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Bots are accounts operated by software making automatic edits. On MicroWiki, they may only be operated by the technical admins or users with strict permission the technical admins.

Currently, the only intermittently operating bots are MicroBot, SignoBot, Janny, and WelcomeBOT.

Name Active Purpose Edit count Software Operator AD RC
MicroBot Intermittently General article cleanup, mass replacement, assisting administrators. 26,578 AWB User:Luxor Yes No
ProtectBot No Add Template:Pp to protected articles and remove it from unprotected articles. 46 PWB User:Luxor Yes No
SandboxCleanerBot Yes Clean Sandbox daily. 19 MWBot User:Luxor No No
RedirectBot Yes Fix double redirects and mark broken redirects for deletion. 4,825 PWB User:Luxor No No
StatsBot Yes Update historical statistics for all MW-family sites. 1,821 MWBot + PHP User:Luxor No No
WelcomeBOT Yes Welcome new users. 12332 PWB User:Luxor No Yes
Mailman Yes Send project notices to project members. 25 PWB User:Luxor No No
Hubbardbot Unknown Typo and date format correction. 1,722 AWB User:Matt No No
Janny Intermittently General article cleanup, mass replacement, assisting administrators. 17,072 AWB User:MattL No No
SignoBot No 47 MWBot User:Luxor No No
WikiScribeBot Intermittently Automatically marks drafts as submitted. 1,754 User:Luxor

Apart from SignoBot, most bots used on MicroWiki used AutoWikiBot to automate certain tasks and fix general mistakes.

See also