Hodish language

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Modern Reformed Hodish
Mødern Réfohrm't Hødinisch
Regulated byKømítah dé Hødinisch Schprahche
Spoken inHodiny
Total speakers1
  • Germanic
    • West Germanic
      • Anglo-Frisian
        • Anglic
          • English
            • Hodinian
              • Hodish
            • Old Hodish
            • Middle Hodish
            • Modern Hodish
            • Modern Reformed Hodish

Hodish is a Germanic language. It is a constructed language being constructed by Duke Dylan I of the Duchy of Hodiny. Below is the alphabet, and a sample text can be found on the wiki page Duchy of Hodiny. The current form is called Modern Reformed Hodish. Written out, it is to a degree mutually intelligible with English, but when spoken it isn't as easily translated. It is gradually moving away from English, and more towards German. Duke Dylan has said before about Hodish, "My goal is to make it a rough sounding language, like German." Hodish is regulated by the KHS, also called the Kømítah dé Hodinisch Schprahche. MR Hodish has 30 letters, and Duke Dylan is working on creating a conscript version of Hodish for anyone to learn.


  • Aa (a like in cat)
  • Åå (ah like in law)
  • Bb (b like in bat)
  • Dd (d like in ding)
  • Ee (eh like in elf)
  • Éé (ay like in way)
  • Ff (f like in fight)
  • Gg (g like in geek)
  • Hh (h like in hive)
  • Ii (i like in lick)
  • Íí (ee like in bee)
  • Jj (y like in yacht, ee like in geek at end of words)
  • Kk (k like in king)
  • Ll (l like in like)
  • Mm (m like in many)
  • Nn (n like in nice)
  • Oo (o like in good)
  • Øø (oh like in glow)
  • Pp (p like please)
  • Rr (r like in rat)
  • Ss (z like in zap, s at end of words)
  • Tt (t like in taunt)
  • Uu (uh like in blunder)
  • Üü (oo like in glue)
  • Vv (v like in Vladimir)
  • Xx (ks like in slacks)
  • Ýý (ee like in geek)
  • Zz (ts like in pets)
  • þ (th like in thorn)
  • ß (s like in sat)

Letter Combos

  • Au represents the ow sound like in now.
  • Eu represents the oy sound like in coin.
  • Qt represents the j sound like in just.
  • Cz represents the ch sound like in check.
  • Ch represents the guttural ch sound like in Bach and loch.
  • Ah is used for the first time in a word in place of å, å is used every time after (like in mahkå).
  • Oh is used in place of ø whenever in front of r like in or board, and when in front of l like in Noland.
  • E is used as a schwa at the ends of words.
  • Ý is only used at the ends of words, in demonyms, in place of í/j.
  • Eh is used for the short e. Technically, just plain e is also acceptable, and both spellings of words with that sound in them are both acceptable.


Sír - 0

Ín - 1

Vü - 2

Czj - 3

Vohr - 4

Fív - 5

ßijx - 6

ßív - 7

Et - 8

Nin - 9

Ínsír - 10

Ínín - 11

Ínvü - 12

Ínczj - 13

Ínvohr - 14

Ínfív - 15

Ínßijx - 16

Ínßív - 17

Ínet - 18

Ínin - 19

Vüsír - 20

Vüín - 21

Vüvü - 22

Vüczj - 23

Vüvohr - 24

Vüfív - 25

Czjsír - 30

Vohrsír - 40

Fívsír - 50

ßijxír - 60

ßívsír - 70

Ezír - 80

Ninsír - 90

Ínhündert - 100

Vühündert - 200

Czjhündert - 300

Íntausnd - 1000

Vütausnd - 2000

Vütausndínßijx - 2016

Ínsírtausnd - 10000

Hündertausnd - 100000

Míln - 1000000

Bíln - 1000000000

Tríln - 1000000000000

Evolution of Hodish

Hodish has been in construction since mid-2013, before Hodiny existed. It started as a mainly gibberish language named Dylanian. It looked something like this from what little records have been gathered:

Hæ. I æmpf Dylan, wænd I æmpf mākn na lāňgwij kold Dylanian.

Translation: Hi. I am Dylan, and I am making a language called Dylanian.

Dylanian became Zylandian after a code attempt made by the rebels in the Springfield Revolution. It became Centish after that, and soon Ërsten, which was renamed Old Hodinian.

English to Centish

English: Hello. My name is Dylan Emborough, and I am writing in a language called Hodish. I made this language.

Dylanian: Hæ. Mersh nām ix Dylan Emborough, wænd I æmpf riteeň inna lāňgwij kold Hodish. I māded thish lāňgwij.

Zylandian: Hei. Mein naam iz Dylan Emborough, vand Ii bim riiteeňg inna lāngtheeňg kold Hodish. I maad tis lāngtheeňg.

Centish: Hi. Mei naamnə əz Dylan Emborough, vand Ii bəm riiteeňg ən ə laaňgwijtheeňg kold Hodish. Ii maad dis laaňgwijtheeňg.

(Language abandoned till 2014ish)

Old Hodinian/Oold Hoodineein: Heloo. Mii naam iz Dilin Embroo, aand Ii aam riiteeng in u laangwi|\ käld Hoodißh. Ii maad þis laangwi|\.

New Hodinian/Nū Hoodinēin: Heloo. Mī nām iz Dilin Embřoo, ānd Ī ām řītīň in ə lāňgvi|\ khäld Hoodiš. Ī mād þis lāňgvi|\.

(Language abandoned till October 2015)


Old Hodish/Ältu Hoodißh: Häloo. Mee'saa nämä es Dilin Embroo, aand Ii aam reet'eeng in aa laang nämä't Hoodißh. Ii mäkä't þis laang.

Middle Hodish/Mitl Hødixh: Salü. Më'sé nåmå es Dilin Embrø, ë Î ém rët'ëng in é léng nåmå't Hødixh. Î måkå't þis glheþ.

Modern Hodish/Mødairn Hødin'léng: Hålø. Mijn nåmå es Dilin Embrø, ë Ik bin rët'ëng in glheþ nåmå't Hødin'léng. Ik måkå't dås glheþ.

Modern Reformed Hodish/Mødern Réfohrm't Hødinisch: Hålø. Mijn Nahmå es Dilin Emborø, ünd Ich bin hrø'ung ahn Schprahche nahmå't Hødinisch. Ich mahkå't dås Schprahche.

Dialects and Offshoots


Zln used to be Middle Hodish for slang, but it has now evolved into meaning lazy, a name that quite befits this dialect, more like a language now due to its decreasing similarity to Hodish, especially with the introduction of MR Hodish. Here is a sample of Zln:

Hlø. Mij nåmuz Dilin Embrø, ëjijm rëdëng in glheþ nåmåt Zln.

This one is an offshoot dialect of Middle Hodish/Mitl Hødixh. It retains many of the same spellings, except this is the most widespread version of what was at the time Hodish due to the inability of many people to pronounce Hodish right. Zln for Hodish Language is Hødixh Léng


This is a version of Hodish (offshoot of Modern Hodish (not MR Hodish)) written in the Cyrillic script. The only thing different is the way it is written and a few tweaks to how it sounds. Otherwise it sounds a lot like Modern Hodish.


Ånlæhån is an official language of Fredeliglan (now named Anlehan, after the language). This one was meant to be based off Middle Hodish but also bring back some Old English elements. Written out, you didn't have to know any of it to be able to figure out what it says if you know English well enough. This was created by Fredeliglan's President Lily. Ånlæhån was split into two different dialects that were quite different, but still mostly mutual intelligible. Ånlæhån for Hodish Language is Hödiš Lång. Ånlæhån's two dialects, Åmlædåm and Mådrn Ånlaahån, both have different ways of pronouncing Hodish Language.

  • Åml: Dödiš Låmg
  • Måd Ånl: Hødiš Låň

Ā/É and Ē/Í

A new rule in Hodish respelled many words. It replaced the Romance É and Germanic Í with the Baltic Ā and Ē, respectively. It is a source of controversy. One proposal is to make the two variants different languages. If so, this new one with Ā and Ē would be called Baltodish.


Baltodish is the proposed dialect of Modern Reformed Hodish with Baltic elements.

Baltodish: Ēch mahkå't dahs Schprahche. Dahs Schprahche es nahmå't Hødinisch. Prēmrē farvēātn'n es Ā ünd Ē.

MR Hodish: Ich mahkå't dahs Schprahche. Dahs Schprahche es nahmå't Hødinisch. Prímrí farvíétn'n es É ünd Í.

Kømítah dé Hødinisch Schprahche

The Kømítah dé Hødinisch Schprahche is the regulating body of the Hodish language. It's literal translation is Committee of Hodish Language. It used to be 'Kømëtå dé dj Hødixh Léng', but the word for 'the' was taken out, and the spelling reordered. It's two members are Dylan Emborough and Nick Kaos. Dylan Emborough is also a member of Flaré's regulating body.


Language Text
English Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood.

Old Hodish Ärteechlaa een daa dee Uunvrs'al Dechlahraaxhn daa Huumn Rech'led:

Äldaa huumn peepv'led är boorm't vrii ekvl in tigniixhj ee rech'led. Daa är gäv't viþ juufeech ee bränzhnts ee xhod acht tuu aach utr in aa xhprt daa bruudair'ns.

Middle Hodish Årtëklå ën dé dë Ünvrs'al Deklåréxhn dé Såvj Rek'led:

Åldåm såvj pëpv'led år'sé børm't vrei ekvl in tignëxhj ë rek'led. Dé år gåv't viþ jüfëk ë brånžnts ë xhod åkt tü ék ütr in é xhprt dé brüdair'ns.

Modern Hodish Årtëkl ën dé dj Üntivrs'al Deklåréshn dé Såvj Rek'led:

Åldåmbu såvj pëpv'led år'sé børm't vrij ekvl in tignëshj ë rek'led. Dé år gaaf't viþ jüfëk ë brånžnts ë shod åkt tü ék ütr in é shprt dé brüder'ns.

Modern Reformed Hodish Ahrkl ín dé Üntivrsch'ahl Deklahréschn dé ßahvj Recht'n:

Ahldåmbe ßåvj pípv'n ahr bohrm't vrij í ekvl in tigníschj í recht'n. Dé ahr gaaf't viþ jüfík í brahnžnz í schod ahkt tü ék ütr in é schprt dé brüder'ns.

Mutual Intelligibility Table

English Ånlæhån Mådrn Ånlæhån Åmlædåm Zln Mødern Réfohrm't Hødinisch Deutsch (German)
one en en em ën ín eins
yellow łilö jįlø łilö ilø ílø gelb
noodles nüdål'læd myüdål'laad müdål'ed nüdlled Nüdel'n Nudeln
water œåtįr våtër œåtîr våsr Vahßer Wasser
pepper pæłepair péjepr pæyepair fefr Pfefer Pfeffer
German Jermin Qtrmen Jermim Qtrmin'låndair Grøßesisch, Deuczisch Deutsch
base bæs baas bæs kåmfrmt sahklådj Base
dinner dįnr dinr dimr züpr ßupr, Ahbndéßn Abendessen
fire fërə fëru fëru pîr Pijrø Feuer
river rįfvr rįfvr rįfvr Flüs Žréchah, Flüs Fluss
breakfast brekfst brekus brekfüsht brék fjüxht Früschtük Frühstück
woman vmn voulmn vomm femin Mahdkn Frau
girl gorl gorl gorl femin Femin Mädchen
light lįtëə lįtëu litëu lëkt Licht Licht
lawn læn laan laam loun Grahs Rasen
empire åmpær åmpr åmpæjær ëmpërëum Rijch Reich
birthday brþdæ brthdaa brtddé børmtåg Bürtstahg, Küchintahg Geburtstag
beer bër bër bër alkøhålu Bíor Bier
language lång lång låmg glheþ Schprahche Sprache
cake cüsåkå küskå küsku kåku Küchin Kuchen
love ləv luv luv lëbu Lüf Liebe
apple įpl įpol įpil épulu Ahpålå Apfel
eat įåt ëåt æyåt étu ésn essen
star štör stør str Xhtrn Schtjerne Stern