Criticism of the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization

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The Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization, or the IMTO, had been criticized for a number of reasons during the history of the organization, including its lack of original goals, low quality of leadership and lack of professionalism commonly expected in the MicroWiki community. These criticisms were nearly universal from the MicroWiki Community, as well from inside the organization itself.

The organization saw two scandals, the first was Hamlingate, which involved the trial of future Secretary-General Casey Hamlin for allegedly faking or severely over-exaggerating the Hamlinian Civil War and for creating Phillip Heisner. Hamlin was acquitted but not after facing scrutiny from the community. The second was the IMTO Dissolution Scandal, where then Secretary-General Hamlin conspired to use public pressure to force the organization closed, only for the plan to be publicly released. After some nations left in disgust, Hamlin authorized the disbandment with seemingly no remorse.

Inside the organization's leadership, unusually little amounts of time or energy were expended in order to address the criticisms, letting them roll over from one Secretariat administration to another, mostly because some of the criticism was directed the Secretary-General themselves.


Lack of professionalism

One common criticism of the IMTO was its lack of professionalism, specifically grammar and the subject matter of discussions. Some of the criticized subjects include the IMTO speaking of creating secret spy agencies, its ambition of militaristic action including its founding purpose for use during the Westsylvania War, and its abrupt end and re-founding after the crisis created by John Gordon. It was also heavily criticized for its poor grammatical quality, usually spelling and sentence structure, despite several attempts by the organization to reduce said errors.

The organization was occasionally criticized for its member base, which mostly consisted of young, inexperienced micronationalists who believed that micronationalism was a game and could be treated as such. In the final months of its existence, the IMTO pushed forward strict membership policies hoping to control the incoming flow of said members.

Vulgarity and grammar

Members of the IMTO, many of whom were younger micronationalists, had a history of using unprofessional and vulgar language on MicroWiki, the MicroWiki forums and the IMTO forums, thus representing the IMTO in a negative light to the more established members of the community. Getting into arguments with many members of the IMTO prompted expletive-filled rants by the member. The IMTO, realizing this was hurting its already soiled reputation, had responded by putting forward measures to ensure that formality is used by all members at all times, including a new section in the revised charter exclusively addressing the subject.

The grammar of many members and leaders was also ridiculed by many. Even with set rules on grammar in place by the Inter-Micronational Parliament, members posting messages around the community often used unacceptably incorrect grammar. Famously included in the group of those who made grammatical errors was founder D Sherman.

Subject matter

The IMTO had also been severely criticized over the subjects brought up by members, its aims, and its founding principles. Subjects that have garnered controversy included the plans for a spy agency that operates an international database of information and multiple militaristic endeavours including the Westsylvania War and the Hamlinian Civil War.

A large criticism came with the organization's intent to hold international trials of micronational politicians, most famously during the Hamlingate scandal, when they tried Secretary-General of the IMTO Casey Hamlin for allegedly creating Phillip Heisner as an enemy during the Hamlinian Civil War. Hamlin was later acquitted, but not before the trial garnered massive amounts of negative attention from the greater community, both in the organization and Hamlin's direction.

People also criticized the aims of the IMTO, saying that militaristic aims are unrealistic and unnecessary. Secretary-General Hamlin changed the aims in the revised charter to calm the criticism, to almost no avail.


The IMTO Dissolution Scandal, also referred by a minority as IMTOgate, was a scandal which oversaw that disestablishment of the organisation. It began on April 11, 2012, after the St.Charlian Observer released an article which revealed then Secretary-General Casey Hamlin's plans to use the coordinated leak of information, via President of Kozuc Riley Small, to court public pressure upon Yaroslav Mar to vote on the embattled organization's dissolution. After the article was released, Mar's nation, Lostisland, withdrew its IMTO membership, allowing Hamlin to dissolve the organization.

Although general consensus in the micronational community and media was that the dissolution was needed, many were confused and/or displeased with how Hamlin handled the situation.


D Sherman

Although President of the Dale Republic D Sherman was popular with members of the organization during his term, he was criticized by some for being "power-hungry" and unprofessional as leader of the IMTO. One of his successors, Casey Hamlin, was also a heavy critic of Clarke. Although many think it was due to Hamlingate, Hamlin maintained that it is purely due to Clarke's mismanagement of the IMTO. Clarke stepped down in order for Alexander Eastwood to make reforms, only to leave the organization in January 2012.

Clarke's sudden departure gained intense criticism from Hamlin, who claimed that Clarke had "jumped ship" after realizing that his "failed leadership had finally caught up to him".

Alexander Eastwood

Alexander Eastwood, former President of the Republic of Atlantis, was initially very popular. He was seen by members as a respected and professional micronationalist who could reform the organization to make it stronger. After about a month, Eastwood was defeated in a vote of no confidence after inactivity flourished in the face of needed reforms.

John Gordon

John Gordon was elected in a landslide victory shortly after Eastwood's departure, yet Gordon's term was the shortest served in IMTO history after he dissolved the organization without democratic process on January 17, 2012, in a claimed "Sakasarian operation". After this move, a small band of members re-created the IMTO and banned Gordon from any role in the organization.

Casey Hamlin

President of the Hamlinian Republic Casey Hamlin was elected on January 23, 2012, to replace John Gordon in a time of uncertainty in the organization. Hamlin, already considered controversial and unprofessional, was further ridiculed after taking the job for his youth and inexperience, his seemingly large need for community attention and his inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour while in office. Many people started predicting the end of the IMTO under Hamlin's leadership, and after initially resisting, Hamlin dissolved the organization.

During dissolution, The IMTO Dissolution Scandal, also known as IMTOgate, began after the St.Charlian Observer released an article which revealed Hamlin's plans to use the coordinated leak of information, via Riley Small, to court public pressure upon Yaroslav Mar to vote on the embattled organization's dissolution. After the leak, Mar and his nation Lostisland withdrew their IMTO membership, allowing Hamlin to dissolve the organization. Hamlin was criticized heavily for the situation by several media sources and lost an alliance with Lostisland, the now-defunct Hamlinian Republic's closest ally behind Starland.