Supreme Court of Gapla

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Supreme Court of Gapla
EstablishedFebruary 28, 2019
Country Federated States of Gapla
LocationNew Gaplastovia

The Supreme Court of Gapla, officially the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Gapla, is Gapla's highest (and only) court in its Federal Court System, and serves as the country's legislative branch. Prior to the reformations, it was administered by the Ministry of Justice. The court's membership consists of one Chief Justice and four associate justices, for a total of five justices. Cases are decided by simple majority, and in the case of a tie (when an even number of justices are required to decide a case), the vote of the Chief Justice holds more power.

Currently, there are no justices on the Supreme Court, as the Court has been dissolved. Following practical reformations to halt most of the government until Greater Danubia is inhabited by Gapla, it has been temporarily replaced by the Council of Ministers, which runs all three of Gapla's branches of government. Prior to these reformations, the Supreme Court actively served as the country's highest court of justice, and has decided several cases, many of them being noted as "landmark cases" due to their importance in Gaplan history and judicial precedent.

Landmark cases

The following is a list of landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court prior to the reformations. Bold indicates the victor.

  • Serena Ali v. Dominion of Snakaris
    • Serena sued the Dominion of Snakaris concerning the legality of the invasion of her state.
    • The court ruled that the invasion was illegal.
  • Serena Ali v. Dominion of Emeralkia
    • Serena sued the Dominion of Emeralkia concerning the legality of the invasion of her state.
    • The court ruled that the invasion was legal.
  • Federated States of Gapla v. Serena Ali
    • The government sued Serena concerning the legality of discrimination in her state.
    • The court ruled that Serena did not have a right to discriminate.
  • Dominion of Snakaris v. George Yang
    • The Dominion of Snakaris sued George Yang for illegally acting on its behalf.
    • The court ruled that George had no right to act on behalf of Snakaris.
  • Chelsea Chen v. Shaun Madillo
    • Chelsea Chen sued Shaun Madillo for illegally entering into an election.
    • The court ruled that the entrance was illegal.
  • Federated States of Gapla v. Aaron Alcarioto
    • The government sued Aaron for sexual misconduct, misogyny, and sexual harassment.
    • The court ruled that while the events did happen, it was protected under freedom of speech.
  • Federated States of Gapla v. Changli Representation Bureau
    • The government sued Changli R.B. for its supposed casting of illegal votes in an election.
    • The court ruled that Changli R.B. did not cast illegal votes.

Chief Justices

The following is a list of former Chief Justices of the Supreme Court prior to the reformations.

  • The Hon. Shaun Madillo (de facto FRP)
  • The Hon. Emma Bunnell (de facto FRP)
  • The Hon. Kevin Bouge (independent)
  • The Hon. Scott Chiang (de facto PLP)