List of current deputy prime ministers

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A deputy prime minister or vice prime minister is, in some countries, a government minister who can take the position of acting prime minister when the prime minister is temporarily absent. The position is often likened to that of a vice president, as both positions are "number two" offices, but there are some differences.

A deputy prime minister traditionally serves as acting prime minister when the prime minister is temporarily absent or incapable of exercising power. The deputy prime minister is often asked to succeed to the prime minister's office following the prime minister's sudden death or unexpected resignation, but that is not necessarily mandated by the constitution. This government position is often a job that is held simultaneously with another ministry, and is usually given to one of the most senior or experienced ministers of the cabinet. The holder of this office may also be deputy leader of the governing party, or perhaps the leader of the junior party of a coalition government.


State Position Current deputy prime minister(s) Party Assumed office
 Abelden Stellvertreter Newton von Uberquie National Royalists 7 August 2020
 Adammia Deputy Prime Minister Ned Hilton Liberal-Moderate 8 December 2022
 Atovia Deputy Prime Minister Andy Irons Conservative People's Party 10 May 2022
 Austenasia Deputy Prime Minister Bradley, Duke of Dullahan Independent 2 August 2022
 Cycoldia Deputy Prime Minister Avery Prasatik Monarchist Party 16 October 2022
 Imruland Deputy Prime Minister Safat Zareef Hassan Independent 27 January 2024
File:Flag of the State of Norton New.svg Norton Deputy Prime Minister Tobey Wyles Independent 10 March 2022
 Pinang Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Quintero People's Democracy 14 December 2021
 Queensland Deputy Prime Minister Mark Carleton National Liberal Party 8 July 2022
 Trasona Deputy Prime Minister Jebediah Powell Young Trasona 20 June 2022
 Vishwamitra Deputy Prime Ministers Farhaz Hazarika National People's Congress 29 March 2024
Arthur Lacey-Scott-FitzLacia 12 May 2024