Coordinates: 38°01′32″N 23°50′13″E / 38.0255°N 23.8370°E / 38.0255; 23.8370

Republic of Yusienia

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People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia
  • República Revolucionaria Popular de Yusienia (Spanish)
  • Λαϊκή Επαναστατική Δημοκρατία της Ιουσίενιας (Greek)
  • 雨仙人民革命共和国 (Chinese)
  • Yǔ xiān rénmín gémìng gònghéguó
Motto: "Vitam Impendere Vero" (Latin)
"Life for the truth"
Anthem: "Vamos Hijas de la Tierra Amada"
Location of Yusienia
38°01′32″N 23°50′13″E / 38.0255°N 23.8370°E / 38.0255; 23.8370
Official languages
Recognized languages
2 languages
Ethnic groups
40% Hellenic
40% Chinese
20% Cat
GovernmentUnitary presidential republic under a direct democracy
• De facto leader
Aurora Twinkle
LegislatureCentral Revolutionary Congress
• Formation of the "Stadt Schleswig 2.0"
28 December 2020
• Declaration of independence
9 August 2021
• Renaming
February 2022
• Actual administrative area
0.00156 km2 (0.00060 sq mi)
• 2023 census
domestic citizens:4
foreign citizens:3
  • Yusienian obol ()
Time zoneUTC+1 (CET)
Date formatdd/mm/yy
(Official newspaper)
(Official, under construction)

The Republic of Yusienia (Yoo-see-eh-nee-uh) officially the People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia, or simply known as Yusienia, is an independent sovereign state in South Europe. It was founded in December 2020 by Aurora Twinkle. Amazonia was the name given to the nation when it was founded, with Amazonis Planitia on Mars as its principal region. Amazonia handed its land to the earth in December 2021 and eventually became a country on the planet. As a result, the country's name was altered to Yuhsienia in February 2022, and later to Yusienia according to phonetics.

Yusienia is a tiny landlocked nation with a territory of 1556 square metres. Its territory lies north-east of Athens, Greece's capital, Yusienia have almost no control over it, and it has no permanent population; Yusienia's citizens live on the territory of other macronations, and the government of Yusienia runs like a nomadic government. Currently the government office is located in Viceroyality of Caelesta. In Yusienia there are two museums, a botanical garden, an art school and an university, all reside in Caelesta.

Yusienia is a very diverse country, driven by direct democracy, and its citizens have a variety of goals and ambitions of the country. The main idea of Yusienia is Hexasophy, which can being described in six principles: Unity, Liberty, Diversity, Kindness, Inclusiveness and Neutrality, proposed by Twinkle and accepted by the Yusienian citizens.

Yusienia is a member of the Mediterranean Cooperation Council and the Balkan League.


The name "Yusienia" comes from the Mandarin word "雨仙" for "rain fairy" or "fairy of the rain". Why it is called this weird name has been difficult to verify, this name was gradually formed and preserved during the development of the country. According to a folk etymology created by Twinkle, the name originates from "Yo Siena!" (Siena is an Italian city)



Ancient times

Since prehistoric times, the peninsula of Attica was inhabited with evidence of human settlements dating back to the Neolithic period. In the Archaic period, Attica has gradually become one of the central areas of Greek civilization because of the prosperity of Athens. From late classical to the Hellenistic period, the lands that belong to Yusienia today became part of Alexander's empire. In the first century BC, Rome occupied Greece. Later, Attica became part of the Hellenistic Eastern Roman Empire.


For most of the Middle Ages, Greece belonged to the Eastern Roman Empire. After the Fourth Crusade, a Crusader kingdom called the Duchy of Athens was established.

Renaissance to Modern Greece

In the 15th century, Greece was occupied by the Ottoman Empire until the Greek War of Independence in 1821. After the establishment of the modern Greek state, the land where Yusienia was located belonged to the modern Greek state and was once occupied by nazi Germany during World War II. At the time of Yusienia's independence, the land was under the administration of the Municipality of Chalandri in the Hellenic Republic.

Early History

Twinkle started preparing the establishment of the state since June 2020, and she set about to find a territory. In December, Twinkle turned to finding territory on Mars, Amazonis Planitia was soon chosen as the territory of the micronation.

The First Autocracy (December 2020 - January 2022)

The "Stadt Schleswig 2.0" and The Republic of Amazonia

For establishing a country, Twinkle formed a secret society "Stadt Schleswig 2.0" around 28 December 2020. The date 28 December is more of a myth, the real founding date is unknown. This society became the precursor to the nowadays Yusienian state. Very few relics and records remain of this secret society, making the early history of Yuhsienia confusing. Then the society unilaterally declared independence from Federated States of Martian Olympus under the name "Amazonistan", with Twinkle as head of state. The nation established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Jŭmina and Urbo de Sophia around the time. Urbo de Sophia cannot be regarded as a sovereign state, which shows the unseriousness of Yusienia at that time. Those 2 diplomatic relations collapsed after Yusienia declared its sovereignty. The name "Republic of Amazonia" was chosen on 3 January 2021.

The political system in the early days of Amazonia was almost absolute monarchy. As for why the country was not named a kingdom, Twinkle said "it is too tiring to hold a coronation ceremony."

On 5 March 2021, Twinkle established a cabinet with three ministries: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Treasury and the Ministry of National Defense. Twinkle appointed Hilja-Sinikka Iltanen as Minister of Treasury, and Hemerocalli Crystalli, her original character, as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hemerocalli's position was reserved until Amazonia signed the Wrythe Convention, this position was removed to avoid sockpuppeting allegations.

Twinkle started to draft the Constitution of Amazonia on 10 March 2021, she organised a Constituent Assembly, and the Kelowna Draft was released on 14 May. However, after the release of the draft, Twinkle declared that a single written constitution that was difficult to change was not suitable for Amazonia. On June 28, Vân Tinh announced the end of the constitutional process and that the Constituent Assembly was to be dissolved.

Sovereignity Declaration

Declaration of Independence of Amazonia, 2021

The declaration of independence of Amazonia was signed on 9 August 2021, which declared that the Republic of Amazonia was an independent sovereign state.

After that, the government consolidated its rule, and the President disbanded the National Assembly and converted it into the Great Althing as a new legislature council, the president and cabinet members are ex-officio members of it.
On 10 September, Twinkle announced the establishment of the Territory of Amazonistan, which is all the Martian territory of Amazonia, and designated it as the new legal capital, but the government is still based in cyber territory of Picafloria for a while until December, then the executive center moved to Nea Emesa.

The Yusien nation was created in late 2021, the national symbol was identified, and these innovations were called Amazonian national awakening, also known as the first Yusienian national awakening. The leaders of this national awakening are Victor, Sophia Swan, Hilja Illtanen and others. The first Yusienian national awakening marked the birth of the Yusienian nation.

Amazonia acceded the Wrythe Convention on 28 October.[1]

In the few months that followed, Amazonia's economy, trade, and culture flourished rapidly. This prosperous era became a prelude to future oligarchic reforms.

Nea Emesa Night Assault

The Nea Emesa night assault, an expansionist invasion, was operated by Amazonia in Deccember 2021 with the goal of occupying a territory on earth. The occupied territory was named Nea Emesa, and became the new capital city and cultural and political center in 12 December 2021. On 28 December, Amazonia celebrated it's first national anniversary.

Constitutional oligarchy (January 2022 - April 2022)

Flag of Amazonia "the white square flag" flying at Fort Mactridae, 25 January 2022

President Aurora Twinkle write a new constitution in December 2021, This constitution abolished the personalist dictatorship and introduced a oligarchic system, it marks the end of the Amazonia's first autocratic era and the beginning of the oligarchic era. The new constitution established two main government agencies, the Secretariate and the Censorate. The Secretariate assists the President, similar to a Cabinet, while the Censorate does monitoring, auditing, investigation, impeachment, inspection, and intelligence. The President is the head of state and has no term limit. The Signoria controls most of the power, therefore, it can be regarded as an oligarchy, but government rule was more ceremonial, so for political scientists the political system of Yusienia could be Anarchy. The Grand Chancellor was the leader of the Signoria. There is a National Assembly, the President and cabinet were ex-officio members, other seats were nominated by the Princess or elected. The Signoria was the most important central government agency of Yusienia, controlled executive power, legislative power and part of judicial power. The Princess had the power to decide national affairs, but the promulgation of new laws and the revision of the constitution all required the vote of the Signoria. The Censorate was the main supervisory, auditory and security agency, holds the power of supervision, inspection, investigation, and intelligence work. The National Assembly was advocacy and does not hold legislative power but elects the next president after the current president abdicates. Any legal party member was a member of the National Assembly.

Amazonia signed the Augusta Accord on 18 January 2022. At the beginning of 2022, a series of cultural reforms have been carried out. An executive order was issued on 7 February 2022, announcing that the country's name would be changed to "Yuhsienia". Following Twinkle's research on phonetics, the name eventually became "Yusienia". On 3 March, a major constitutional amendment was unanimously passed by the Signoria. This amendment changed the title of the head of state from "President" to "Princess", although the title "President" is still used informally. From this point on, Twinkle started to use the princess title. In addition, this constitutional amendment also changed the first verse of the national anthem and the national emblem, making the country more in line with the image of a terran country. On 15 April, the Mohist Party was formed, de facto replacing the Yusienian National Progressive Democratic Socialist Revolutionary Action Congress for Prosperity and Justice as the ruling party.

The second autocracy (April 2022 - November 2022)

The May Incident

On 29 Apirl 2022, The princess abolished the constitution[2] and took all legislative, executive and judicial powers. She began rule by decree, strengthening centralization and dictatorship. This led to protests and political instability, particularly Andrew Papadopoulos, who is the Grand Chancellor, who raised very strong objections to the Princess's unconstitutionality, he prepared to fill a lawsuit, proposed the Constitutional Court to try the princess, but no one was the judge at the time. this incident is known as the May Incident.

Why did you abolish the constitution without asking me? I am the Chancellor and you have to inform me! We are going to the Courts!

— Andrew Papadopoulos

The protests did not last long and the constitution was successfully repealed. At this time, government officials lost most of their power, and the princess spent most of her working time thinking about her new name and designing Yusienia's new flag.


The national flag of Yusienia in July 2022.

A cultural movement started in May called second Yusienian national awakening. Unlike the First Yusienian national awakening which involved many people, politicians and artists, this national awakening was carried out by the princess alone. The second Yusienian national awakening took the spear of Athena, the symbol of Pallas, as the symbol of Yusienian people, changed the national flag, and determined the national colors and more national symbols. This national awakening enriched Yusienian culture. On 30 June, the official country name was officially announced as People's Revolutionary Republic of Yusienia. Since July 2022, Yusienia is stable and gradually coming close to become an one person state. The hispanization of Yusienia begins in sutumn 2022, Twinkle's learning of Spanish has led to Yusienia's embrace of more Spanish and Latin American culture. In early November 2022, Twinkle proposed the idea of democratizing reforms. A Constitutional National Assembly was established and election were prepared. Overall, The Second Autocracy was a relatively inactive period.

In diplomacy, Yusienia began to implement stricter gatekeeping, only countries with considerable seriousness and "brick and mortar" can be recognized by Yusienia.

In terms of internal affairs, Yusienia carried out citizenship reforms, revoking the citizenship of all citizens who did not actually live in Yusienia. Through such reforms, Yusienia achieved a direct democracy in winter 2022.

Direct Democracy (November 2022 -)

In November to December 2022, Yusienia made drastic reforms to eliminate corruption and social problems. The release of the November 7th act was a major turning point, and from this date onwards, the only citizen of Yusienia was Twinkle, completely making Yusienia an egostan, although other former citizens retained a token honorary e-citizenship. In December, the flag-changing drama finally settled down to three designs that were being used equally. SYKO's dominance at Revolutionary Congress stabilizes. The stability of the political situation has enabled Yusienia to embark on the road of innovation and development again, basically returning to the prosperity in the winter of 2021. Yusienia's population increases to 3 people on New Year's eve of 2022. With the new members, in the first few months of 2023, although Twinkle want to organize the first Central Revolutionary Congress meeting, the meeting was not implemented. She hopes to organize the first meeting after the country reaches a population of five or more.

Yusienia's political system is more modernized in summer 2023, the title of the head of state have changed back to President, and changed many elements of renaissance Italian republics to a modern form, but many elements like the name of the Signory was kept.

After transformed into direct democracy, Yusienia ushered in development.

MicroCon EU 2023

Aurora Twinkle represented Yusienia in the MicroCon EU 2023 in Ypres. This is the first time Yusienia attended a multilateral summit. At the conference Twinkle met with some other micronational leaders. This slightly increased the current government's domestic support.

Back-to-Reality Movement and Identity Crisis

In the early morning of October 7, 2023, Twinkle announced that she would no longer serve as the country's de facto head of state and head of government and transform the government into a true direct democracy.

In October 2023, Yusienia reaffirmed its reasons for declaring independence:

  • Recognize the differences between the Yusienian culture and the Greek culture;
  • The Yusienian People have demands for self-reliance and are in line with the principle of national consciousness;
  • The Yusienian people were assigned a nationality at birth, without their consent or choice;
  • Many Yusienians do not have the right to vote and participate in democratic politics because of their non-Greek citizenship status, and the legal jurisdiction imposed on them;
  • A single state is needed to unite all Yusienians and make the world respect their unique culture.

Twinkle reflects on the country’s history of time-wasting nonsense, such as the time spent judging and refining the design of national symbols. She proposed a new perspective, arguing that national unity is achieved not by the charisma of a dictator or the glory of national symbols, but by the common identity, unity and fraternity of the people. Therefore, the focus should be on connecting people.

The new constitution was shelved indefinitely and replaced by oral rules.

Twinkle also created the positive rebellion theory, This theory is about not flinching or being irritated after social setbacks, but calmly insisting on a belief that can keep oneself calm, such as belief in one's own micronation, and then using the positive and peaceful meaning to fight back against the world together with others, such as to publicly display micronational symbols and to issue a manifesto.

Autumn Renaissance


Nea Emesa

Nea Emesa is a Mediterranean savanna of 1556 square metres. There's a peak of over 1 meter in the northwest corner of Nea Emesa. A tiny fortress called Elagabalupolis (Kathareousa: Ηλιογαβαλούπολη) is standing in the center of Nea Emesa. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Nea Emesa has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate.


Yusienia consider itself as a classical republic, and have a mixed government: monarchy of the President, aristocracy of the Signory, and democracy of the Central Revolutionary Congress. Because of its small population, politics in Yusienia are inactive and focus on trivial matters.

Central Revolutionary Congress

The Central Revolutionary Congress is the supreme legislative body of Yusienia. All citizens of Yusienia, residing in Yusienia, aged above 10 and under 55 years old can be elected as a congressperson. Currently all citizens of Yusienia are members of the Congress.
The draft law is first proposed and considered by Congress, and then forwarded to the princess for signature. The law vetoed by the princess will go back to Congress for reconsideration and voting. If Congress passes it again with a two-thirds majority, the law can be passed without the princess's signature. The draft law proposed by the princess will be voted on by Congress and will come into force after the speaker signs it.
After the NNSOA dissolved, Aurora frequently reorganized its party several times, and in September 2022 proposed a party formation plan called the Liberal Republican Movement, but the party has not been formally established. Later, the Constitutional Party was established, it rebranded in June 2023 as National Democratic Front "Patrida".[3]

Party Logo Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Seats
Social Democratic Party of Yusienia Aurora Twinkle Centre-left Social Democracy
1 / 6
Patriotic Coalition
(Πατριωτικός Συνασπισμος)
Andrew Papadopoulos Centre-Right Papadopoulism

Yusienian Nationalism

1 / 6
independent / / / /
3 / 6


The Signory heads the national executive system and reports to Congress. The Signory consists of the president, various ministers and three judges, The members of Signory can be foreigners.

Signory has the following functions: formulate and organize the implementation of basic policies on social economy, education, national defense, homeland security and social welfares, submit laws draft to the Congress and ensure the implementation of laws, organize and manage national property, formulate and implement Yusienia foreign policies and measures, Lead the activities of other central and reginal executive agencies, etc.

Members of Signory work independently within their purview and are personally responsible for the work entrusted by the president, even if they personally disagree with the president's decision, they must not express their opposition.



Yusienia's economy is referred to as a mixture of palace economy and gift economy, Yusienian residents are dispersed over the globe, so far apart that domestic trade is difficult, yet citizens occasionally exchange presents. Barter commerce with other micronations is heavily encouraged by the administration. The government also plays an important role in resource allocation. The government is a centralized resource collection and distribution center. The largest industry in Yusienia is real estate. In addition, there are handicrafts, and even the almost negligible textile industry. Yusienia has almost no power generation industry. Most of the electricity is imported from Greece. Yusienia is very rich in plant resources, especially in the southeast of Nea Emesa. Yusienia has some land resources but the native land resources of Yusienia are not used for agricultural production. Some of Yusienia's foreign land resources are used for the production of lemons, herbs, etc., and there is no production of cash crops. Yusienia's economy is growing, driven by the real estate industry. There are five official currency of Yusienia. The euro is the most important currency used in international trade.


Mother Yusienia, the national personification of Yusienia, by Svenska_ghost

Yusienia is a cosmopolitan country with a wide range of cultures. Cultural traditions of Yusienia have been impacted by a diverse range of civilizations from across the world. Yusienian culture was mostly influenced by Japan, current western countries(Inside Europe, influences from the Alps and Scandinavia are most evident, such as national drink Almdudler, etc.) , Renaissance Italy, Balkans, Baltics, Caucasus, Byzantine empire, Timurid empire, the Indochinese Peninsula, Horn of Africa, Southwestern China and Indigenous peoples of America, Africa and Oceania. Since the identity reform of October 2023, the culture of Yusienia is consist of mainly East Asian culture. Yusienia has prioritised equality and inclusion for all of its citizens, as well as respect for all cultures. Now Yusienian people has established a distinct and rich culture distinct from all organic cultures, this culture is neither western nor eastern and differentiates Yusienian people from macronational people and other micronational people.


Yusienian literature is the most important aspect of its culture. Some kinds of poetry, such as Sonnet, Gushi, Jueju, and Haiku, are popular in Amazonia, while lengthier forms, such as Epic, Elegy, and Fu, are uncommon.

Twinkle is a poet who writes in Mandarin and whose work is dominated by amusing and unusual short rhymed poems.

The Coder Series, a science fiction novel series co-written by Twinkle, George Persin, and Yuen, is the first novel in Yusienia. The novel's development began in 2018. The series depicts human existence and resistance in a world dominated by artificial intelligence. Twinkle's pen name "Sillycat" became one of the series' key characters. The novel's construction has come to a halt for the time being, but being a co-authored work, the novel's worldview is continually being contributed to by co-authors. There is also a wiki dedicated to the novel.

Handicraft arts

Yusienia produces excellent handmade glass bead bracelets and has plans to make more necklaces. There are also many handicrafts using some of natural materials such as peach pits and walnuts.

Music and Dance

The most notable musician in Yusienia is Illtanen, the Minister of Treasury of Yusienia. She is good at composing Baroque music. Greek folk dances are known in Yusienia.


Because Amazonian people mostly live on the earth, the cuisine of Amazonia is influenced by Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine on the earth. Amazonia's traditional dishes include some seafood, and sometimes meat analogue is used instead of meat.

Typical foods and dishes

Sticky rice in bamboo is the national dish of Yusienia.

Typical Drinks

  • Almdudler, a popular carbonated soft drink from Austria.
  • Yusienian vanilla tea is a herbal drink made from honey, fresh or dried rosemary, lavender, sage and lemon, invented by Princess Aurora Twinkle.

Clothing and fashion

Aurora Twinkle waving the white square flag of Yusienia in a traditional Yusienian women's dress.

Traditional Yusienian clothing was influenced by European women's fashion from the Renaissance to Rococo, and kimono, and was characterized by the use of pastel colors, ornate decoration, and the use of brocade.
Wearing nice clothes in Yusienia is extremely important because the nicer the clothes are, the more respect one will receive.
Baju Yusienia is the national everyday outfit of Yusienia, Designed by Tuyết inspired by the clean and simple style of Baju Melayu, is a long-sleeved shirt and a long skirt in pastel colours. Jewellery and accessories for Baju Yusienia use very little metal and more wood beads, cowries and pearls. A common headgear is khăn vấn.

Yusienian also make their own clothes, and since Yusienia had no industry for spinning and weaving, it import cotton fabric directly from Greece.


Currently, the official news agency and newspaper is Sovereign Yusienia, published on Yusienia's official website, all articles are written by Princess Aurora Twinkle herself. The Ministry of Culture also publishes another newspaper, the Verdens Røst, it is a newspaper mainly covering foreign news. Verdens Røst is similar to Dunyo Ovozi, it also has only published one issue so far.

National pledge

I am a citizen of Yusienia,
I promise to do my best to my nation and the world,
to build a democratic society of justice and equality,
to fulfil the principles of the Hexasophy,
to resolutely defend the national sovereignty,
and to love my nation, never betray it.

Είμαι πολίτης της Ιουσενίας,
υπόσχομαι να κάνω το καλύτερο για τη χώρα μου και τον κόσμο,
να οικοδομήσουμε δημοκρατική κοινωνία που να έχει δικαιοσύνη και ισότητα,
να εκπληρώσω τις αρχές της Εξασοφίας,
να υπερασπιστώ αποφασιστικά την εθνική κυριαρχία,
και να αγαπήσω τη χώρα μου, δεν θα την προδώσω ποτέ.


Foreign relations

After Hexasophy became the official ideology, Yusienia embarked on a foreign policy of permanent neutral, refuse the use of force, and refrain from participating in any military blocs and alliances. Yusienia is relatively isolationist in international relations, especially after the summer of 2022, and rarely establishes new diplomatic relations.

Yusienia is a member of the Mediterranean Cooperation Council and the Augusta Accord. Yusienia had negotiated to join GUM in December 2021 and was granted observer status, but after the Black February, Yusienia withdrew from observer status and gave up joining.

Official Relations (Ambassador level) Mutual recognition Unilateral recognized by Yusienia Informal Relations


FIMSS: 0.740 MPI: 3.6 Dresner: 3.2 Freayth : 5 Linden: 3.4 Daniel's Scale of Micronational Seriousness: 4.0

External links
