Order of Trotsky

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Order of Trotsky
Орден Троцкий
Awarded by the Sovietian Emperor
TypeNational order
Established8 July 2020
MottoОрдем пела Револуçãо Перманенте!
Order by the Permanent Revolution!
Awarded forMeritorious achievements in service of the people.
StatusCurrently constituted
de facto Grand MasterConstantine I
First induction8 July 2020
Last induction28 March 2021
Next (higher)None (highest)
Next (lower)Order of the Scepter and the Sickle

The Order of Trotsky (Portuguese: Ordem de Trotsky; Cyrillic: Орден Троцкий ) is the highest civilian decoration bestowed by the Sovietian Empire, named after Leon Trotsky, the leader of the 1905 and co-leader of the 1918 Russian revolutions. Officialy headed by the Sovietian people, its de facto Grand Master is the Emperor of the Soviet Workers, as supreme representative of the popular working-class.

The order was established alongside with the country's proclamation of sovereignty over the world's factories on 8 July 2020 as the country's highest honour, immediately followed by the Order of the Scepter and the Sickle. It is granted to nationals and foreigners as a token of recognition for meritorious achievements as long as these achievements serves the people in either way.

The medal's design was inspired by that of the Order of Lenin of the former Soviet Union, replacing his name and effigy for that of Trotsky, as Sovietia's formal ideology is the Trotskyism, and adding the country's heraldic Crown of the People on top, representing the people's sovereignty over the order through the person of the Emperor.


The Order of Trotsky was formally created on 8 July 2020 by the proclamation on which Arthur II, then solely King of Ebenthal, claimed all of the world's factories as territory of a new sovereign entity, labeled micronational - the Sovietian Empire. The creation of the order came as a mean to keep this de facto "secondary micronation" (as Arthur's main micronational activity is in the Kingdom of Ebenthal) somehow active and to honour his friends and allies, specially those of socialist/communist sentiments. It was almost entirely inspired by the Soviet Union's Order of Lenin, changing and adding some features of Trotskyism such as Trotsky's effigy and name and an improvised motto regarding that communist leader's theory of permanent revolution which was developed during the 1905 revolution he led.

Since its establishment, the order have been awarded very few times, but the government kept no official record of it. As a result, on 1 February 2021, the Emperor decided to start granting the order from scratch, de-considering previous grants, unless those are proven by the recipients.

Precedence and privileges

The order is characterized as a single-grade order, thus, having only one grade. As the country is officialy communist, it does not grant or recognizes titles (other than the people's imperial title embodied by the person of the Emperor) and so, the order's sole grade is not that of Knight (or the feminine Dame) but Recipient. Recipients of this order are assigned positions in the order of precedence, ranking above recipients of the country's other two orders. Consorts, children and children-in-law does not takes part on the order of precedence, as the State's honour is granted to a personal level, meaning that relatives of the awarded are equal to be granted the order, but were not.

All members of the order are entitled to the prefixes of "Comrade". When an individual is entitled to use multiple post-nominal letters, the ones of the order (OTR) takes precedence.


The order is represented by the face of Leon Trotsky wrapped in golden laurels, representing his success. Above his portrait, there's the communist symbol of the hammer and sickle, at the left, a red star, and at the right his name written in a red ribbon. Above the medal stand the Crown of the People, the Sovietian Emperor's crown, representing the people's sovereignty over the order through his person. The colour of the order is light yellow and crimson red. The order's ribbon in yellow with a red hammer and sickle on the mid.


Grand Master

The order's establishment charter designates that, in order to keep real communism, the order has officialy no Grand Master and answers to the Sovietian people. But, as according to the constitution, the Emperor is the embodiment of the people and their supreme representative, as well as General Secretary of the Sovietian Workers' Party, to which all the working-class must be member, he acts as the de facto Grand Master and fons honorum of the order.

So far, the order have had one acting Grand Master:

Name Acting Grand Master and Sovereign as Period
Arthur I of Sovietia Emperor of the Sovietian Workers 8 July 2020 – present
Constantine I of Sovietia 8 June 2024 – present


Name Conferred as Date conferred
Karno-Ruthenian Empire Oscar I of Karnia-Ruthenia Emperor-King of Karnia-Ruthenia 28 March 2021
United Provinces of Mauritia Lucas, Stadhouder of Mauritia Stadhouder of Mauritia 28 March 2021
Villa Alicia Leonardo I Emperor of Villa Alicia 28 March 2021
Kingdom of Quinta Velha Thomas I of Quinta Velha King of Quinta Velha 28 March 2021
Kingdom of Luna Rafael I of Luna King of Luna 28 March 2021
Braspor Matheus I of Braspor King of Braspor 28 March 2021
Pedro I of Schneeblutig King of Schneeblutig 28 March 2021
Eminia Louis Phillipe I of Eminia King of the Eminians 28 March 2021
Vishwamitra Varuna Sriraya Rashtradhyaksh of Vishwamitra 28 March 2021
Sildavia Maria of Sildavia Queen of Sildavia 28 March 2021
Nossia Carlo, Prince of Nossia Prince of Nossia 28 March 2021
Rino Island Marco Antonio Rino President of Rino Island 28 March 2021
Achsen Lucas Ribeiro Archchancellor of Achsen 28 March 2021
Ebenthal Luísa Somme, 2nd Duchess of Montana Minister of Foreign Affairs 1 April 2021
Ebenthal Raphael Sousa ex-Prime Minister of Ebenthal 4 April 2021
United Provinces of Mauritia João Antônio Santana Chancellor of Mauritia 21 June 2021
New Southern Rhine Jonathan I King by the Rhine 9 August 2021
