Houston sector

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Houston sector
General information
LocatedHouston, Texas
Sector founded2014
Nations in area
Notable people in areaHenry Clémens
Brandon Wu
John Churchill
Stephen Luke
Christina Nowell

The Houston sector is the term used to refer to the sector of micronations within Houston, Texas and its greater metropolitan area. It is a subsection of the greater Texas sector.

While micronations had existed in the greater Houston area prior, the conception of the Federated States of America in 2014 largely marked the beginning of the contemporary Houston sector. In 2016, the region began to be referred to as the Clementine sector due to Henry Clémens' involvement in both the Federated States and virtually every other Houston sector micronation up until that point. Since 2017, The term 'Houston sector' has become the most widely-recognized name for the sector, increasingly so as a variety of non Clémens-led micronations have risen within the region since 2018.



Prior to 2014, Houston-area micronations were relatively few and far between, especially within the MicroWiki community. Notable micronations in the area prior to 2014 include Burkland.


In the latter half of 2014, several micronations in the Houston area were founded that eventually would be regarded as the early 'founders' of the sector. This began with with three micronations - the Concord, Zevanland, and Gorgania - that formed an alliance, formally connecting different Houston sector micronations for the first known time. On 23 September, Concord - led by President Henry Clémens - expanded into the Federated States of America.

In 2015, the Federated States opened itself to recognizing other micronations, becoming an active participant in the MicroWiki community and joining the short-lived American Micronational Co-operation. Despite its increasing presence, the Federated States became notorious for its political instability. April saw the beginning of a two-month long string of scandals as Congress became highly argumentative: Vice President Brandon Wu was exposed for seeking to remove Clémens from his role as president, and following this affair Clémens - who had already sought once before to install himself as an absolutist leader - was universally panned for his proposal of a so-called 'Royalist Reformation'. Despite tensions cooling for a brief period, they quickly resumed once again, and by 3 June all the members of government had resigned. From the abandoned Federated States came two new micronations, founded on 1 and 2 June, respectively: the Commonwealth of Esse (led by Clémens) and the Republic of Galveston (led by Wu). Both fell relatively inactive by August 2015.

In January 2016, the Federated States was revived as the Atlantic Commonwealth by several of its former leaders, though by March this had practically become a one man nation led by Clémens. After this micronation was dissolved in May, a period of vast instability ensued, where Clémens formed a string of short-lived micronations within the sector, including the Grand Duchy of Twiselonia, Grand Duchy of St.Clemens, and Principality of Valites, among others. During this period, the term Clementine nations was coined in order to describe the now-extensive list of micronations associated with Clémens since 2014.

Also during this period, various non-Houston-based micronations took an interest in the sector. The State of Koss and Realms of Valdsland both acquired Clémens-led territory in the sector, while Esse was revived as a colony of Mercia and Galveston as a federal state of the Empire of Paravia. The United States of Wings, founded in November 2016, became one of the final micronations founded in this unstable period of the Houston sector.

In January, the Essian Commonwealth was reformed with the Declaration of Restoration, while much of it remained a Mercian colony until August. Throughout 2017, the Commonwealth became the most notable and stable Houston sector micronation to date; amidst this stability, the Commonwealth began replacing the Clementine nations terminology with Houston sector, and since then this has been the common way to refer to the sector. Notable events throughout 2017 within the Houston sector include Hurricane Harvey, the Treaties of Evansberg and New Halyards, the Beiwing court decision, and the creation of Messenger. James Reginald Frisch served 227 days as Heaminister of Esse, to that point the most consecutive days served by a head of government of a Houston sector micronation. Within Galveston, activity was lackluster; for much of the first half of 2017, Clémens took control of Galveston as Acting President. Upon Wu's return, Galveston (and the Empire of Paravia as a whole) struggled with activity, resulting in the end of Paravian federalism in January 2018. Galveston became the Lone Star Viceroyalty within Paravia.

Tarik Kârjasary was elected Heaminister of the Essian Commonwealth in January 2018. During his short term in office, Kârjasary tallied several notable accomplishments, including the ratification of the 2018 Constitution and the development of the Essian language. Despite this, the Commonwealth was dissolved in March, following a month-long process that saw Clémens depart from micronationalism. At the time of its dissolution, Esse had risen to be considered one of the foremost micronations of the MicroWiki community.


The departure of Clémens left a void in the Houston sector that was quickly filled, as an activity surge following the MicroWiki community move to Discord brought a wave of new micronationalists, including several in the greater Houston area. Micronations that rose to notoriety during this time include the Commonwealth of Dracul and Grand Republic of Cycoldia. Beyond the confines of the Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land metropolitan area, the Kingdom of Gradonia is also a notable Texas-based micronation relatively close to Houston formed in this era.


In addition to the persisting influence of micronations formed in the previous era, 2020 saw the Houston sector expand even wider. In April 2020, Henry Clémens returned to MicroWiki and the Houston sector, and in June 2020 the Uber-Essian Union was formed. Six months later, the Union became part of the Würtige Empire. In January 2021, Patrick Renwick was installed Lord-regent of the Confederation of Esse.

On 6 September 2022, Reme - the former capital of the Republic of Concord and thus the birthplace of the Houston sector - was relinquished as a claim by the Confederation of Esse.

Active micronations

Name Capital Government Year Founded Time period Head of state Notes
Cycoldia, Grand Republic of Empreton Constitutional monarchy 2018 Since 2018 Christina I
Esse, Confederation of San Bernardo Non-hereditary monarchy 2020 Since 2020 Henry Part of the Uber-Essian Union.
Dracul, Commonwealth of Bran District Constitutional monarchy 2017 Since 2017 James I Head of Government Stephen Luke
Lone Star, Viceroyalty of Galveston Viceroyalty 2018 Since 2018 Brandon Wu Part of the Empire of Paravia.
Paravia, Empire of Nyros Constitutional monarchy 2014 Since 2016 Patrick Part of the Würtige Empire.
Uber-Essian Union San Bernardo Confederal diarchy 2020 Since 2020 HenryNewton Part of the Würtige Empire.
Würtige Empire Würdigeland Constitutional monarchy 2012 Since 2021 Newton
People's Republic of Noland Nuevo San Luis Presidential republic 2020 Since 2020 Maine II Member of SNOP

Inactive/defunct micronations

Name Capital Government Years active Time period Head of state Notes
Atlantic Commonwealth Cambridge Democratic republic 2015—2016 2015—2016 Henry Clémens
Concord, Republic of Concord Republic 2014 2014 Henry Clémens
Essian Commonwealth Reme Elective constitutional monarchy 2015—2018 2015—2018 Henry
Esse, Domain of Esse Colonial viceroyalty 2016—2017 2016—2017 Henry Clémens Part of Mercia.
Federated States of America Quincy Constitutional republic 2014—2015 2014—2015 Henry Clémens
Galveston, Republic of Galveston Republic 2015—2016 2015—2016 Brandon Wu
Galveston, State of Galveston Constitutional monarchy 2016—2018 2016—2018 Brandon Wu Part of the Empire of Paravia.
St.Clemens, Grand Duchy of Memphis Constitutional monarchy 2016 2016 Henry
Valites, Principality of Reme Absolute monarchy 2016 2016 Henry Clémens Part of the State of Koss.
Wings, United States of Wingsington, D.C. Parliamentary republic 2016—2017 2016—2017 Henry Clémens

Notable people