Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya

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Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya
Republik Demokratik Sunda Raya
In other official languages
  • Republik Demokratik Sunda Raya (Malay/Javanese/Sundanese)
  • Demokratikong Republika ng Sunda Raya (Tagalog)
  • Repoblik Demokratik Sunda Raya (Madurese)
  • 大巽他民主主义共和国 (Chinese)

Coat of arms

Kaum buruh sadunia, hayu ngahiji!
(Workers of the world, unite!)
In other official languages
  • Kaum buruh sedunia, bersatulah! (Indonesian)
  • Wong buruh ing dunia, Nyawiji! (Javanese)
  • Kaum pekerja seluruh negeri, bersatulah! (Malay)
  • Oreng proletar sadunyyah, Akompol! (Madurese)
  • Mga manggagawa ng daigdig, magkaisa! (Tagalog)
  • 全世界无产者,联合起来! (Chinese)
"The Internationale"
and largest city
Komune Bandung Raya (de jure)
Komune Pondok Labu (de facto)
Official language(s)Bahasa indonesia, Sundanese, Javanese, Madurese, Malay, Tagalog, Chinese
Official religion(s)none (secular)
Short nameSunda Raya
Ethnic groups32% Sundanese
15% Javanese
25% Madurese
28% other
GovernmentFederal Workers State
- PresidentFederal Presidium
- Head of GovernmentCollective leadership
LegislatureSupreme Workers Council
Established27 February 2014
Area claimed210 km2
Population25 (est. February 2014)
CurrencyDuit Sunda Raya
Time zone(UTC) +7
This nation was a member of Association of Indonesian Micronations and Micronational Association of Southeast Asia
official Facebook page[dead link]

official government website[dead link]

official news website[dead link]

Sunda Raya, officially known as the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya, was an alternate history entity and a micronation located in Southeast Asia, which was a federation of socialist microrepublics. It was comprised of multiple, some former capitalist, states in relatively close proximity to each other. Sunda Raya was founded on 27 February 2014 as a result from the Great Southeast Asia Proletarian Revolution and the dissolution of a short-lived provisional government.

Sunda Raya became one of the most politically-advanced micronation inside Indonesian sector, with its strong commitment on Socialism that was evident on its entire national activities. The country began to became inactive in the end of 2017, before finally declares its dissolution in 20 June 2018.

On July 23 2024 Zakinesia discovered about the defuncr micronation and annexed the land.


The name Sunda Raya derives from the words Sunda and raya, which means "Great Sunda" in Indonesian. According to the constitution, the name 'Sunda' refers to Sundaland, a biogeographical region of Southeast Asia that comprises the Malay Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago islands west of the Wallace Line. This emphasizes that Sunda Raya is a micronation for all nationalities in Sundaland region, not only exclusively for Sundanese people. The name was proposed by Presidium of the first National Congress of the All Workers Councils on 23 July 2013. The congress approved the name on 24 July 2013 by an acclamation.



Sunda Raya was established on 27 February 2014 by the Revolutionary Council of Sunda Raya as a result from the Great Southeast Asia Proletarian Revolution and the dissolution of a short-lived provisional government. The revolution marked the existence of a massive class struggle of the proletariats in the 21st century, which makes the struggle against the rapacity of modern imperialism seen as an act to preserve the humanity and freedom. The revolution occured between 25 until 30 December 2013. The revolution occured without bloodshed, by obeying the principle of Internationalism.

Following the great revolution and the victory of Revolutionary Forces over the reactionary forces of Generalissimo Suhertong, who fled to Cendana, National Congress of the All Workers Councils declared the founding of the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya on 27 February 2014. The first goal of PKP was a total overhaul of the land ownership system, and extensive land reforms. Sunda's old system of capitalist ownership of farmland and tenant peasants was replaced with a distribution system in favor of poor/landless peasants. PKP laid heavy emphasis on class struggle and theoretical work, and in March, 2014 began various campaigns to promotes collectivization of productive forces, including the market and industrial reforms, which the economic principles of socialist-oriented market economy was applied. The socialist-oriented market economy was then abandoned due to its own contradictions, such as inefficiency and the widening scissor crisis.

Inactivity and dissolution

After years of activity, Sunda Raya began to became inactive in the end of 2017, close on its end of tenure as chairman of the Association of Indonesian Micronations. Beforehand, the federal presidium through its representative were also complaining on increasing non-micronational activities, that may also causes the inactivity, that they first noticed it in 2015. In 2018, Sunda Raya inactivity began to be concerned by micronations inside Indonesian sector, especially after its delegates was consistently absent from AIM general sessions held monthly. Sunda Raya government website and Sunda Raya People's Daily official website became inaccessible in mid-2018, as its domain has been transferred to other user. In 20 June 2018, Arkaporean leader Tian Abdurrahman receives personal note from Lintang that declares Sunda Raya disbandment, and immediately announced it to the community.

Government and politics

Until its dissolution, Sunda Raya consisted of five free and equal federal council republics, which are: Council Republic of Parahyangan, Council Republic of Natuna, Council Republic of Pantai Selatan, People's Republic of Sabah and Mindanao, and the Council Republic of Madura.

These federal entities were consisted of smaller communes which are governed by local communal workers councils, officially known as Dewan Rakyat Komune, which were headed by a presidium of elected workers deputies. The members of this commune councils are elected directly by the localities annually.

Council System

Workers council democracy was applied on its state functioning. The Workers Council acts as legislative, executive, and judicative body. The Council consisted of a presidium and a number of committees or commissions. The Workers Council was led by a collective leadership presidium which is elected in every congress. Moreover, recall system is used for the appointment of the collective leadership members and other governments official. This means every elected officials can be fired at any time directly, if necessary, by the people through agreed procedures.

The Supreme Workers Council of Sunda Raya acts as a highest legislative, executive, and judicative bodies. The Supreme Workers Council acted as the unifier of the communes and enact laws that affects in national level. The Regional Workers Council is the legislative, executive, and judicative body of the federal entities.

Political Parties

There were 3 registered political parties in the Supreme Workers Council, which were: Socialist Unity Party (PPS), The Social Democrats, and Peasants Party of Sunda Raya (PTSR). The PPS was a merger of the 7 former parties of United People's Front. The PPS, the second largest majority in the latest council election, was a revolutionary workers party. Social Democrats and PTSR were social democratic and revolutionary peasant parties respectively.

Law and order

Flag of Sunda Raya flown outside the Supreme Court

Supreme Workers Council was the highest judicial body of the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya after the dissolution of the Supreme Court of Sunda Raya. It handles the majority of civil and criminal offenses, as well as certain administrative law offenses. The council handled cases by forming a collegium consisted of a people's judge and two people's assessors. The people's assessors had duties similar to jurors. The Supreme Court of the Sunda Raya included the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of Sunda Raya and other elements which were not typical of Supreme Courts found in other countries. The lower judicial body of Sunda Raya is Communal Workers Council after the dissolution of all People's Court of Sunda Raya, which handles the law offenses at the communal level.

People's Police of Sunda Raya was the police force of Sunda Raya, which was established by a decree from the Revolutionary Council of Sunda Raya on 29 February 2014. There are two primary police functions: maintaining order and law enforcement. The People's Police subordinates directly to the workers councils.

Foreign relations

The Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya had maintained diplomatic relations with other micronations such as Indokistan, United Democratic Republic of Excellent, Republic of Omahkulon, Arkapura, and St. John. Sunda Raya is also a member state of AIM (Association of Indonesian Micronations) since 15 April 2014, and a member of MASA (Micronational Association of Southeast Asia) since 30 June 2014. There are three foreign relation principles of Sunda Raya, which are: "Trust, International Brotherhood, and Independence."


The Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya was an anti-militaristic state. It had abolished the regular army from the previous system, and formed the armed proletariat.

The Sunda Raya People's Army, also known as the People's Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya was the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya before the militia transitional programme. It was consisted of five components: Ground Forces, Air Forces, Navy, The Strategic Outer Space Troops, and the Armed Proletariats. The Revolutionary Council of Sunda Raya set up the Sunda Raya People's Army by decree on February 28, 2014, basing it on already-existing Sundanese Red Army. Moreover, it was disestablished on 4 August 2014 as a part of militia transitional programme conducted by the Supreme Soviet.

The armed proletariat protects the people's security. The current armed proletariat abandoned the institution of a regular army and also abolished the professional officer corps as a "heritage of feudalism and seniority". Both the armed proletariat and Sunda Raya People's Army condemned the use of the word "officer" and used the word "comrade commander" instead. Both of them abandoned epaulettes and ranks, using purely functional titles such as "Comrade Division Commander", "Comrade Corps Commander", and similar titles.


The location of Sunda Raya. The claimed borders which demarcate the effective control of the government remain in the level of communes.

Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya consisted of five federal entities, which were: Council Republic of Parahyangan, Council Republic of Pantai Selatan, Council Republic of Natuna, People's Republic of Sabah and Mindanao, and the Madurese Council Republic. These federal entities are further divided into communes and autonomous regions or republics, such as Federation of Puncak Raya and Autonomous Republic of Belitong.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Parahyangan borders Sunda Strait and Lampung region to the west, and Central Java to the east. To the north is the Java Sea. To the south is the Indian Ocean. Unlike most other region in Indonesia which have their capitals in coastal area, the state capital, Komune Bandung Raya, is located in the mountainous area in the centre of the federal entity. The other federal entities are scattered as exclaves. However, the effective government still can be managed, by the massive decentralization.

Administrative Divisions

Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya had five federal entities, which consisted of 50 communes. The federal subjects only act as the consolidator of the communes.


The economy of Sunda Raya was decentralised-democratic planned economy, in which decision-making is distributed amongst various economic agents or localized within production units democratically. This means all of the productive factors are in the hands of the workers. This economic system was adopted according to the principle of Socialism and Transitional Program.

The previous economic system enacted in Sunda Raya was socialist-oriented market economy. This system started after the enactment of NEP (New economic Policy). This policy was intended to increase the productive forces as large as possible. The private farm and enterprises were permitted and the market was strictly regulated and supervised to prevent the capitalists to control the market. The market system inevitably failed. At the end, Sunda Raya abandoned market economy and criticize it as a blatant treachery to the workers and the revolution.

Until Sunda Raya dissolution, only democratic collective industries exist in Sunda Raya. Therefore, the workers had achieved one of its primary goals in building socialism and now the workers have a right to plan and to supervise the economy theirselves.

The central bank of Sunda Raya was the People's Bank of Sunda Raya. The People's Bank controls the monetary policy and regulate the financial institutions in Sunda Raya. It also has the authority to print and distribute the Duit, the currency of Sunda Raya.


The culture of Sunda Raya has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Sunda Raya was located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South Asia and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions. The result was a complex cultural mixture very different from the original indigenous cultures.

Sunda Raya was a very pluralistic micronation. It consisted of many ethnicities, such as: Sundanese, Javanese, Madurese, Betawi, Moro, Malay, etc. The plural traditional cultures are seen as a treasure for humanity which must be conserved. However, the feudalism elements has been removed.


Sunda Raya was a secular state. There was no official religion in Sunda Raya. However, the Government of Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya guarantees the freedom of Religion and conscience. According to the constitution, citizens of the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya were guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheistic propaganda. Incitement of hostility or hatred on religious grounds was prohibited.

The major religions in Sunda Raya were: Islam 85%, Christianity 12%, and Others 3%. Sunda Raya do not interfere with religions. Sunda Raya encourages religious communities to help the nation achieving the highest stage of socialism. All religious organizations are independent, free to interpret their religion on their view and free to organize a private religious education. The religious figures in Sunda Raya always promote the liberation theology

Irreligiousness in Sunda Raya exists as religions are regarded as private matter. 55% of the population identified theirself as agnostic, while 25% identified as atheist. Atheistic propaganda which is not an act of racism or incitement of hatred against one's belief is permitted.


The Government of Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya guarantees the freedom of expression. The government never enforce censorship on any media. Almost all media adopt grassroot journalism or citizen journalism, which based upon public citizen's active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information.

The Government never control the Press, and promoting consequently the openness instead. People's Press Agency is the news agency of Sunda Raya. It published the state-owned media, such as Sunda Raya People's Daily and Sunda Raya Central Television (SRTV). Although state-owned media exist, its news remain independent. Recently, the Central Workers Government had issued decrees banning hate speech, fascist propaganda, racism, and cult of personality.