Sovereign of Versmark

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Sovereign of Versmark
Wald I
StyleHis Majesty
Heir presumptiveNone
First monarchWald I
Formation20 April 2023

The Sovereign of Versmark is the Constitutional Monarch and Head of State of the Sovereign State of Versmark. Wald I serves as the first and current Sovereign.



On 20 April 2023, the founders of Versmark decided to make Wald the Monarch of the new nation. Wald served as the Attorney-General of the Empire of Lehmark, which many Versmarkian founders came from, and it was decided he had the most legitimate claim to the Throne.

Early History

Wald began the history of the office with large batches of proposals to parliament, recruiting Minister and sorting out tasks to the Government. Wald wanted to establish his post as being a very active and hands on position.

Powers of the Monarch

The Monarch has several important powers in the government of Versmark.

The Monarch has the following powers as according to the Constitution of Versmark:

  • To appoint Landed Nobility
  • To approve or veto laws presented to Parliament
  • To appoint the Premier
  • To command Versmark's armed forces
  • To appoint High Magistrates
  • To present law to Parliament
  • To call the House of Lords and the House of Lords
  • To advise and command the Ministers of Versmark