Order of precedence (Arlandica)

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The coat of arms of the Kingdom of Arlandica.

The Order of precedence in the Kingdom of Arlandica is the traditional hierarchy of positions within the government.


  1. King of Arlandica (Jerold I)
  2. Members of the House of Arlandica
    1. Queen Consort (vacant)
    2. Crown Princess (Jeanne)
    3. Princes (Jerold Barlizo)
    4. Princesses (Analie Lopez)
  3. President of the Parliament (Benz Gian Arellano)
  4. Members of the Parliament
    1. Governor-Representative of Mainland Arlandica (Kyenchub Choden)
    2. Governor-Representative of Galrea (Vladimir Fernsby)
    3. Governor-Representative of Lémarita (Benz Gian Arellano)
    4. Governor-Representative of Nueva Bago (Jeanne)
    5. Governor-Representative of Paddaya (Joshua Borja)
  5. Judicial Officer of the Supreme Court (vacant)
  6. Ministers of the Cabinet
    1. Minister of Home Affairs (Jeanne)
    2. Minister of Foreign Affairs (Benz Gian Arellano)
    3. Minister of Information (Jerold I)
    4. Minister of Defense (Gen. Jay Arce)
  7. Chief of Staff of the Civil Guard (Gen. Jay Arce)
    1. Commander of the Naval Service (VAdm. Vincent "VJ" Alvarez)
  8. Unit commanders of the Civil Guard
  9. Other administrators of state-owned companies and agencies
    1. Hopeful Morning Broadcasting Network (Benz Gian Arellano)
    2. Jalaur River Territorial Management Office (vacant)
    3. Royal Arlandican Intelligence Directorate (vacant)
    4. Science and Technology Agency of Arlandica (Joshua Borja)
    5. Sports Committee of Arlandica (Benz Gian Arellano)
    6. Trans-Arlandic National Bank (Benz Gian Arellano)
  10. Ambassadors from Representative offices
    1. Bhutan (Kyenchub Choden)
    2. Nepal (Sakshi Thapa)
    3. European Union (vacant)
    4. India (vacant)
    5. Indonesia (vacant)
    6. United States (vacant)