The Playground was the site of Rushymia between 1995 and 2000, and the Midget Empire between 2002 and 2006. It is the Key Stage 2 playground of the primary school which Emperor Jonathan I, Crown Princess Caroline, Midget Fuhrer Thomas, and (for a short time) Lord Timothy attended. Since 2007, several refurbishments have been made to it, making it very different from the state it was in during the time of the Midgets - for example, a redevelopment of the Music Hut has resulted in the Midget Base itself no longer being in existence.
October 1995, at the founding of Rushymia.
July 1997, after the rebellion of the Footballers.
December 1997, when Alex the Great became King of Rushymia.
July 2002, immediately before the Midgets entered the Playground.
September 2002, when the Midgets entered the Playground.
May 2003, during the First Boys vs Girls War.
March 2004, after the First Boys vs Girls War.
September 2004, when Jonathan II became Midget Master.
February 2005, after the Midget conquest of the Line.
June 2005, after the Midget conquest of the Patioed Pathway.
April 2006, immediately before the War of the Midget Hunters.
Late May 2006, Pax Midgetana.