Essian Monarchy

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Lord of Esse
since 30 April 2020

since 30 April 2020
StyleHis Majesty
First monarchHIllM Lord Henry
Formation1 June 2015
ResidencePalisso House, San Bernardo

The Essian Monarchy, referred to in short as simply the Lordship, is the regal and political institution comprising of the Monarch of the historical Essian people, the Confederation of Esse, and, by extention, one-half of the Diarchy of the Uber-Essian Union.

Within the Essian Commonwealth, the formal title gathered from constitutive decrees was "monarch." Males held the title of Lord and females held the title of Lady, with the office originally being defined with the universal title of Lord Protector until the Declaration of Reformation in 2017. The first monarch was HIllM Henry, who had served in the office since its creation on 1 June 2015.

Since January 2021, Patrick I has served as Lord Regent.

Powers and duties

The Constitution of the Confederation of Esse defines the Essian Monarchy as the following:

The Confederation of Esse will have, at the forefront of its governing structure, a monarch; this monarch shall be the head of state of the Confederation, and shall form one-half of the Uber-Essian Diarchy;

This monarch shall be known as the Lord/Lady, and his/her title shall be his/her Illustrious Majesty, the Lord/Lady of the Essians;

The monarch of the Confederation shall hold said title for life, or until such a time as he/she chooses to abdicate in favor of a successor.

The line of succession to the Essian throne is not, by design, hereditary; the monarch may decree a line of succession of whatever fashion he or she wishes;

The Lord/Lady may issue decrees that may unilaterally amend this document, or that may alter the way of the Confederation’s governance.

— Constitution of the Confederation of Esse, Article I

Within the context of the Uber-Essian Union, the Essian Monarch's power is defined in the Reme Treaty of Union as the following:

3. The diarchs of both confederations shall be known as Lord of the Essians, for the Confederation of Esse, and Lord of Uberquiesenberg, for the Confederation of Uberquiesenberg.
4. The Diarchal Crown shall rotate between the Lords of Uberquisenberg and of the Essians in a biannual basis.

— Treaty of Reme, Article I (General Provisions), §3-4


Lord Protector era (2015-2017)

Upon the penning of the Essian Instrument of Government, Henry Twain was elected to serve as the first Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of Esse. His official coronation took place at some point around the 3 June 2015, with one hand upon a Bible. The micronation went inactive after several months and spent several stints in other micronations.

Twain served as Lord Protector for the entirety of the early era.

Lordship & dormancy (2017-2020)

After a long stint of inactivity, the position was revived with the Restoration of Government order in January 2017 which reformed the office of Lord Protector into an absolute royal office known as the Lordship. Twain officially assumed the title on 30 January 2017, and the micronation was also recognized as a Grand Unified Micronational member state.

In late February, the office was reformed slightly with 8 Commonwealth Code, forming the office into an Imperial absolute monarch.

Stephen Freayth was appointed Lord Regent for a month-long period from July to August 2017 in Lord Henry's absence.

Upon the passage of the "Farewell Act" in March 2018, the Essian Commonwealth - and therefore the Essian monarchy - was dissolved.

Confederacy (2020-present)

On 30 April 2020, the Essian state was reformed into the Confederation of Esse, transitioning into a state of confederal diarchy with the Palatinate of Uberquiesenberg.

On 1 January 2021, Patrick Renwick was decreed to be Lord Regent of Esse indefinitely.


In the Essian Commonwealth, the rules of succession to the Lordship were established in 8 Commonwealth Code, establishing precedence to the partner of the Lord/Lady and - if applicable - his/her children. The lowest place on the line of succession enabled the Lord to establish other successors unrelated to the direct family granted there were not enough spaces filled to reasonably prepare for an emergency which would require a successor.

In the 2018 Essian Constitution, the Essian Monarchy became elective, inspired in part by the Commonwealth original governmental system with an elective "Lord Protector" serving as head of state.

As of the 2020 Confederation Constitution, the Essian Monarchy remains non-hereditary, and said line of succession is formed solely at the discretion of the reigning Lord through decree.


The royal style of the Lord was established in 8 Commonwealth Code and established provisions for the shortened and long-form title of the Lord/Lady. As of February 27, 2017, Lord Henry's short and long styles were the following.

Short form style

His Illustrious Majesty Henry the First, Lord of His Essian Commonwealth, Illustrissimus Majesty of the Saint Clément and Protector of His Realms, Leader of the Valitese Peoples and their Faith, Grand Prince of the Teodoria, Patrician-Viceroy of the Essian Domain, Marquis of New Keutschen, Count of Siñbaša, Duke of the Shorewellese Empire, et alii, Former Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, Leader of the Essians, Defender of the Liberty.

Long form style

His Illustrious Majesty Henry the First, Lord of His Essian Commonwealth, Illustrissimus Majesty of the Saint Clément and Protector of His Realms, Leader of the Valitese Peoples and their Faith, Grand Prince of the Teodoria, Patrician-Viceroy of the Essian Domain, Marquis of New Keutschen, Count of Siñbaša, Duke of the Shorewellese Empire, Sovereign of the Essian Order, Officer of the Austenasian Order, Captain of the Order of Uber-Ritter, Knight of the Order of Stravinia, Grand Commander of the Order of the Rampant Lion, Cavaleiro of the Majestic Order of Giovanna, Commander of the Order of St. Bartholomew, Knight of the Order of the Star and Rose, Knight of the Order of Memery, Knight of the Order of Peace, Great Knight of the Order of the Imperial Star, Knight of the Order of Custosia, Friend of the Kingdom of Jupiter, Recipient of the Space Port Protostar Medal, Former Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, Leader of the Essians, Defender of the Liberty.

Founder and President of the Federated States of America, Senator of the Federated States of America, President of the Atlantic Executive Council, Deputy First Minister of the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Council of the Triarchal Crowns of the Disciples, Acting President of the State of Galveston, Superintendent and Director of the Autonomous Financial District of the Intermicroeconomical Board of Trustees, Grand Duke of Twiselonia and the Saint Clément, Prince of the Principality and Tsar of the Tsardom of Valites, Co-founder and President of the United States of Wings and its subsequent states and municipalities, and so on and so forth.

Arms and standards

The Essian Monarch is represented by standards of both the Confederation individually and the greater diarchy, of which symbolism is shared with the Palatine-Viceroy of Uberquiesenberg.

See adjacent text
Primary standard of the Uber-Essian Union.
Primary standard of the Uber-Essian Union. 
See adjacent text
Royal standard of the Uber-Essian Union.
Royal standard of the Uber-Essian Union. 
See adjacent text
Confederal arms of the Uber-Essian Union.
Confederal arms of the Uber-Essian Union. 
See adjacent text
Royal and state flag of the Confederation of Esse.
Royal and state flag of the Confederation of Esse
See adjacent text
Coat of arms of the Confederation of Esse.
Coat of arms of the Confederation of Esse. 
See adjacent text
Seal of the former Essian Commonwealth.
Seal of the former Essian Commonwealth. 

List of monarchs

No. Name
Full name
Portrait Arms Reign Reign House Title
I Henry
Enzo I Clemens a Kastella
1 June
16 March
2 years, 288 days Clémens Lord of the Commonwealth
Rella a la Commessaloa
Signed the Instrument of Government and initial policy edicts. Was elected Lord Protector in June 2015 and held a coronation on 1 July. Led the relocation of land claims from Europe to North America. Oversaw the nation during its lengthy period of dormancy and period as a province of the Atlantic Commonwealth. Served as Patrician-Viceroy over Esse during its period as a colony of Mercia. Ratified the Declaration of Restoration, Constitution, and his Codes in 2017 and appointed the inaugural Heaminister. Signed the Treaty of New Halyards and negotiated the Treaty of Evansberg. Oversaw the Commonwealth's first general election. Served during and after Hurricane Harvey. Reconstruction of the Essian language. January 2018 general election. Dismantled the Commonwealth.
Vacant from 16 March 2018 to 30 April 2020
30 April
Incumbent 4 years, 69 days Clémens Lord of the Essians
Restored the Monarchy under the Confederation of Esse, forming the Uber-Essian Union.
Lord Regent

31 December
Incumbent 3 years, 190 days Renvik Lord Regent of the Essians
Lord Regent.