Monarchy of Elysium

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Grand Emperor of Elysium
Robert II
since 29 November 2021
StyleHis Imperial Majesty
Heir apparentJohann I, Prince Imperial
First monarchRobert II
Formation16 January 2015
ResidenceJosephina, Elyria

The imperial monarchy of Elysium formally known as the Crown is a political and historic institution of the Empire of Elysium which consists of the elected Grand Emperor and the Imperial Princes. The Grand Emperor and Imperial Princes are elected by the College of Electors. The current Grand Emperor is Robert II who has reigned since the restoration of the monarchy in 2021.

All federal executive, legislative, judicial, electoral and ceremonial authority of the Empire is exercised by the Crown on the advise of His Imperial Majesty's Government, the Grand Senate, the Imperial High Court and the Elysiumite Electoral Commission respectively to exercise most of those powers. Despite that, the Grand Emperor remains fairly autonomous compared to other constitutional monarchs which results in a system comparable to a semi-presidential system.


First Empire

The Elysiumite Crown came into existence following the ratification of the Treaty of Marus Field. Initially, the authority of the Crown was performed by a committee consisting of the representatives of the then-five Commonwealths. This Council of Five held authority for about a week until the accession of the President of Elyria, Robert Smith II as Emperor of Elysium.

Monarchy was not unknown in Elysium at that time, out of the two original Commonwealths, Valor and Romulus both were Kingdoms, this would set a trend that would see all Commonwealths eventually adopt a monarchial form of government.

In July 2019, Robert II was forced to briefly abdicate the throne after pressure from a political faction led by Sir Humphrey Appleby who demanded for the creation of an elected legislature leading to the accession of Prince Imperial Tau Barclay to the throne as Emperor Tau I. However Robert II was able to launch a coup against Tau I leading to his abdication and the return of Robert II to the throne. Thereafter, Robert II convened the Great Elysium Council to facilitate political reform.

Growing Republican tendencies within the political establishment of Elysium saw the creation of the "Republic of Elysium". The Republic saw the role of Chancellor replace the functions of the Grand Emperor, with the Chancellor's own previous duties performed by a newly created 'Prime Minister'. Throughout the entire history of the Republic, Robert Smith II served as Chancellor and Adam Johnston (the final Chancellor of the First Empire) served as Prime Minister.

Second Empire

Throughout 2021, monarchist sentiment had been growing in Elysium led mostly by Elliot Doe and the National Democratic Party. Despite opposition from Smith and the Republicans, Doe successfully called for two referendums regarding the status of the Monarchy, the first referendum failed to restore the Monarchy however, the second referendum succeeded via a slight majority. This period commonly considered to be one of the most tense and toxic periods of Elysiumite political history, with pro-monarchist factions attempting to 'sue the Republic out of existence' and pro-republican factions actively plotting to organise a paramilitary organisation based on the Irish Republican Brotherhood.

Following the second referendum, constitutional amendments were enacted to formally restore the monarchy with Robert II once again returning as Grand Emperor. In addition to the monarchy, the role of Emperor's Hand was restored as Lord President of the Empire the Grand Emperor's Hand with Kyle Smith becoming the first Emperor's Hand since the restoration of the Monarchy.

From 25 April 2022 and 28 April 2022, Elliot Doe acted as regent for Robert II. Regent Elliot presided over no major events and was relieved of his duties three days earlier than expected.

On 9 January 2023, following his resignation as National Democratic Leader and Chancellor, Doe replaced Kyle Smith as the Emperor's Hand, Doe would serve until 2 August 2023 thereafter James Christian was appointed as Emperor's Hand as Doe returned to lead the National Democrats.

Following the Serramwen crisis, Robert II was appointed as the High King of Serramwen replacing Eugune Smith I who had committed treason and was subsequently exiled. The High Kingship of Serramwen would be held by Robert II until the passage of the Codex Magnus Imperii.

Constitutional authority

All functions of the Elysiumite Federal Government derive their authority from the Crown. In turn the authority of the Crown derives from the consent of the chief representatives (heads of state of the Commonwealths) under the Treaty of Marus Field. The Grand Emperor is described as the head of state and highest representative of the Empire and as such exercises diplomatic authority such as accepting foreign dignitaries and approving of treaties proposed by the Grand Senate.

The Crown exercises it's constitutional authority, primarily through Imperial Edicts.

The Crown is considered under the Charter of the Instruments of the Federal Government to be an 'independent institution'.

Under the Treaty of Marus Field, the Crown must maintain the constitutional order which includes an obligation for them to withdraw from governance should they threaten the constitutional order. The Constitution Act. 2024 protects the Crown from abolition via constitutional amendment via a entrenched clause. Under the Canon Law of the Empire, the Crown appoints the Grand Prince of Norðurlöndin (currently Seán O'Neill) the regent of the Kingdom of Daeltheria.

The Crown formally appoints the Great Officers of State.


The Crown is advised on the exercise of their executive authority by His Imperial Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council and it's executive committee, the Cabinet which is chaired by the Chancellor who acts as the Crown's foremost advisor. Under the Treaty of Marus Field, the Crown has the authority to create and dismiss new officers and ministries of the state and delegate power onto them.

The Chancellor is formally selected by the Crown based on who best commands the confidence of the Class II Grand Senators. The Crown is free to dismiss the Chancellor and should the Chancellor lose confidence within the Class II Grand Senators, the Crown appoints a new chancellor.

The Leader of the Opposition is additionally appointed by the Crown based on the person who controls the confidence of the largest party in the Grand Senate not in government.

The Crown will automatically become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Empire should armed forces of the Empire be created.


The Grand Senate advises the Crown on the exercise of their legislative authority. All federal legislative bodies exist and sit at the discretion and the Crown theoretically could assemble a completely new legislative body, as what occurred with the Council of Imperial Delegates between 2021 and 2024. The Crown may delegate their authority to legislative bodies. The formal allocation of Class II Grand Senate seats is performed by the Crown and may establish 'overhang seats' to ensure each Commonwealth is adequately represented.

The Constitution Act. 2024 makes mention of a potential legislative body that may be established by the Crown is a constitutional convention, which is convened only with the support of 2/3 of the chief representatives which drafts constitutional amendments and puts them to a national referendum to be approved. The Crown has authority regarding the naturalisation and denaturalisation of citizens. Proposals for the charters to incorporate new Commonwealths and Provinces of the Empire require the Crown to propose them to the Grand Senate and in collaboration with the Speaker of the Grand Senate, formally incorporate them.

The Grand Senate is formally dissolved at the discretion of the Crown. In 2024, as a result of under the court case Seán O'Neill v. the Elysiumite Electoral Commission, it was legally stated that the Grand Senate was dissolved at the conscious and clear action of the Grand Emperor and not an automatic function of the Crown.

The Crown may appear within the Grand Senate to advise the Grand Senate and to propose legislation and the Grand Emperor may serve as a Grand Senator. Additionally the Crown exercises the authority of veto over Grand Senate acts while their assent is required to give Grand Senate bills the force of law and the Crown has the power to pardon people convicted of federal crimes.

The Crown has the authority to nominate various officials to the Grand Senate such as: Viceroys, Ambassadors, Ministers (including the Chancellor) and executive officers. Once in office, the Crown may dismiss them at their discretion.


The Imperial High Court, and various other federal judicial bodies advise the Crown on the exercise of their judicial authority, due to this the Grand Emperor cannot be charged with any domestic or criminal crime, however the Crown as an institution only has protection from criminal crimes and may appear in court due to civil crimes. The Crown has the authority to nominate citizens of the Empire to court officials which then are either confirmed or rejected by the Grand Senate.

The Lord Chief Justice is appointed by the Crown from the Lord Justices of the Imperial High Court.

The Crown has exclusive right to request the Imperial High Court hears reference questions.


The Grand Emperor acts as a member of the College of Electors with fifteen votes, however due to the fact that the Grand Emperor is almost always the chief representative of a Commonwealth they usually exercise thirty votes.

The Crown is one of two bodies (alongside the Grand Senate) to have the authority to convene the College of Electors, specifically the Crown has authority to call the College for imperial elections and the election of Class I Grand Senators.

In addition, the Crown is a member of the Elysiumite Electoral Commission.


The Crown is most autonomous when it pertains to the granting of honours and patenting of nobles which are usually at the complete discretion of the Grand Emperor to grant them. However they are limited in some regards.

No noble title patented by the Crown may supersede the authority of chief representatives or the Crown and secondly certain titles and honours require approval of the Grand Senate in order for them to be granted to a citizen.

Succession & Regency

Imperial Princes

The regulations regarding succession are set down in the Canon Law of the Imperial Federation. Upon the permeant incapacitation (death or 2/3 of First Class Grand Senators following a 'prolonged absence' of the Grand Emperor) the highest ranked Imperial Prince becomes the new Grand Emperor.

There are five Imperial Princes in order of precedence, the Prince of Josephinia, the Prince of Quincet, the Prince of Valoridale, the Prince of Kingsdale and the Prince of Akunidale. The Prince of Josephina, when elected, is the heir apparent and carries the style of 'Prince Imperial'.

The Imperial Princes of Elysium
Title Prince Since
Prince of Josephinia, Prince Imperial Johann I 28 July 2024
Prince of Quincet Vacant Vacant
Prince of Valoridale Vacant Vacant
Prince of Kingsdale Vacant Vacant
Prince of Akunidale Vacant Vacant


Should a Regency be required, the Canon Law of the Imperial Federation makes provisions that designates the Emperor's Hand as the designated Regent should the Grand Emperor temporarily designate the Emperor's Hand as Regent or if the Grand Emperor is permanently incapacitated.

Should the Emperor's Hand be forced to become Regent following the permanent incapacitation (usually death or abdication) of the Grand Emperor then they will serve as Regent until the election of a new Grand Emperor.

Should Robert II become permanently incapacitated today, the Prince Impeiral, Johann I will automatically become Grand Emperor.


The 'basic style of the Grand Emperor of Elysium' refers to the titles that are held by the Crown explicitly under the Constitution.

"His Imperial Majesty the Grand Emperor of Elysium"

This is the style formally used whenever the Crown is corresponding or being corresponded to, however, due to the fact that in order to be elected as the Grand Emperor, a prospective Grand Emperor must be a noble, this leads to more expanded personal styles, at present the style of Robert II, including foreign titles is:

ROBERT THE SECOND His Imperial and Royal Majesty—a follower of Christ Jesus—of the Empire of Elysium, and all her Commonwealths, Grand Emperor; of Elyria, Etukan, and Politiza King; of Hampton Grand Duke; sworn defender of the law and of religion

List of Grand Emperors

Arms Name Reign start Reign end Notes House Badge
N/A Council of Five 9 September 2015 16 September 2015 temporary regency council until election of Robert II N/A N/A
1 Robert II 16 September 2015 25 July 2019 Abdicated throne to Tau I Smith
2 Tau I 25 July 2019 Reigned between for about an hour before Robert II returned Barclay
1 Robert II 25 July 2019 8 July 2020 Reigned until the establishment of the Republic Smith
1 Robert II 29 November 2021 present Restored to the Monarchy following Constitutional Amendments Smith