National Investigative Service

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National Investigative Service (NIS)
Police Unit
IndustryDetective Agency
Founded17 May 2020
Area served
Commonwealth of Essexia, United Kingdom
Key people
Emperor Terry, Detective Inspector George
ServicesState investigations
OwnerEmperor Terry of Essexia
Number of employees

The National Investigative Service (NIS) is a state-run detective agency in the Commonwealth of Essexia. It was founded on the 17th May 2020 to fill a gap in the nation's justice system. The NIS investigates potential crimes within the Commonwealth, and is yet to be legislated.


The NIS was created by Emperor Terry on the 17th May 2020, who bestowed upon himself the title of inaugural superintendent. He employed Citizen George as Detective Inspector, and Earl Jamie, Lord Jack and Earl Finn as Acting Detectives.

A small controversy occurred on the 9th July 2020, when recently appointed Minister of the Interior Crown Minister Harley attempted to pass the Bollock Cam Act 2020, a piece of legislation which would make a groin-mounted camera device mandatory for all NIS detectives to wear whilst on the job. Although a number of cabinet members had expressed interest in the act on a private call, when the legislation reached Parliament it was criticised from left, right and centre, and failed to garner enough 'ayes' for the motion. As such, NIS employees do not currently have to mount bollock cams while on the job.