2022 vote of no confidence in the Burgardt-Morris ministry

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Requested in the late hours of 3 October 2022, a motion of no confidence in the government of Sir Charles Burgardt was laid in the evening of 5 October by Sir Oliver Doig, Leader of the Opposition, on the same basis as the 2019 vote of no confidence in the Timpson ministry, tabled by the leader of the Worker's Party, a predecessor of the current Liberal Party.

The votes were announced in the morning of 6 October, declaring the Parliament remained confident in the current government.

Speeches and votes

Sir Oliver Doig Sir Charles Burgardt
The Viscount of Englewood
Mister speaker. A few years back under the leadership of the Right Honourable Member for Holderton County, we were hit with a vote of confidence in regards to our lack of performance that statute. In addition, this speech, which is supposed to be said on the 20th of August. It is now October. This precedent set in Parliament must now be enforced upon the other party as well. It is for this reason, I, the Member for McNevin, shall inquire whether this House has confidence in His Majesty's Government.

While the election was delayed some time, it took place still more than two months ago. The Right Honourable Member for Seamanhattan has prevented His Majesty from performing his duties in this Parliament to open it with a speech from a throne, and not to open it without direction until the Right Honourable gentleman decides to prepare His Majesty's Speech. Of the eight Acts of Parliament passed this chapter, five were from His Majesty, a power granted to him by Act of Parliament, one was from the Right Honourable Member for Seamanhattan, while the other two, Aidan McGrath. That's barely an output from a government we elected.

Therefore, it is only precedence to call a vote of confidence on this elected coalition government for almost the exact same circumstances as us in 2019. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker,

It is true that the Government could be more active than it presently is. That is a fact I have no intention of disputing. But our present situation is not helped by the patchwork communication framework that exists in Baustralia. The fact that the motion against the government was relayed to me via His Majesty The King as opposed to being addressed in the House’s Discord server demonstrates the communication difficulties presented to the cabinet.

The cabinet cannot adequately govern the nation if it must rely on the King to act as a liaison for all governmental matters. A throne speech (and with it, a legislative agenda) will be provided this weekend, but it is of vital importance for this house to understand that the Government firmly supports using Discord as the sole communications service for the Baustralian government. The current framework has limited our government’s effectiveness at governing, contributing to the conditions we see today.

  Conservative 6   Conservative 3
  Libertarian 1   Libertarian 1
  Liberal 1   Liberal 7
Total 8 Total 11