State of Bryania

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State of Bryaniaa
Official names

    • Kingdom of Bryania (2019; 2019)
    • Bryanian Soviet Socalist Republic (2019; 2019)
    • Federation of Bryania (2019 – c. 2020)
    • Imperial Kingdom of Bryania (c. 2020 – 2021)
Flag of State of Bryania
Flag of the Kingdom of Bryania (left)
Flag of the Bryanian Soviet Socalist Republic (right)
Motto: För Konungariket Bryania!b
English: For The Kingdom Of Bryania!
A map of Ohio highlighting Williams County where Bryania was primarily located
and largest city
Official languages
• Established
9 December 2018
• Disestablished
4 February 2021
• 2016 census
• 2016 estimate
CurrencyBryania Dollar
Time zoneUTC-5 (EST-4)
• Summer (DST)
UTC-4 (EDT-3)
  1. State of Bryania is a descriptive term and was not an official name
  2. As the Kingdom of Bryania
  3. English was always an official language, however Swedish stopped being an official language during the Imperial Kingdom in favor of Esperanto and French

State of Bryania is a term used to describe the multiple iterations of Bryania, notably its time as a Kingdom, Socialist Republic, and Federation.


City of Bryan

The City of Bryan was formed in 1840 by John A. Bryan, and named for him. It was incorporated as a village in 1841, and reincorporated as a city in 1941. Williams County was originally part of Defiance County, with Defiance as the county seat.[8] The area was later split into Williams and Defiance counties. Bryan was named the seat for the new county,[7] but not without conflict; the village of Montpelier was considered a more centralized location. The people of Montpelier petitioned the state legislature, but in the end Bryan was named county seat because of its greater industrial and commercial importance and because of its higher population. To this day, many people still argue about the state's decision and a rivalry of sorts remains between the two communities. In 2018 Bryania ceded from Williams County, claiming the City of Bryan as part of the Kingdom.

Kingdom of Bryania

The West Unity War

On 5 February 2019 Bryania declared war on the Kingdom of Nelm. The war lasted for two days and as a result, southern West Unity was puppeted by Bryania. This was ultimately unsuccessful. The conflict came to an end with Bryania signing the Treaty of . War was soon declared on another micronation, The Republic State Of Zenland.

Socialist Republic of Bryania

April Revolution

On 1 April 2019, a communist revolution overthrew the government and seized control of Bryania, transforming the Kingdom into the Socialist Republic of Bryania. Minister Nathaly became head of state and outlawed elections. He had almost full control because Bryania was a more independent puppet of The Communist State Of Hillsdale. But on 24 June 2019, a Republican uprising overthrew the communist government.

Federation of Bryania

On June 25, 2019, the day after the Republican uprising, a new government was formed. They passed the Milita Act. See Acts Of Bryania.

Toledo War

A strip of Williams County north of Bryan was originally part of a conflict, the Toledo War, between the states of Ohio and Michigan. Both states claimed the Toledo Strip, which was named for the port city of Toledo at its eastern end. The conflict was eventually resolved in favor of Ohio, with Michigan being compensated with what is now the western Upper Peninsula. This conflict and its "unfinished war goals" was the reason for Bryania's war with the Kingdom of Nelm.


Bryania has declared its currency to be the "Bryania Dollar", which it deems to be at parity with the U.S. dollar. Several dozen different coins have been made since 2018 in one form. Given Bryania's small population, physical inaccessibility, and lack of a real economy, it is unlikely that these coins were ever intended for use as circulating currency. Most were produced using paper.


The abrupt and sudden end of this micronation has came from a lack of commitment. I would have continued this, but I have lost all interest. As there is a gore of quick changing names and an old flag. As for now, I label this as defunct, this was fun. - King

External links