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MicroWiki:What not to do

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This list does not exist to ridicule, but to show behaviour that is either not welcome or not advised within the MicroWiki community, or how not to make your Wiki articles.

Fibbers and flops

Nations that went out with a bang, like the fabled United Univist States declaring war on the entire world, or those who were exposed as being spectacular frauds, listed in alphabetical order.


  • One of the all-time most infamous of the "lying nations" - Camuria was soon exposed by a dossier released by the Grand Unified Micronational, written by Robert Lethler.


  • Another prominent series of "fake nations" - the inimitable German, Frederic Bayer, created a number of personas in an attempt to thwart the efforts of Robert Lethler to oust him, some more effective than others. He remains a somewhat controversial figure on the site to this day, although he is now generally an accepted member.


  • Ironic though it is, Erusia, a nation that helped expose and expel a number of lying nations from the Wiki, turned out to be a fake. One of the most elaborate and impressive hoax nations ever.


  • Notorious for its many outlandish claims, such as having diplomatic recognition from the United States, having a functioning international airport, and for frequently staging the deaths of its "politicians" in dramatic assassinations, often purportedly at the hands of British law enforcement. And if that weren't enough, they're also fraudsters!


  • A beautifully well-written MicroWiki article, but unfortunately their claim to be manufacturing wind turbines killed off any notion that these guys might be telling the truth.

State of Samizdat

  • A micronation seemingly designed to be as offensive as possible has resulted in the longest article on MicroWiki by a country mile. A vast 40,000-word diatribe in which they promote anti-vaccine and climate change denialist conspiracy theories, and declare people they don't like as "terrorists" - mostly the EU, which they really, really hate. Thankfully nobody will ever read most of this stuff because their article is huge to the point of being incomprehensible.

No-Hopers, Jokers, and Rogues

A selection of articles that are just plain badly written, incomprehensible, or look like they were written by ten-year-olds, listed in non-alphabetical order. Grammar Nazis are advised to steer clear.


  • Is it a parody, or are they actually serious? One of the most well-known "troll articles".

Communism of Draco

  • Almost certainly run by the same person as the infamous Nationia, and just as hilariously bad.

Cuchys World

  • Some articles just defy explanation. This is one of them.


  • A nation obviously run by someone with severe maturity issues.

Shinee Shining Lightning

  • What? Seriously, what?

republic of ocea land

  • This is what happens when you try to write a wiki article in Microsoft Word.

Salarian People's Republic

  • My brain hurts.


  • Short and sweet.

Gangsta republic

  • One of the more well-known projects of notorious troll Trace Fleeman.


  • The author of this one clearly didn't wonder whether there might be a slight issue with image sizing...


  • The definition of a stub article.

Natura Terra

  • Turns out that MediaWiki doesn't accept raw HTML. Possibly the worst attempt at wiki formatting we've ever seen.

Greenastan meetings

  • A wiki page written live by a stenographer attending this council meeting. Meeting over, please go ahead and head home.

Somplenese List of Demands that Molossia must agree to in order to end the Somplenese-Molossian War

  • It's a sobering realisation of how far the MicroWiki community has come when you realise that we all took this seriously at the time. We are on day 5,659 of waiting for Molossia to agree to the demands.

The People's Junta of Imbeautania

Hello we are Northia we are micronation in Northeastern Ohio we have atleast 10,000 people and we are a Democratic government our official religions are Roman Catholic Protestant, Wiccan, Paganism, Islam,Etc

  • Who knew you could fit your entire wiki page into the title?

I am an experienced editor and I agree that if I submit a page into the main namespace, that it may be deleted mercilessly.

  • This user clearly seems to understand that if submit a page into the main namespace, that it may be deleted mercilessly.

King cecep

  • The most incomprehensible article since Shinee Shining Lightning.

King Fondren Bai ll

  • Quentin Tarantino wishes his slop was half as entertaining as this article. Ancient African lore. Yoga classes with Jaden Smith. Gunfights at Area 51. A military comprised of long-gone Yucatan peoples, Crips, Ku Klux Klan cooperatives, Los Angeles Nazis, and every Mexican cartel under the sun. Buckle the hell up, we're going UFO hunting.

Bizzare zone

Yet more things that defy any categorisation or explanation.


  • Perhaps the most bizzare editor of MicroWiki to date. Impersonates a Wikipedia admin, creates two bots that revert all edits, clearly has no idea what micronations are, and hates the word uwu. Go to their talk page for a proper headache.