Elective monarchy

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Types of government

An Elective monarchy is a form of Monarchy that strips royalty of it's autocratic power to appoint a new Monarch and gives it to the people. A form of Democracy, Elective Monarchies are ruled by a Monarch who has been elected either by the People themselves or a representative body of the People (a Parliament or group of Aristocrats). Unlike Republican systems, it is common for elected Monarchs to serve greater terms than that of a President or other elected Head of State, with some elective monarchs ruling until death or abdication. Micronationally, elective Monarchy can be a popular system of government, combining nostalgia for Medieval nations with practical Citizen involvement.

Legitimate elective monarchies usually involve an element of hereditary accession although not the Monarch themselves. This is usually achieved by the electoral body comprising of hereditary appointments as to therefore claim that the sovereign is in fact a Monarch in relation to hereditary succession.

Other types

Absolute elective-monarchy

The Emperor is elected, but has the absolute power over the state/Country.

Micronational example: Grand Duchy of Rabenberg

Elective monarchies in micronations

Defunct or former electoral monarchies: