Statistic-Dime LGBT Rights Index

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The LGBT Rights Index is an index of micronations ranked by LGBT rights. The index was created by Zabëlle Skye for the New Eiffel-based company Statistic-Fire, which is now a subsidiary of Statistic-Dime.[1]



2020 Index

20: Most LGBT friendly
17 — 19: Very LGBT friendly
14 — 16: LGBT friendly
10 — 13: Moderately LGBT friendly
7 — 9: Relatively LGBT friendly
4 — 6: Somewhat LGBT friendly
2 — 3: Partially LGBT friendly
0 — 1: Very slightly LGBT friendly
-2 — -1: Moderately Not LGBT friendly
-5 — -3: Not LGBT friendly
-10 — -6: Strongly not LGBT friendly

2019 Index

15: Most LGBT friendly
13 – 14: Very LGBT friendly
10 – 12: LGBT friendly
8 – 9: Moderately LGBT friendly
6 – 7: Relatively LGBT friendly
4 – 5: Somewhat LGBT friendly
2 – 3: Partially LGBT friendly
0 – 1: Very slightly LGBT friendly
-2 – -1: Moderately Not LGBT friendly
-5 – -3: Not LGBT friendly
-10 – -6: Strongly not LGBT friendly

2020 index

The 2020 survey was conducted by Statistic-Dime between 5–15 May 2020, and lists 34 nations.

Rank Nation Score Further reading
1 Nullus 20
1 Gaia 20
1  Misberia 20
1 Alboliastan 20
1 Hắc Long Empire 20
6  Sabia and Verona 19 LGBT rights in Sabia and Verona
6 North American Commonwealth 19
6 Coldahan 19
6 Antonian Empire 19
6  Grand Republic of Cycoldia 19 LGBTQ+ rights in Cycoldia
6 Roskya 19
6  Aenopia 19 LGBTQ+ rights in Aenopia
6 Blition 19
6  Commonwealth of Essexia 19
15 [[File:|23x15px|border |class=|alt=|link=]] Ponderosa Hills 18
15 Elba Empire 18
15  Kingdom of Lytera 18 LGBT rights in Lytera
15  Carthia 18
19  Aenderia 17 LGBTQ+ rights in Aenderia
20  Orientia 16
20 Fesmar 16
22  Republic of New Westphalia 13
23  Kingdom of Brienia 12 LGBT rights in Brienia
24 Williamsburg 11
25  Serene Beaconite Republic 10
26 Abristan 9
27  Principality of New Eiffel[a] 8 LGBT rights in New Eiffel
28  Belgica 7
29 Archduchy of Pennsylvania 6
30  Austenasia 4
31  Socialist United Republic of Ünie[b] 2
32 Hala'ib Triangle -2
33  Montescano -5 LGBT rights in Montescano
34  Nedland -10

2019 index

Conducted between 6 August 2019 and 29 September 2019, 26 nations participated. The highest 6 nations scored the maximum 15, while the Angle-Saxish Kingdom scored the lowest at -13, making it one of the only two nations with a negative score alongside the Islamic Republic of Hala’ib Triangle which had -4.

Rank Nation Score Further reading
1 United Kingdoms of Misberia and Caloudonum 15
1 Kohlandia 15
1  Kingdom of Gradonia 15
1 Ponderosa Hills 15
1 Somcowian Federation 15
1 Nottingham Empire 15
7 Helvetica 13
7  Lundenwic 13
7  Cycoldia 13 LGBTQ+ rights in Cycoldia
7  Adammia 13
7 Iustus Iustus 13
12 Millania 12
12 Wegmat 12
14  Posaf 10 LGBT rights in Posaf
15  Kingdom of Wyvern 9 LGBT rights in Wyvern
15  Confederation of Mahuset 9 LGBT rights in Mahuset
15 Pikelend 9
18  Ikonia 7
19 birder Plushunia 6
20  People's Federation of Quebec 5
20  Principality of New Eiffel 5 LGBT rights in New Eiffel
22  Socialist United Republic of Ünie 3
22  Austenasia 3
24  Montescano 1
25 Islamic Republic of Hala’ib Triangle -4
26 Angle-Saxish Kingdom -13

International response to the 2019 LGBT Rights Index

The Index has received endorsements from micronations, including Mahuset and Cycoldia.


The survey is self answered by the government or a high representative of the nation, which could lead to bias or misinformation.


  1. Some laws may vary by city
  2. Laws vary by district

See also
