Organisation of Micronational Ambient Protection

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Organisation of Micronational Ambient Protection
Organización de Protección Ambiental Micronacional
Organisation der Micronational Umweltschutz
Organização Micronacional de Proteção Ambiental

Headquarters Woking City, Dale Republic

Official language English, Spanish, German, Portuguese

Membership 7 Member nations

Secretary General
Vice-Secretary General Vacant

Foundation June 12, 2011
Official Official site
Facebook official page

The Organisation of Micronational Ambient Protection, OMAP, was a micronational organisation founded with the purpose of raising awareness about the environmental situation of the planet, at a minor micronational level. Founded on 12 June 2011, the OMAP was established by Tarik Kârjasary, then leader of the now defunct First Berinese Republic. Its Secretary General is the President of the Dale Republic, D Sherman, and the Vice-Secretary General post is currently vacant.


When it was founded, the OMAP intended to promote the cause of and raising awareness of the environmental situation only in Berin, with the name of ABAP (Agency of Berinese Ambient Protection or in Spanish, APAB), but before founding, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Isabel Rojas, proposed to the Berinese Monarch to refound the ABAP as a intermicronational organisation, that would also establish indirect diplomatic relations of Berin with other micronations member of the OMAP.

Before it became inactive, the OMAP had 7 members and intended to plan on new ways to improve the environmental situation in micronations.


The OMAP has laws, beginning with the signature of the Head of State or of Government in the OMAP treaty, which will include Environmental Protecting, extra constitutional but needly applied.
