Principality of Woodlandia

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Principality of Woodlandia
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Coat of arms
Motto: Iure Vincimus Restituendam Libertatem Nobis
(English: By right we conquer, With liberty we rebuild)
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised national languagesFrench
Free Religious State
Demonym(s)Woodlandian Woodlandic Woodlander
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy Hereditary monarchy
• Monarch
Robert Ronyson
• Proclamation of Independence from Ontario, Canada
12 March 2019
• Estimate
CurrencyWoodlandic Shirley (WAS)
Time zoneEST
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy;
Driving sideright

Woodlandia (/ˈWoodlandia/ Wo-od-la-n-di-a About this sound (Listen) ), more commonly known as the Principality of Woodlandia, is a micronation and self-declared independent sovereign state located within Northern Ontario, Canada. The lands territorial boundaries and exact border lines have yet to be defined and are part of an ongoing dispute between governments.

The nation of Woodlandia was founded and proclaimed an independent sovereign state on March 12, 2019 by the current head of state, His Royal Highness Hereditary Sovereign Prince Shawn of the Principality of Woodlandia. The state is governed by a constitutional monarchy with an elected Prime Minister who serves as the head of government, and chairman of the Royal Ministries. The Prince is above members of the governing body, but not above the constitution.

The Principality of Woodlandia is a recognized nation according to the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. A treaty signed in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26, 1933, which codified the declarative theory of statehood as accepted as part of customary international law. However, the Principality is not officially recognized by the Canadian government or other members of the United Nations. Government officials, hand chosen by HRH the Prince and the Prime Minister, continue to develop a sustainable working government, while actively engaging in positive diplomatic relations with other sovereign states. The Principality of Woodlandia maintains its goal of universal recognition through world peace.


Woodlandia derives its name from the abundant forests and wooded landscapes characteristic of its territory. Situated on lands historically considered part of Canada, the nation's moniker is representative of the natural environment that has shaped its identity.


The Principality of Woodlandia has received the colloquial nickname "Weedlandia," owing to the nation's lenient regulations concerning cannabis. This slang term is commonly employed by both Woodlandian youth as well as visitors, reflecting the relaxed legal framework surrounding cannabis within the principality.


Throughout its history, the nation of the Principality of Woodlandia has periodically undergone changes resulting in a new era. A new era typically forms when the direction and focus of the government significantly shifts, often resulting in unexpected changes.

Freedom Era (12 March 2019 - 21 August 2019)

The Freedom Era began on 12 March 2019, when the Principality of Woodlandia was declared a Sovereign nation separate of Canada, under the command of His Royal Highness the Hereditary Sovereign Prince Shawn of the Principality of Woodlandia. The capital of the Principality of Woodlandia is Freedom, in honor of the patron St. Wallace (William Wallace) and to further honour the saint Wallace in his struggle for independence and freedom from the English and similarly Woodlandia's struggle for independence and freedom from English ruled Canada. It is HRH the Prince's belief in freedom and fairness for all Woodlandia citizens, thus began the freedom era.

The Freedom Era ended on 21 August 2019, after unexpected political shifts in government.

Political Era (21 August 2019 - Present)

The Political Era began on 21 August 2019, when the focus of the new government shifted from developing itself as a nation, to engaging in furthering diplomatic foreign relations with other nations. The first and previous era (Freedom Era) lasting only a little over five months. Unexpected political shifts in government brought on a new era that saw a rise in many foreign policies develop with other nations. Under the command of His Royal Highness the Hereditary Sovereign Prince Shawn of the Principality of Woodlandia, the nation began to grow acceptance as a legitimate nation by other micro-national states, many of which accept and recognize the Shirley as the national currency of Woodlandia.


The Principality of Woodlandia has been governed by a constitutional monarchy since it's formation on 12 March 2019, with His Royal Highness the Sovereign Prince Shawn as the head of state. Unlike other forms of government, Woodlandia is not governed by any known types of government, but instead combines both traditional and non-traditional forms of government structure. Under the command of HRH Prince Shawn, parliament is divided between two governmental cabinets, both Royal and Executive.

Law & Order

The Constitution of the Principality of Woodlandia is the supreme law of the country, and consists of written text and unwritten conventions.

Foreign relations

Foreign Relations with other nations

States recognized by Woodlandia

States which recognize Woodlandia


Citizenship of the Principality of Woodlandia is granted only by the Sovereign Prince, the Prime Minister and by few select high ranking officials of the Prime Ministers office. The Ministry of Internal Affairs oversees all matters of citizenship of the Principality. Woodlandian citizenship is classed into six types by status, each with it's own application for citizenship. Citizens wishing to have full Woodlandia citizenship must fill out a questionnaire as part of their application.

Government Institutions

In Woodlandia, government-owned corporations are referred to as Capital Corporations or Government Institutions, indicating that an organization is established by law, owned by the collective government (by right of the Crown), and overseen by parliament and cabinet. Capital Corporations of the Principality include, but are not limited to:

  • Waste Management - Woodlandia Waste Management (W.W.M.)
  • Water Supply - Woodlandia Aqua Management (W.A.M.)

Crown Corporations

In Woodlandia, state-owned corporations are referred to as Crown corporations, indicating that an organization is established by law, owned by the sovereign (either in right of Woodlandia or a province), and overseen by parliament and cabinet. Crown Corporations of the Principality include, but are not limited to:

  • Postal Service - Royal Woodlandia Post (R.W.P.) - a Crown corporation which functions as the primary postal operator in Woodlandia.
  • Mint - Royal Woodlandia Mint (R.W.M.) - an industrial facility which designs and manufactures coins used as currency in Woodlandia.
  • Law Enforcement - Royal Knights of the Woodlandia Guard (R.K.W.G.)


The Principality is entirely located within the North of the province of Ontario, within the country of Canada. The nations hilly terrain located on the Canadian Shield is abundant with many natural resources, such as lush thick forests, crystal blue lakes, and diverse wildlife.


The Principality of Woodlandia experiences a humid continental climate with warm humid summers and cold winters. The area experiences four distinct seasons with considerable variance in day to day temperature, particularly during the colder weather season. The weather, most likely in relation to the close proximity of the Snowbelt region of Central Ontario and the Great Lakes, frequently experience snowy winters and lake-effect snow. The area experiences comfortable summer temperatures and occasional heatwaves accompanied by high humidity and active thunderstorm weather. The Muskoka region has the highest annual precipitation of any region in Ontario.


The nation's main source of income is tourism. The Royal Woodlandia Resort, located in the Principality is the main attraction for visitors, especially during the summer.



On March 9, 2019, during the early days of foundation, an unofficial and preliminary census, of the citizens of the Principality of Woodlandia was taken and completed on the same day. The 2019 Census enumerated a total population of 8 citizens. A considerable increase in population over a short period, of only 8 days after it's original founding. As of 2019, the average life expectancy for Woodlandics is 81 years. Some citizens of Woodlandia (37.5%) live in family households, 12.5% report living alone, and those living with unrelated persons reported at 50%. The average size of a household in 2019 was 2 people.


According to the March 9, 2019 preliminary census, Woodlandia, like it's neighboring country (Canada), is one of the most educated countries in the world; the nation ranks among the first worldwide in the number of adults having tertiary education, with 50 percent of Woodlandic adults having attained at least an undergraduate college or university degree. As of 2019, 75 percent of adults aged 25 to 64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school degree.

Since the formation of the Department of the Ministry of Education, education in English is available to students in Woodlandia. The mandatory school age ranges between 5–7 to 16–18 years, contributing to an adult literacy rate of 99 percent. In 2019, 50 percent of Woodlandics aged 25 to 64 possessed a post-secondary education.


The country's largest self-reported ethnic origin is Canadian (accounting for 100% of the population). Almost all Woodlandic citizens having descended from immigrated ancestors from Europe, with the majority having English origins.


Woodlandia is religiously diverse, encompassing a wide range of beliefs and customs. The Principality of Woodlandia has no official church. Any type of religion is a citizen's choice to practice, though generally considered a private matter throughout society and the state. Freedom of religion, by law is a constitutionally protected right, allowing individuals to assemble and worship freely without limitation or interference from the government.

According to the March 9, 2019, preliminary census, 37.5% of citizens identify as Christians, with 37.5% of Woodlandics identifying as Non-Christian religion, without belief in God. At 12.5% each, the remaining denominations are Roman Catholicism and Other Religion.


Arts, culture & sport

National Symbols

Woodlandia's national symbols are influenced by natural, historical, and indigenous sources.


Date Name Type Notes
January 1 New Year's Day National holiday Celebrating the first day of the Gregorian calendar
February 9 Pizza Day Public holiday Celebrating pizza from around the world
March 12 Founder's Day Government holiday Celebrating the founding of the Principality of Woodlandia
Date varies Easter Sunday National holiday Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
April 22 Earth Day Public holiday Earth appreciation
June 26 Lions Day (Prince Shawn's Birthday) Royal holiday Celebrating the birth of the Sovereign Prince Shawn
Date varies Freedom Day Government holiday Celebrating independence from Canada
August 23 St. Wallace Day Government holiday Celebrating the patron Saint of Woodlandia
September 23 National Flag Day Government holiday Celebrating the National flag of Woodlandia
October 31 Halloween Public holiday Festivities
Date varies Feast Day National holiday A feast and celebration of gratitude
December 24 Christmas Eve National holiday Celebrating the birth of Jesus with festivities
December 25 Christmas Day National holiday Celebrating the birth of Jesus with festivities
December 31 Old Year's Day National holiday Celebrating the last day of the Gregorian calendar


Royal Woodlandia Heritage Museum (R.W.H.M.) - Features a wide collection of historical, Canadian and Woodlandian heritage artifacts and memorabilia. The museum is themed around the heritage, history, culture and formation of the two countries, including the separation of Woodlandia. All the museums artifacts are cataloged and archived by the Royal Woodlandia Historical Society (R.W.H.S.), who are responsible for the preservation and care of artifacts.

Royal Pop Culture Museum (R.P.C.M.) - Features a collection of Canadian and Woodlandian pop cultural artifacts and memorabilia. The museum is themed mostly around English, Canadian, and Woodlandian pop culture, though other countries are often featured.


The Royal Woodlandia Historical Society (R.W.H.S.) is responsible for the preservation and care of historical artifacts.

External links
