2024 vote of no confidence in the Levinson ministry

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At 10:20 PM ET, on 25 September 2024, a motion of no confidence in the government of Benjamin Levinson was laid by Micheal Johnson, leader of the Baustralia Party, on the basis of a lack of following of parliamentary procedures, the Ananttej–Lacey-Scott affair, and various grievances of members of the Liberal and third parties. The votes were announced in the morning of 26 September, declaring the Commons was no longer confident in His Royal Government. Levinson's resignation has been sought.

Speeches and votes

Benjamin Levinson Micheal Johnson
Mr. Speaker,

I understand that I have not been active in my bill sponsoring here in this chamber, however I am beginning programs to strengthen our ties with allies, revamp our outreach, and increase Baustralia’s standing in the micronational community. As this vote is taken, I am actively working on exchanges and increased diplomacy with some of Baustralia’s greatest allies. However, as Rome was not built in a day, these things will not be completed in a day either. I ask that the Honorable Members allow me time to prove myself after this cabinet reshuffle, and that if I fall back on my promises, I will remove myself.

Mister speaker, we feel that this house has lost confidence in His Majesty's Government.

While the Conservative government has typically been active and constructive for this kingdom, a bloc of us parliamentarians, both in the Commons and Lords, feel that this government has been lacking in direction, and motion toward their agenda this term. Since their election, they've lost majority in both chambers as well. The Prime Minister, himself, only involves himself in this chamber except for casting his vote. He hasn't sponsored a single bill.

The Prime Minister also perhaps doesn't know parliamentary custom and not to vote against the bill of his own cabinet minister. One would figure he'd be in support of what his government does. Clearly he lacks the confidence in his own government.

The rest of us are tired of the conservative elite, simply by their status being in government, when the rest of us have ideas, and the want to produce, for the citizens, for all of us. Perhaps an election is due, and allow change and progress.

Mister speaker, does this House affirm their lack of confidence in His Majesty's government?

  Conservative 1   Conservative 0
  Liberal 0   Liberal 4
  Baustralia 1   Baustralia 2
Independant 0 Independant 1
Total 2 Total 7