Confederation of Awesome

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Confederation of Awesome
Flag of Confederation of Awesome
Coat of arms of Confederation of Awesome
Coat of arms
Motto: E Pluribus Pluribus
Stay Mellow
Confederation Territory in Red
Confederation Territory in Red
Largest cityWeston
Official languagesEnglish (French on a Provincial Level)
GovernmentConfederal Directory
HRM King Dave I
Emilee Richards
Prime Minister Brendon Weston
HIM King Nick I
EstablishmentMay 5th, 2010 (Declaration of Confederation)
• Census
Residents: 11
Citizens: 25
CurrencyConfederation dollar
US dollar
Time zoneCST
Preceded by
Dual Monarchy of Davetopia and Emiri
Union of Samian City States

The Confederation of Awesome (French: Confédération Génial) was a territorial micronation that exists in North America and consists of tweleve separate pieces of property divided into four provinces and a capitol territory. The country is located in the central part of the continent, in the American states of Alabama and Florida. It is bordered on all sides by the United States of America, excepting its southern border with the Gulf of Mexico. The nation controls a total of 3 acres of territory, and has a population of 25.

The territory that is now the Confederation of Awesome was once part of two disputed territories, the Yazoo Lands and West Florida, until it's admission into the United States as Alabama in 1818. On January 1, 2010, some of this territory declared it's independence as the Dual Monarchy of Davetopia and Emiri, which, several months later, decided to end its monarchism and became the Confederation of Awesome with the signing of the Declaration of Confederation. The nation soon annexed its capitol and the Union of Samian City States, and after a period of internal establishment, was the dominant power in the Trussville Sector. On January 23, 2010, a stronger national Constitution was passed.

The nation is governed as a confederated directory headed by a Congress of the leaders of each province. The nation possesses a strong economy and its own currency, and each state has a unique culture due to its creation from several once-independent nations. Currently, the Confederation is a 2.6 on the Dresner Scale.


There are several theories as to where this name originated from. The most commonly accepted theory was that it came from the Duchy of Awesome, the dominant duchy of Davetopia in the old Dual Monarchy, where the Declaration of Confederation was signed. Many simply hold that the nation was named "Awesome" based on the American slang term meaning "very impressive." Many citizens do not refer to the nation's full name in passing, instead of using nicknames such as "the Confederation," "Awesome," or "the Nation of Awesome."


Macronational History

The land that is today the Confederation of Awesome was originally inhabited by Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, and  Creek Native Americans. Europeans eventually took an interest in the region, with the French settlement of Old Mobile in 1702. The British colony of Georgia was founded in 1732 and would eventually  claim authority over parts of Alabama. Following the American Revolution,  Northern and Central Alabama, known as the Yazoo Lands, were claimed by Georgia, South Carolina, the US  Federal government, and the Spanish and British.  In 1802, the  region became a part of the Mississippi territory.  Alabama was split off from this territory  in 1817, gaining statehood the next year.  The state  seceded from the United States and joined the Confederate States of America in 1861, in defense of the institution of slavery.  Alabama was admitted back into the Union in 1868 after the Confederacy's defeat and collapse.

Predecessor State and Founding

On January 1, 2010, two micronationalists in the City of Trussville, Alabama, chose to create their own nation- the Dual Monarchy of Davetopia and Emiri, as a response to the corruption and incompetence they saw in the US  Federal  Government, and the racism they saw in the  Alabama State government.  The nation was the first country of the Trussville Sector and quickly grew in influence in that community. The nation soon expanded its territory for the first time, annexing a new piece of property into Davetopia on 5 February 2010. Despite this expansion, low activity soon plagued the nation. To prevent their country from collapse, the two Monarchs, Dave Gomez and Emilee Richards, reformed the government into a Confederation to allow for more democratic institutions that would foster activity.

The new government- the Confederation of Awesome- was formed by the Declaration of Confederation, written by both Monarchs, and ratified May 5, 2010. It laid out the government of the Confederation and affirmed its independence and its status as the successor state of the Dual Monarchy. The nation would be run under the provisional government set up in the Declaration until 2011. This provisional government put all executive, judicial, and legislative powers into the hands of the Executive Council. Upon the creation of the Confederation, the Kingdom of Davetopia allowed one of its Duchies, Nonsense, to become the third province, today known as Nickoli, to allow a tie-breaking third member in the Council.

On 20 June 2010, the country expanded its territory with the signing of the Province Annexation Treaty, which brought the current capitol into the nation as a territory separate from the other states, as well as bringing a new piece of property into Davetopia. During this period, the fledgling nation held a foreign policy of isolationism, staying neutral in the affairs of other countries of the Trussville Sector.

Foundation Era

On September 5, the neighboring Union of Samian City States voted to join the Confederation and become its fourth province- Samia. This annexation brought in 1.5 acres of territory, as well as eight new citizens. Tensions among nations in the Trussville Sector were ignited by the Southern Union's and Sophopolis' expansionism, causing war to break out on 7 October 2010. The Confederation was invaded in three separate battles but was victorious in all of them. The Southern Union surrendered on 7 November 2010, establishing the Confederation as the most powerful nation in the Trussville Sector. The Confederation joined MicroWiki later that month.

The young country continued establishing itself internally. To break economic ties with the United States, a separate currency was created- the Confederation dollar, which came into use on 20 November 2010. On 21 January 2011, a revised Constitution passed Confederation Congress, which, although kept the country a directory, fixed several problems with the vague provisional government. In accordance with this Constitution, the First Cabinet was elected on 1 February 2011. The creation of the cabinet is usually considered the end of the country's foundation era, meaning that the Confederation had established a fully functioning government.

Current Events

Following the signing of the Constitution, the relationship between Samia and the original provinces was called into question. The Samian States had significant power in Congress due to a vote tie-breaking system allotting votes based on population. On 9 February 2011, during the congressional debate on a change in the flag, the Samian control of Congress was challenged by HRM Dave I. An act that would partition Samia was put to a vote and failed. Despite the invigoration of nationalist minorities in the province, the provincial government decided that secession would not be an option unless "the sovereignty of the Samian people [was] threatened." The same act of partition was put through Congress again on 12 May 2010, and, during negotiations, Prime Minister West counter-proposed a constitutional amendment removing all power from any province based on population. This motion passed unanimously and was largely seen as an effective compromise that solved the issue.

Since then, the nation has begun invigorated its diplomacy with other nations, passing an act specifying the way other nations can join the Confederation, and demilitarizing itself in the interests of peace.

Government and Politics

Executive and Legislative Branch

The Confederation is governed by Confederation Congress, which is also known as the Executive Council- a decision-making body of one representative from each of its four member states. This Congress serves as the Confederation's collective head of state and government. This form of government was modeled off of the United States under the Articles of Confederation or the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Current Confederation Congressmen are HRM Dave Gomez (Davetopia), HIM Nick Brown, (Nickoli), and Emilee Richards (Emiri). These Representatives meet biweekly in the capital city of Province. The Congressman is elected by the province in any way the province chooses too and serves as its leader. Should a tie vote come up within Confederation Congress, and no Congressmen are willing to compromise, it is required that a nationwide referendum be held to decide the issue.

Judicial Branch and Cabinet

The Judicial Branch is a High Court, who oversees any discrepancies in law. The High Court is led by a Supreme Justice, currently Alex Wilson. This Supreme Justice serves a seven-year term and cannot be re-elected, and is appointed by Confederation Congress by a simple majority. The Judiciary has, in theory, a significant amount of power- if a law is challenged as unconstitutional, the Supreme Justice can call a referendum that allows the public to decide the issue. There is also one Provincial Justice for each province. The government is assisted by the cabinet. Positions within the cabinet are currently: Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury (Aaron Ellard), Secretary of Culture and the Interior (Xan Pate) and Secretary of Defense (Brantley Evans). The Cabinet is appointed by Confederation Congress every two years and is elected by a simple majority.

Foreign Relations

The Confederation’s foreign policy is, as described in the Declaration of Confederation, is that “The nation of Awesome will start no fights, wars, etc but in the situation that one is started the Nation of Awesome will fight to protect the nation, and all that it stands for."

Nations the Confederation Recognizes

The eight entries on this list are nations that were automatically recognized by the Confederation out of respect. No countries have been added since then.

Nations that have Informal relations with the Confederation

The following countries have set up diplomatic relations with the Confederation but no treaty of alliance or friendship has been signed between the two.


The Confederation of Awesome has a military force to protect them, known as the Confederation Military. The military is divided into two branches- the Confederation Army, and Navy. Currently there are 12 people who have signed up to be drafted in the event of a war. The Army has four military bases- in Nonsense City, Davetopia City, Weston, and Alabaster. The army is lead by the Secretary of Defense during peacetime, and, during wartime, the Confederation War Council. Since July 7, 2011, the Confederation has been demilitarized for the first time after the Southern-Awesomite War.


Territorial Divisons

The Confederation consists of 12 individual pieces of property, referred to as Districts. These districts are organized into Municipalities, which are further amalgamated into the four provinces of the Confederation, listed below. In addition, the city of Province is an autonomous Capitol district separate from the four constituent states and is governed directly by the Executive Council.  Each Municipality directly elects a mayor every year, who has  little power other than to make town by-laws and to act like a leader during an  emergency.  Provinces however, have much power and autonomy in proportion to the Confederal government. 

Flag Name Size (Acres) Established Leader and Representative Capital
NoFlag.svg Davetopia .75 acres May 5, 2010 HRM Dave Gomez I Davetopia City
BlackFlag.png Emiri .25 acres May 5, 2010 Emilee Richards Emiri
NoFlag.svg Nickoli .25 acres May 5, 2010 HIM Nick Brown I Nonsense City
SamianFlag.jpg Samia 1.5 acres September 5, 2010 Brendon Weston Weston

Climate and National Parks

The Confederation  reaches up to around 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and goes  down to 30 degrees in the winter, although in the southernly municipality of Panama City,  the temperatures are generally  warmer. The environment is that of a temperate forest. Two of the twelve districts of the Confederation are not a part of any municipality, and exist as National Parks.  These are  areas of historical or environmental importance, and have no population. One is near Panama City, known as Bay National Park,  and is an area of beach  frequently visited by  citizens of the Confederation. The second is in Davetopia, and is known as Chalkville National Park. Within this park is the youth center of church. It is of cultural  importance because it is frequently visited by Davetopians and is the only church in the territory of the Confederation. 


The Confederation of Awesome has its own currency, the Confederation dollar, although the US dollar is still accepted. The nation has a mixed economy dominated by the tertiary sector, which employs many of its citizens. Despite the strength of government institutions designed to boost the economy, the nation is still classified as a developing economy. According to Miles's System of Economic Classification, the Confederation is a 3, or, currently has a serious potential for a small economy.


The Confederation of Awesome is a multicultural micronation due to the distinct cultures of the micronations that originally created it. Four cultures make up the nation- Nickolian, Davetopian, Emirite, and Samian. Many citizens consider the nation's multiculturalism one of its best qualities. A common theme throughout all Awesomite culture is that of relaxation or “mellowness,” and this vibe is seen in one of the nations mottos, "Stay Mellow." Awesomites are typically very individualistic. The arts, literature, and film in the Confederation are all developing, and are largely influenced by a combination of Western and Japanese culture. The Confederation's citizens  all speak English. French is the largest learned language, especially in Samia, where it is so common it is recognized as a provincial second language. The Confederation's national cuisine is milkshakes and Pocky, a Japanese snack. Citizens consider the blue whale and the platypus to be the national animal, although only the latter holds that status officially. Dress in the Confederation is usually casual and informal, even during the most important meetings and ceremonies. One exception to this is on two important national holidays for the country- Hippy Day (August 18) and Confederation Day (May 5th). On these patriotic holidays, colorful headbands are worn by most of the population.



Religion is a very influential factor in the culture of the Confederation, however, the Confederal government does not have a defined state religion. The largest faith in the Confederation is Mainline Protestantism, which is an overarching category including both non-denominational Christianity and the sect of Methodism. Evangelical Christians, a group largely made up of Baptists and very conservative non-denominational Christians, make up the second-largest group. Liberal Christianity is the third most popular faith affiliation. Atheists and agnostics make up a significant minority of the population.

External links