Dale Republic - Republic of Atlantis relations

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Dale-Atlean relations
Map indicating locations of Dale and Atlantis

Dale Republic

Federation of Atlantis

The Republic of Atlantis and the Dale Republic have grown diplomatic relations between each other quickly and heavily support each other especially in Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization, most notably with the veto controversy.


The Republic of Atlantis and the Dale Republic did not encounter each other until the Republic of Atlantis applied for full membership for the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization. The Dale Republic supported their membership application which they gained. The first encounter of Republic of Atlantis and the Dale Republic support for each other was during the veto controversy where the Dale Republic used a veto to stop the application for the Republic of Kuhugstan to upgrade from observer to full membership. The two have continued to share common ground on matters in the Inter-Micronational Treaty Organization and on december 17, 2011 then Seceretary-General of IMTO handed the post over to Alexander Eastwood.

Expansion of relations

The main interaction of relations between the Dale Republic and the Republic of Atlantis are between the President of the Dale Republic and foreign minister of the Republic of Atlantis, Alexander Eastwood who each share common opinion on any possible future of expansion of Dale Republic and the Republic of Atlantis relations. One common ground on future relations betwwen the two states in the creation of a Atlantis-Woking Cooperation Council, like that of the British-Irish Council which will allow the Dale Republic and the Republic of Atlantis to further each others relations.

Country comparison

Dale Republic Republic of Atlantis
Population 14 72
Area 24.56 mi² N/A
Capital Woking City Poseidon
Largest City Woking City Poseidon
Goverment Federal Republic Parliamentary Republic
de facto language English English
Currency Dale Republic Pound Åtlins

Common membership

See also