User:Random-guy-2840/Arjun Tilak

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Arjun Tilak is the pseudonym for a citizen of the Imperial Republic of Timonoucitiland and of the United Kingdoms of AAAWWUBBIS and FANBOYS. He served as the Prime Minister of Timonoucitiland between 23 March 2022 and the temporary disestablishment of the government on 25 February 2023.

Arjun Tilak (pseudonym)
Prime Minister of the Imperial Republic of Timonoucitiland
Held office:
23 March 2022 – 25 February 2023
Emperor Great Emperor Eshaan I
Predecessor Shree Avhad
Successor Office disestablished
Oligarchic Rank Prime Minister (Appointed)
Personal information
Born 2010 (date undisclosed)
Religion Hinduism