Nicolas Grangier

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The Right Honourable
Nicolas Grangier
the Count of Fleurac
Minister of Foreign Affairs
01 February 2016 - present
King Oscar I
Predecessor Yuri, Count de Faria
Successor incumbent
Personal information
Born 22 July 1991 (1991-07-22) (age 33)
Le Bugue, France w:France
Birth name Nicolas François Jacques Louis III Grangier de Fleurac-Talleyrand-Périgord
Citizenship  Karnia-Ruthenia
Ethnicity Caucasian
Alma mater University of Rouen

Nicolas François Jacques Grangier de Fleurac is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs[1] of the Karno-Ruthenian Empire. Ruthenia was the first micronation he joined and he is since 21 January 2016 the Count of Fleurac. He is also an author and an aspiring diplomat. It is reputed as one of the precursors of the Karno-Ruthenian Compromise of 2016.

Titles, styles and honours

Titles and styles

  • 21 December 2015 – present: The Right Honourable Count of Fleurac.

Full style

The Right Honourable, Nicolas Grangier, Count of Fleurac.


See also