Marx Cabinet

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Joseph Marx Cabinet
2nd ministry of North American Confederation

Date formed 30 May 2015
Date dissolved Current
People and organizations
Head of government Joseph Marx
Head of state William I
Member party Initially Independent, later Centrist-Liberal coalition
Status in legislature Coalition
Opposition party Constitutionalist
Opposition leader Friedrich Albrecht von Aurora
Legislature term(s) Provisional Government
Previous Meek
Successor Incumbent

The Marx Cabinet is the current provisional government of the North American Confederation. Started on 30 May 2015, following an agreement between William I and Joseph Marx to establish a provisional government until a new Constitution could be ratified. Led by then Independent Joseph Marx (formerly the Foreign Minister during the Meek Cabinet), it collaborated with the Emperor exclusively until the passage of the Provisional Legislature Act formed the 2nd North American Congress. It was preceded by the Meek Cabinet, which collapsed during the Interregnum period.


Following the collapse of the Meek government in April 2011, the North American Confederation entered an interregnum period of approximately four years, with no singular leader or authority in charge. On the 30 May 2015, the Emperor spoke with Joseph Marx with the desire to return order to the Confederation. The two restored the monarchy and Marx was named the new Prime Minister.

Reorganization and Unification

Early on, the cabinet placed its focus primarily on reorganizing the nation, establishing basic relations with other nations, and expanding the citizenry of the Confederation, as many of these had been lost during the interregnum. One of the first acts the new government enacted was the Unification Agreement of 2015 which formally removed Marx's royal titles and stabilized the Confederation's monarchy, as well as the Land Claims Act and Land Claims Reformation Act, which formally organized the Confederation's new territorial claims.

The goal of the early ministry was to create a sense of stability and order that would warrant the need for a new constitution. As 2015 gave way to 2016, the size and goal of the Marx government would change.

The Ministry grows

On the 8 June 2015, the Prime Minister appointed Kasey Honings to the position of Deputy Prime Minister, he was replaced on the 23 April 2016 by the leader of the Liberal Party, Amanda McCollum.

On the 26 September 2015, he appointed Jacob Benning to become Minister of Defense and General Inspector of the Armed Forces, this latter role was soon replaced by Friedrich Albrecht von Aurora who became Chief of Staff on the 20 April 2016.

The latest non-replacement cabinet member was Empress Alyssa von Hartmann-Peters, who became Minister of Finance on the 2 November 2016.

The Compact, Acrin, and the Provisional Legislature

The first major diplomatic challenge for Marx's government came in October 2015, when a territorial dispute arose between the Confederation and the Grand Republic of Delvera. Under the Land Claims Act of 2015, the Confederation had laid claim to entire state of Missouri, including lands claimed by Delvera. Through negotiations with then-Consul David Sarkozy, the Missouri Compact was signed, formally shifting the borders of the Confederation to north of the Missouri River (though the Land Claims Reformation Act would later remove claims to any part of Missouri), establishing strong ties with Delvera, and the issuing of the Missouri Proclamation, which became the government's foreign policy.

On the 10 May 2016, following negotiations with Oscar I, Emperor-King of Karnia-Ruthenia, the Kingdom of Acrin was admitted into the Confederation as the nation's third state, behind Illinois and Greene.

Upon the passage of the Provisional Legislature Act on the 16 September 2016, the 2nd North American Congress was established and the new party system was unofficially adopted. The first session of Congress met on the 3 December 2016 and the outlines of establishing a new Constitution were voted upon. In addition, a new goal of economic stability was formally discussed.

The North American Pretender Crisis

February 2017 saw the biggest diplomatic incident of Marx's government up to that point, when the former North American Prime Minister and current King of Eniarku, Aaron I used the abdication statement issued by Emperor William prior to the interregnum to lay claim to the North American throne. The incident launched a series of diplomatic correspondences and declarations from around the world and even threatened to end in the negation of Eniarku's Treaty of Mutual Recognition with the Confederation.

On the 20 February 2017, caving to international and diplomatic pressures, Aaron I relinquished his claim, ending the Crisis and preserving the diplomatic relationship between Eniarku and the Confederation.


The cabinet consists of the following ministers:

Portfolio Minister Took office Left office Party
Prime Minister Joseph Marx 30 May 2015 Incumbent Centrist
Deputy Prime Minister Kasey Honings 8 June 2015 23 April 2016 Independent
Amanda McCollum 23 April 2016 Incumbent Liberal
Minister of Defense
Jacob Benning 26 September 2015 Incumbent Independent
Chief of Staff 26 September 2015 20 April 2016
Friedrich Albrecht von Aurora 20 April 2016 Incumbent Constitutionalist
Minister of Finance Alyssa von Hartmann-Peters 2 November 2015 Incumbent Independent
Minister of Foreign Affairs vacant
Minister of Justice vacant
Government Press Secretary vacant

See also

Preceded by:
Meek Cabinet
Government of the North American Confederation
Succeeded by: