Djuyuhšek languages

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The Djuyuhšek languages, also called the Djuyuhšek language family, consists of a language family created by Dylan Emborough. It is still under construction however. It is an a priori language family, and Dylan wants to someday use these languages in a Tolkien-esque short story series, as well as cultural source for Hodiny.


Djuyuhšek is the proto-language of this language family, named after this language. It has not yet been created, as Dylan plans for the members of the Şyehknï tUngfahbuh bRehbif to play a 'language hunt' game to piece together this language. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into every language in this family except this one.


Şyehknï (English transliteration: Šjekne) is the most developed of these languages. It, like all the other languages in the Djuyuhšek Language Family, is an a priori language. It is the head of the Ştehknï Language Branch.


Djudjek is the other language descended from Djuyuhšek. It is the sibling language of Şyehknï, and it's the head language of the Ludjek Language Branch.


Flivgï is a descendant language of Şyehknï. It hasn't been elaborated too much on yet, but Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into Flivgï. Flivgï will also be a part of the Ştehknï Language Branch.


Djudjak is an idea language that if created will be descended from Djudjek, and a part of the Ludjek Language Branch.


Language Text
English Article one of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


Fyuhmpştuh gïtu djk pdon vOdvahj`kl sNehbvo djk şAhvï tÏcyen`teh:

Kolp şahvï tyupr`teh tyï qypn`voc vrïk qsk kïngovp ty vrfn qsk tïcyen`teh° Rbejn tyï gahfn`voc fyr jenklahmbï qsk rvenpuh djk mnehtmrï hahlf þrïn ndjehn ty polkm djk pïkahro`qn°

Flivgï Fehmpştuh gidu d pdon vOdvah`kl sNehbvom d şAvï tÏcyenuh`teh:

Kahlp şavï yup`teh yï qpn`vahc vīc sk kïngopv y fnvr sk tïcyenuh`teh° Bedjn yï gepn`vahc fr enklambī sk vehnpu d metrï helf drïn nyekhen y polk d pīkerot`cn°

Djudjek Fuhmpštuduh gītu djk don Vovahdj`kl Snehbvo djk Šahvï Tïcyehn`teh:

Kulp šahvï tyopr`teh tï qyïpehn`vuc vrīc čšk kingovop te vrfn čšk tïcyehn`teh• Rabehdjahn tï gefn`vuc fyt djehnklahmbïtuh čšk venpuhm djk mehtrïm hehlfdu trïn nddjehc tīyï pulkmn djk pïcahro`qnč•

Djudjak Ůmpštaduh kïltů djek on Vovahd`kl Snenbo djek Šefï Tïcyyen`teh:

Kůlp šefï tyor`teh ï kyyīpn`vůc vrīc čšk kindjovop le vrfn čšk tïcyyehn`teh• Rahbdjn ï gehlfn`vůc ft djehnklahmbï čšk velehnpyyům čšk mehtrïm hehmp trīnt jehc tehyyï půl čšk pinkahro`kn•