time and their age could not set aside or work on. After the conflict only 1 casualty was reported and that was a boy who had an ice brick smashed over his head by King Brandon during the fight. After the "war" Matachewan never recovered and eventually found itself forgotten and dissolved, a childhood memory of sorts until 2018.

Modern Matachewan 2018 - Present

Military Involvement

Ever since Brandon has been working with the Polish Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Legion, Brandon has met many people over his time representing Poland and Matachewan at these events.

2019 Parades and Events

2019 was filled with events and parades Brandon has attended. These parades would be the May 3rd Constitution Day Parade, Polish Pilgrimage to Niagara on the Lake Parade and the Ascension of the Mother of God Parade. The first parade on May 3 Brandon Mierzwa was personally asked by President of Legion Branch 418, Yvonne Glowacki to attend the parade representing the Polish Armed Forces. During the Polish Pilgrimage Parade, Brandon met many Polish soldiers including 2 officers from the Polish 12 Mechanized Division along with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Canada. During the last parade, Brandon would be attending the military mass of the Ascension of the Mother of God and the anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw.

Group Photograph of the event. Brandon Mierzwa (Far left)

In November 2019 a Polish General and General Inspector of the Polish Armed Forces Rajmund Andrzejczak visited the town of Niagara on the Lake to see the Polish Blue Army Cemetery. At this event, he was accompanied by 3 Polish Officers. Brandon Mierzwa once hearing the news from Kpt. Stefan Mierzwa that the Polish General Inspector was to be coming to Niagara on the Lake, Brandon and his Great Grandfather went to the cemetery to represent the Polish-Canadians in the area. At this, even Brandon had a nice conversation with one of the officers and managed to meet the General up close. At this, even the Polish-Canadian Congress would attend along with representatives from the Canadian Legion and the Toronto Gazette. At this event Brandon received his first interview, sadly this interview never made it to papers but it was the first time Brandon would public speak on the behalf of Polish-Canadians in St. Catharines. After the General Inspector and his officers departed Brandon was asked a series of question on the thoughts of the General and how many Poles should reach out to their heritage. The private speech Brandon gave to some people who asked the questions was patriotic and inspiring. Brandon said "To all Poles young and old must come together and work for their homeland, they must be smart and strong and the way to become smart is to educate yourself about your country, these 20 soldiers buried here are a good example of that. Men who sacrificed themselves for the greater good of their country and people, these men here were smart, strong and patriots. I only wish many other young Poles like myself can be lucky to see such things and to experience the things I consider myself lucky to get to experience, if this generation can learn about this first hand we can see a more wiser generation of Poles". After he answered the private question with the small speech he and his Great Grandfather departed. News article from the event

2020 Parades and Events

Titles, styles and honours

Brandon Mierzwa has many titles from many different micronations but only takes the titles in the offices he was or is most active in.

Titles and styles

  • 30 June 2005 - 30 June 2015: Master Brandon Mierzwa
  • 30 June 2015: His Majesty Brandon I of Matachewan
  • 1 September 2016 - 27 August 2018: Zastepowy Brandon Mierzwa
  • 15 September 2018: Private Brandon Mierzwa
  • 3 November 2019 - 18 February 2019: His Majesty Brandon I, Emperor of the Commonwealth


Matachewanian Honours

Foreign Honours
