Media in the Central Minecraft Region
The Central Minecraft Region has several media outlets, and is the home to growing creators on the Youtube platform.
In the Central Minecraft Region there are two main newspaper outlets, CMR Journal and the Fraughtian Times
CMR Journal
The CMR Journal is edited and published by Jack Declan, and covers a variety of topics relating to the Central Minecraft Region.
Fraughtian Times
The Fraughtian Community is home to several youtube creators that content within the community.
The FraughtMovie channel is run by FraughtMovie, and is focused on both Minecraft and Retro video games.
Gaming Goodies
Originally called "TheRealMVPMerMan", Gaming Goodies is run by Brody Keller, and focuses on gaming as a whole.
PackerFan Gamer
The PackerFan Gamer channel is focused on Minecraft, and run by Jack Declan. The PackerFan Gamer channel is owned by Packerfan Studios.