History of the Åland State government

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The history of the Åland State government started on 1 January 2024 when the 2024 Åland State Enabling act was signed. The governments structure would be described in the first draft of the constitution of the Åland State. The second draft would be signed on 14 February 2024.

Founding Government (2023-2024)

After the 2023 French Republic coup d'état the MADF would be the de facto government of the area. Axel Himberg would sign the enabling act on 1 January 2024 which would officialy found the Government of the Åland State and Ålandssekretapolisen. The act would also form the position of Head of State who would have controll over the economy, military and police.

Constitution (2024)

On 30 January 2024 the first draft of the constitution was signed by Himberg. The constitution would form the three main branches of the government being the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The first draft of the constitution stated that the government would be explained in more detail in five different acts including the enabling and remilitarization acts.

The second draft of the constitution was signed on the 14 February 2024 which would state who lead the branches and exactly what they are supposed to do. The executive branch being lead by the president, the legislative branch being lead by parliament and the judicial branch being lead by the chief of justice.

First presidency

Axel Himberg would become the first president of the Åland State. On 29 March 2024 Himberg would sign the 2024 Åland State Recognition Act which would state what countries the Åland State recognize. It would also be the first official act signed by Himberg as president. Himberg would on the 6 April 2024 sign the first executive order banning refugees from specific war zones and citizens from countries that the Åland State does not recognize. On 11 April 2024, Wilmer Himberg would become vice president. Also on 11 April 2024, the Åland State-Jurassicland Mutual Defence Agreement would be signed between the Åland State and Jurassicland.[1] The Åland State would send peace keeping forces to Källbo officialy getting involved in the Källbo Insurgency.

2024 Åland State self-coup d'état

On 28 May Himberg would sign the 2024 Åland State Government Reform Act where the parliament would be suspended untill the 1 June. Marius Åkerblom would become vice president when he would come back and elections would be suspended. The Åland Party would become the only party in parliament. On the 20 June 2024, Himberg would sign the Second 2024 Åland State Reform act which would bring back elections and give back a seat to the Finnish party in parliament.

See also


  1. "Åland State Jurassicland mutual Defence Pact/agreement". Youtube. Alandstateofficial. 12 April 2024.