Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization

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Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization
Official Flag Official Emblem

Motto Peace, Democracy, Micronationalism.

Official language English

Membership 11 states

Secretary-General John Gordon
Vice-Secretary General Vacant

Foundation 25 September 2011
IMTO reforms 1 January 2012
Dissolved April 11 2012

Website Official website
Official forum

This is the article for the treaty organization that was dissolved following the release of a St.Charlian Observer article. For the short-lived treaty organization established in May 2015, see Micronational Treaty Organisation.

The Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization was a intermicronational organization created on September 25, 2011 with the intent of expanding the Triple Alliance by adding several member states. Originally created with the aims of using militaristic and diplomatic measures to ensure inter-micronational peace, the aims were changed to improve inter-micronational diplomacy through diplomatic assistance, getting rid of the highly criticized militaristic ambitions of the organization.

During it's short history, the IMTO had seen numerous criticisms about its actions, such as during the Hamlingate scandal, and it's aims, such as its previous ambitions of spy agencies and militaristic programs. The IMTO was often poorly regarded in the micronational community due to these criticisms, although many Secretary-General administrations brushed off criticism.

The first Secretary-General of IMTO, who also is credited with founding the organization, was D Sherman of the Dale Republic. He was also known as the co-founder and last founder of the Triple Alliance, the preceding alliance to IMTO at the time of its founding, however he decided to resign on December 17, 2011 to protect the images of the organization and his own nation, the Dale Republic, in the MicroWiki community. Following his resignation, he handed the position of Seceretary-General over to Alexander Eastwood,[1] who in turn was voted out in a vote of no confidence not too long later.[2] He was Replaced by John Gordon on January 16, 2012, who then resigned after nearly destroying the organization on January 19, 2012. A new elections was set to choose a new Secretary-General on January 21, 2012,[3] with President of the Hamlinian Republic Casey Hamlin taking the position.

After the departure of Starland and Freedomia and a release of a conversation about IMTO disbandment, Hamlin disbanded the IMTO on April 11, 2012 at 3:34PM EST.


The IMTO was originally founded as the Triple Alliance,[4] a mutual recognition and military alliance founded by three MicroWikia micronations, including the Kingdom of the Dale Empire and the Grand Barony of Voltar. The Triple Alliance ended with the members being the Dale Republic, Marxist People's Republic of Burkland and Westsylvania.

The cause of the expansion of the Triple Alliance was started by the Dale Republic, who wished to make the Triple Alliance's military alliance part more possible by allowing the addition of new members, helping to make it possible to assist its members with the use of resolutions.[4]

IMTO was also created to handle the feared Westsylvania Civil War with gaining Northern Republic and Ultamiya admission into the organization. The Northern Republic did agree to join but Ultamiya did not.[5] Since then the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization gradually gained members including notable micronations such as, the former members USLSSR and the Republic of Atlantis, and current member Los Bay Petros.[5]

IMTO proved unable to advoid the war and failed to end it either.[6] However, the IMTO had remained confident of its potentional in the MicroWiki Community. However with the Hamlingate event IMTO had lost a massive margin of its credibility in the MicroWiki Community, mainly due to accusations from politicians from St. Charlie and Tiana, and the organization as heavily criticized for what happened in the trial.

One of the first major reforms was the replacing of the IMTO Treaty Council with the Inter-Micronational Parliament which was caused by the agreement that the European Union would be what the Inter-Micronational Treaty Council should be based from.

On January 17, 2012, newly elected Secretary-General John Gordon abruptly decided to dissolve the IMTO, stating that "The SIA (Sakasaria Intelligence Agency) DID have direct involvment in the destruction of the IMTO. it was a secret mission to infiltrate the high ranks and destroy it from the inside under the mask of stability issues and unprofessionality sic". Later were published several official documents, stating that the IMTO was not dissolved. On January 19, Gordon resigned and issued his official apology. On January 21, the new Secretary-General Election started,[3] with Casey Hamlin winning the election.

During the Hamlin administration, the organization saw a period of disarray due to uncertainties in membership after the January 17th Incident. Activity slowed for most of February 2012 and picked back up in early March 2012. Under the Hamlin administration, a new charter had been written and ratified, the IMTO Court of Justice was dissolved and membership began to recover. On March 2, 2012, Star McKinley of Starland was elevated to the position of Vice Secretary-General of IMTO. During the end of February and the beginning of March, the feud between Casey Hamlin and D Sherman picked up after Hamlin released a scathing account of Clarke's tenure as Secretary-General, leading to a public copyright battle over the logo and flag of the IMTO, which Clarke backed off of.


On April 11, 2012, The St.Charlian Observer released a discussion held between then Secretary-General Hamlin and Riley Small over dissolution of the IMTO. The discussions revealed that Hamlin had tried to make a backroom deal with Small in order to speed up the dissolution process. Hamlin tried to talk Small into secretly spreading information about a possible dissolution of the IMTO to the public, which Hamlin believed would push public pressure on Yaroslav Mar, one of the last members of the organization, to vote yes on a resolution to dissolve it. Hamlin had referenced Mar's unwillingness to come to terms with the imminent demise of the organization, and wanted to use public pressure to make Mar, in his own words, "bow out". After the discussion was released, Mar and the Republic of Lostisland officially withdrew from the IMTO, allowing Hamlin to shut it down. Many micronational leaders expressed agreement with the dissolution, but were mostly baffled by Hamlin's handling of the situation. Hamlin officially apologized to Mar and other members of the organization, but didn't apologize for his handling of the dissolution, saying that "the end justified the means".


The aims of the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization were to support our members in a diplomatic and political manner to improve cooperation between them for the best interest of the members. The IMTO also wishes to improve diplomacy between each member nation and with other nations in not just the MicroWiki sector, but the micronational world for the benefit of member nations and the sector as a whole.


After the reforms in the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organizastions' system, IMTO is now controlled by the Inter-Micronational Parliament which is based on the European Parliament. Three of the four original principal organs, the Secretariat, the Court of Justice and the Trusteeship Council. The only official language of the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organizastion used in intergovernmental meetings and documents remained English.[4]

Inter-Micronational Parliament

The Inter-Micronational Parliament was the agreed replacement for the IMTO Treaty Council as part of the 2012 reforms to the running of the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization. Unlike the former Treaty Council, all members of IMTO had a seat in the Parliament with no veto powers or any power, however they do have the power of Opt-out.


New members of the have been introduced in to the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization multiple times through out its history. The latest being during November 2011. The IMTO comprised of nearly 20 members located in 3 different continents, North America, Europe and Asia at its peak, but those numbers dramatically dropped after the Gordon administration and subsequent scandal.

See also