Aflah Alamsah Dani

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His Excellency
Comradsiyy Aflah Alamsah Dani

1st First Deputy Prime Minister of Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros
Assumed office:

September 22, 2010

Preceded by: Position Established
Succeeded by: Incumbent
4th Vice President of Los Bay Petros
Assumed office:

August 5 2010

Preceded by: Adly Nurfikriansyah
Succeeded by: Muhammad Hady Faiz
Governor of Dalnik
Assumed office:

August 20, 2009

Preceded by: Position Established
Succeeded by: Incumbent
Personal information
Born: 27 April 1998 (1998-04-27) (age 26)
Macronationality: Indonesian
Micronationality Los Bay Petrosian
Residence Dalnik, Dalnik
Religion Islam
Political Party National Action Party
LBPAF Rank Brigadier

Aflah Alamsah Dani is the fourth vice-president and the first First Deputy Prime Minister of Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros. He was inaugurated as the Vice President on 5 August 2010 as the new third cabinet did too and was replaced with Muhammad Hady Faiz on September 22, 2010. He was born on 27 April 1998, in Jakarta, Indonesia, and he's got his Los Bay Petrosian Nationality on July 13, 2010.

Current Occupation


Aflah Alamsah Dani's LBPAF Rank is the Brigadier. He was inaugurated as the Brigadier by Faris Ramadhan.

Awards and Decoration

Preceded by: First Deputy Prime Minister of Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros Succeded by:
Position Established September 2010 - Incumbent Incumbent
Preceded by: Vice President of Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros Succeded by:
Adly Nurfikriansyah August 2010 - September 2010 Muhammad Hady Faiz
Preceded by: Governor of State of Dalnik Succeded by:
Position Established August 2010 - Incumbent Incumbent
Preceded by: Head of Los Bay Petrosian Intelligence Agency Succeded by:
Adriansyah Yassin Sulaeman August 2010 - Incumbent None
Preceded by: Mayor of Dalnik City Succeded by: [[File:{{{image}}}|30x30px]]
Position Established August 2010 - Incumbent Incumbent