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English: The International
National anthem of anarchists, communists, and socialists
"L'Internationale", original French version
LyricsEugène Pottier
MusicPierre De Geyter
Adopted1888 (on Congress of Lille of Second International)

The Internationale (/'ɪntər'næʃə'nale/; French: l'Internationale /'lɛ̃tɛʁ'nasjɔ'nal(ə)/, is a widely-used left-wing anthem written by Eugène Pottier and given its own music by Pierre De Geyter. It is widely popular among socialists, communists, and left-wing anarchists through its message of sedition, anti-statism, and struggle against the ruling class. It has been translated into many languages, and has been rewritten to fit modern vocabularies.

Micronationally, it has been selected and sometimes even altered to be the anthem, or one of several anthems, for a micronation. Such alterations are often nationalistic. It has also been used for micronational socialist IGO's and federations.

First French Know Version

Written by Eugène Pottier for tune of La Marseillaise, these lyrics are now often played with current tune composed by Pierre De Geyter in some micronations like the Jailavera as one of de facto national anthems next to Jaïlavera avec fin'amor sur ses terres.

French Literal English translation
Couplet 1 :

Debout ! l'âme du prolétaire

Travailleurs, groupons-nous enfin.

Debout ! les damnés de la terre !

Debout ! les forçats de la faim !

Pour vaincre la misère et l'ombre

Foule esclave, debout ! debout !

C'est nous le droit, c'est nous le nombre :

Nous qui n'étions rien, soyons tout :

Refrain (bis):

C’est la lutte finale

Groupons-nous et demain


Sera le genre humain :

Couplet 2 : Il n’est pas de sauveurs suprêmes :

Ni Dieu, ni César, ni Tribun.

Travailleurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes ;

Travaillons au salut commun.

Pour que les voleurs rendent gorge,

Pour tirer l’esprit du cachot,

Allumons notre grande forge !

Battons le fer quand il est chaud !


Couplet 3 :

Les Rois nous saoulaient de fumées

Paix entre nous ! guerre aux Tyrans !

Appliquons la grève aux armées

Crosse en l’air ! et rompons les rangs !

Bandit, prince, exploiteur ou prêtre

Qui vit de l'homme est criminel ;

Notre ennemi, c'est notre maître :

Voilà le mot d'ordre éternel.


Couplet 4 :

L'engrenage encor va nous tordre :

Le capital est triomphant ;

La mitrailleuse fait de l'ordre

En hachant la femme et l'enfant.

L'usure folle en ses colères

Sur nos cadavres calcinés

Soude à la grève des Salaires

La grève des assassinés.


Couplet 5 :

Ouvriers, Paysans, nous sommes

Le grand parti des travailleurs.

La terre n’appartient qu’aux hommes.

L'oisif ira loger ailleurs.

C'est de nos chairs qu'ils se repaissent !

Si les corbeaux si les vautours

Un de ces matins disparaissent …

La Terre tournera toujours.


Couplet 6 :

Qu'enfin le passé s'engloutisse !

Qu'un genre humain transfiguré

Sous le ciel clair de la Justice

Mûrisse avec l'épi doré !

Ne crains plus les nids de chenilles

Qui gâtaient l'arbre et ses produits

Travail, étends sur nos familles

Tes rameaux tout rouges de fruits !


Verse 1:

Standing ! the soul of the proletarian

Workers, let's get together at last.

Standing ! the damned of the earth!

Standing ! the convicts of hunger!

To overcome misery and shadow

Slave crowd, stand up! standing !

We are the right, we are the number:

We who were nothing, are everything:

Chorus :

This is the final struggle

Let's group together and tomorrow

The International

Will be the human race:

Verse 2:

There are no supreme saviors:

Neither God, nor Caesar, nor Tribun.

Workers, let's save ourselves;

Let us work for common salvation.

So that thieves can throat,

To get the spirit out of the dungeon,

Let's light our great forge!

Let's beat the iron when it's hot!


Verse 3:

Kings drunk us with smoke

Peace between us! war on the Tyrants!

Apply the strike to the armies

Stick in the air! and break ranks!

Bandit, prince, exploiter or priest

He who lives on man is a criminal;

Our enemy is our master:

This is the eternal watchword.


Verse 4:

The gears still will twist us:

Capital is triumphant;

The machine gun makes order

By chopping the woman and the child.

Crazy wear and tear in its anger

On our charred corpses

Welcomes the wage strike

The strike of the murdered.


Verse 5:

Workers, peasants, we are

The great party of workers.

The earth belongs only to men.

The idle will go and stay elsewhere.

It is our flesh that they feast on!

If the crows if the vultures

One of those mornings disappear ...

The Earth will always turn.


Verse 6:

May the past finally be swallowed up!

That a transfigured human race

Under the clear sky of Justice

Ripe with the golden ear!

No longer fear caterpillar nests

That spoiled the tree and its products

Work, spread over our families

Your branches all red with fruit!


Final French Lyrics

Written by Eugène Pottier for tune of Pierre De Geyter, theses lyrics are often in some micronations like the Jailavera as one of de facto national anthems next to Jaïlavera avec fin'amor sur ses terres.

French Literal English translation
Debout, les damnés de la terre

Debout, les forçats de la faim La raison tonne en son cratère C'est l'éruption de la fin Du passé faisons table rase Foule esclave, debout, debout Le monde va changer de base Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout

Chorus C'est la lutte finale Groupons-nous, et demain L'Internationale Sera le genre humain.

Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes Décrétons le salut commun Pour que le voleur rende gorge Pour tirer l'esprit du cachot Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge Battons le fer quand il est chaud.


L'État comprime et la loi triche L'impôt saigne le malheureux Nul devoir ne s'impose au riche Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux C'est assez, languir en tutelle L'égalité veut d'autres lois Pas de droits sans devoirs dit-elle Égaux, pas de devoirs sans droits.


Hideux dans leur apothéose Les rois de la mine et du rail Ont-ils jamais fait autre chose Que dévaliser le travail ? Dans les coffres-forts de la bande Ce qu'il a créé s'est fondu En décrétant qu'on le lui rende Le peuple ne veut que son dû.


Les rois nous saoulaient de fumées Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans Appliquons la grève aux armées Crosse en l'air, et rompons les rangs S'ils s'obstinent, ces cannibales À faire de nous des héros Ils sauront bientôt que nos balles Sont pour nos propres généraux.


Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand parti des travailleurs La terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes L'oisif ira loger ailleurs Combien de nos chairs se repaissent Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours Un de ces matins disparaissent Le soleil brillera toujours.


Arise, wretched of the earth

Arise, convicts of hunger Reason thunders in its volcano This is the eruption of the end Of the past let us wipe the slate clean Masses, slaves, arise, arise The world is about to change its foundation We are nothing, let us be all

Chorus This is the final struggle Let us gather together, and tomorrow The Internationale Will be the human race

There are no supreme saviors Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune. Producers, let us save ourselves Decree on the common welfare That the thief return his plunder, That the spirit be pulled from its prison Let us fan the forge ourselves Strike the iron while it is hot


The state represses and the law cheats The tax bleeds the unfortunate No duty is imposed on the rich "Rights of the poor" is a hollow phrase Enough languishing in custody Equality wants other laws: No rights without obligations, it says, And as well, no obligations without rights


Hideous in their self-glorification Kings of the mine and rail Have they ever done anything other? Than steal work? Into the coffers of that lot, What work creates has melted In demanding that they give it back The people want only its due.


The kings make us drunk with their fumes, Peace among ourselves, war to the tyrants! Let the armies go on strike, Guns in the air, and break ranks If these cannibals insist On making heroes of us, Soon they will know our bullets Are for our own generals


Laborers, peasants, we are The great party of workers The earth belongs only to men The idle will go reside elsewhere How much of our flesh they feed on, But if the ravens and vultures Disappear one of these days The sun will still shine


Lyrics of adaptations

Zakinesian version

The Zakinesian version is in tagalog its official language. It is known as the internasyunal or internasiyonal.

Bangon sa pagkakabusabos

Bangon, mga bihag ng gutom,

Katwiran ay bulkang sasabog

Buong lakas na dadagundong

Gapos ng kahapo’y lagutin

Tayong api ay magbalikwas

Tayo ngayo’y inaalipin

Subalit atin ang bukas

Koro: 2x

Ito’y huling paglalaban

Magkaisa nang masaklaw

Ng Internationale

Ang sangkatauhan

Wala tayong maaasahang

Bathala o manunubos

Kaya’t ang ating kaligtasa’y

Nasa ating pagkilos.

Manggagawa bawiin ang yaman

Kaisipa’y palayain

Ang maso ay ating tanganan

Kinabukasa’y pandayin.

(Ulitin ang Koro)

Manggagawa at magsasaka,

Ating partido’y dakila.

Palayasin ang mga gahaman,

Sa anakpawis ang daigdigan

Wakasan pagsasamantala

Ng mga buitre at uwak.

Sa umagang sila’y maglaho,

Mapulang araw ‘y sisikat.

(Ulitin ang Koro)

Sandum Version

The Sandum version of the Internationale is merely one stanza long yet draws upon the Socialist and and Buddhist capacities and concepts of the State of Sandus.
The Internationale
Arise, all People from ye slumbers,
Arise, Oppressèd of the World.
The Revolution comes like thunder
And the age of suffering is done.
Away with all ye desires,
They'll only break us!
Each must do their duty,
The time to revolt is now!

|:So, Comrades come rally,
For the struggle carries on.
The Internationale,
Unites the People's State!:|

Tianan Version

Stand up, all victims of oppression,
For the tyrants fear your might!
Don't cling so hard to your possessions,
For you have nothing if you have no rights!
Let racist ignorance be ended,
For respect makes the empires fall!
Freedom is merely privilege extended,
Unless enjoyed by one and all.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race

Let no one build walls to divide us,
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone.
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
We'll live together or we'll die alone.
In our world poisoned by exploitation,
Those who have taken, now they must give!
And end the vanity of nations,
We've but one Earth on which to live.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race

And so begins the final battle,
In the streets and in the fields.
We stand unbowed before their armour,
We defy their guns and shields!
When we fight, provoked by their aggression,
Let us be inspired by life and love.
For though they offer us concessions,
Change will not come from above!

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race

Pristinian version

Pristinia's ruling Progressive Communist Party uses a version with an English verse and a German chorus:

Arise, Pristinia's great masses,
for tyranny no longer stand!
Our goal: Eradicate all classes,
for freedom is what we demand.
No longer bow to the oppressor,
cherish not the tyrant's call:
We'll yield no more to the aggressor,
instead we'll struggle for his fall!
Völker, hört die Signale,
auf zum letzten Gefecht.
Die Internationale
erkämpft das Menschenrecht!

Ja kommt, Kameraden,
und singt was errungen scheint:
In der Internationale
ist Pristinien vereint.

This chorus could be translated as:

Peoples, hear the signals,
to the last battle.
The Internationale
fights for human rights!

Yes, come, comrades,
and sing what appears achieved:
In the Internationale
Pristinia is united.

Indokistani version

Indokistani state of Central Indokistan used this version of lyrics as the state anthem, while this song also popular and commonly sung in Suwarnakarta. This version of lyrics created by Farhan Abbas and Mustafa Hakim in 2011, and it used Indonesian language.


Bangkitlah rakyat yang tertindas,
bangkitlah para pekerja!
Rasa dendam menyala-nyala,
kebebasan di depan mata
Buang rantai tambang pengikat,
kita rakyat telah sadar
riwayat mereka akan tamat,
kekaisaran mereka akan bubar!

Inilah perang terakhir
menuju kemenangan.
satukan dunia!.

Janganlah kita mau tunduk
kepada para tirani,
yang telah menghisap darah kita
dengan penjara dan pajak!
Janganlah kita mau patuh!
Marilah kita berontak,
hancurkanlah para kapitalis,
menuju era yang baru.


Biarkan pasukan memberontak
Marilah angkat senjata
Arahkan meriam kalian
Kearah para tiran!
Jika para tiran meminta kita
Untuk mati dalam perang
Mereka akan segera tahu,
Bahwa mereka telah dibidik!


Segera maju, isi peluru,
segera maju ke istana!
Tembak dari segala penjuru,
hancurkan penguasa!
Kuasa lalim akan selesai,
Kehendak di tangan kita!
Negeri akan semakin jaya
Di tangan kaum pekerja!


English translation

Arise, oppressed peoples,
arise, all workers!
Vengeance is blazing,
freedom is before our eyes!
Throw away your ropes and chains,
we the people has realized
that their history will over,
that their empire will fall!

This is the final battle
towards victory.
unites the world!.

Do not bow
to the tyrant,
that suck our blood
by tax and prison!
Do not obey them!
Start a revolt,
crush those capitalists,
create a new era.


Let the troops defect
raise your guns,
aim your cannons
towards the tyrants!
If those tyrants demand us
to die for them in war,
they will soon realise
the gun had been aimed at them!


Advance, reload your guns,
advance towards the palace!
Attacks from all sides,
destroy the rulers!
Despotic rule will over,
the power will be ours!
Triumph will come
in the hands of workers!


Sundaner version

The Sundaner versions of The Internationale are widely sung in the Democratic Republic of Sunda Raya despite none of them is adopted as the official version. One of the version used Sundanese language and only consisted of one stanza. The other version is sung in Bahasa Indonesia. The Government of Sunda Raya allowed the people to sing The Internationale in any languages or versions as long as it still expresses the spirit of Proletarian internationalism.


Hudang! Kaum nu dihina,
Hudang! Kaum nu lapar,
Sumanget atos manggelora,
Kanggo dunia sakabehna

Ambrugkeun adat sepuh sakabehna,
Urang hayu sadar, sadar!
Dunia anyar urang gugahkeun,
Tangtos janten kanyataan!

Pajoangan, pangabisan
Ngahiji, ngalawan.
Ngahijikeun dunia!

English translation

Arise! the oppressed peoples,
Arise!, the starving peoples
The spirit has surged
for the world a whole,

Destroy the old traditions,
Let us be aware, be aware!
Let us build a new world,
It must be realised!

Struggle, to the final
Unite, and resist.
The Internationale
Unites the world!

Bahasa Indonesia

Bangunlah kaum yang tertindas!
Bangunlah kaum yang lapar!
Dunia sedang diperbudak,
Kita 'kan membebaskannya

Lenyapkan dunia kekerasan,
Hingga ke dasar-dasarnya,
Dunia baru kita dirikan,
Satu dunia untuk semua!

Inilah konflik t'rakhir,
Bersatulah melawan!
Dan Internasionale
Persatukan dunia!

Tiada raja dan dewa-dewa,
Yang kan' membebaskan kita,
Pembebasan kita semua,
Kita yang sendiri cipta,

Bebaskan jiwa dari penjara,
Rebut kembali hasil kerja,
Nyalakan tungku, seg'ra tempa,
Selagi baja membara!


Penindas t'lah menghisap kita,
Dengan pajak dan upeti,
Saat penindas punya kuasa,
Hak kita tak pernah ada,

Kita akan mengubah dunia,
Dan inilah seruan kita:
"Kekuatan untuk rakyat pekerja!
Parasit enyahlah semua!"


Terkutuklah penghambur harta,
Raja minyak, batu-bara,
Semua tahta harta mereka,
Hasil merampok pekerja

Pabrik, tambang, kilang minyak semua,
Kita yang bangun sendiri,
Waktu kita tiba saatnya,
Rebut yang t'lah mereka curi!


Cukup sudah ulah penguasa,
Membawa perang untuk kita,
Perang 'tuk m'lawan tiran semua,
Kedamaian untuk dunia!

Jika tiran inginkan kita,
Berperang dipihak mereka,
Maka mereka akan sadar,
Bahwa kita membidik m'reka,


Kitalah buruh sedunia,
Tent'ra pekerja perkasa,
Semua mesti milik pekerja,
Bukan parasit yang hina,

Kala petir dahsyat menyambar,
Diatas angkara murka,
Sang surya pun akan bersinar,
Terangi kita selamanya,


English translation

Arise! the oppressed peoples,
Arise!, the starving peoples,
The whole world is enslaved,
We will liberate it,

Destroy the world of violence,
Down to its foundation,
Let us build a new world,
One world for all!

This is the final conflict,
Unite, and resist.
The Internationale
Unites the world!

Neither kings nor deities,
will liberate us all,
All our liberations,
will be won with our own hands,

Liberate the souls from the prison,
Let's retake our works,
Fire up the furnance, hammer immidiately,
While the steel is still hot!


The oppressors had sucked our blood,
With taxes and tributes,
When the oppressors are in power,
We never have rights,

We will change the world,
And this is our cry:
"All power to the workers!
Go away all parasites!"


Curse to those who scatters wealth,
Kings of oil, kings of coal,
All their thrones and properties,
Are the result of robbing us all,

All factories, mines, refineries,
Were built only by us,
Our time had come,
To retake all that they had stolen from us!


Enough for all ruler's acts,
To bring war for us,
War to all tyrants!
Peace for the world!

If those tyrants want us,
To fight in their side,
Then they will soon realised,
That we had aimed our guns at them,


We are the workers of the world,
The mighty army of labourers,
All must belongs to the workers,
Not to the despicable parasites,

When the thunder rolls,
Above the insolence greeds,
The sun will shine above us,
Illuminate us forever,


Genalian version

The Genalian version of the Internationale was sung in Malay, the national language of the Socialist Republic. It was the national anthem and the anthem of the ruling Socialist Workers' Party.

Bangunkan rakyat yang tertindas,
yang sengsara dan merana.
masanya telah juga tiba,
untuk pembebasan kita!
Hancurkan rantai penindasan,
semua kita, bangun! Bangun!
Dunia baru 'kan didirikan,
hanya dengan usaha kita!

Perjuangan, kemenangan,
bersatulah melawan.
Dan Internasionale,
pasti 'kan berjaya!
Perjuangan, kemengangan,
bersatulah melawan.
Dan Internasionale,
pasti 'kan berjaya!

Tiada lagi penguasa,
yang boleh menghentikan kita,
dari menyemarakkan semangat revolusiner kita!
Para pekerja dan buruh tani,
ayuh semua, bangkitlah!
Hancurlah masa kegelapan, dan bangkitlah kegemilangan!

Perjuangan, kemenangan,
bersatulah melawan.
Dan Internasionale,
pasti 'kan berjaya!
Perjuangan, kemengangan,
bersatulah melawan.
Dan Internasionale,
pasti 'kan berjaya!