Imperial Numismatic Museum

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Imperial Numismatic Museum
LocationAustenasia Imperial Residence, Wrythe
TypeNumismatic collection
Collections582 coins, 34 banknotes
CuratorHIM Emperor Jonathan I

The Imperial Numismatic Museum is a collection of coins and banknotes founded by Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia on Imperium Day 2018. Although Crown property, the Museum is freely available to public view by appointment.

The founding items of the Museum were those in the private numismatic collection of Jonathan I. These coins and notes have been added to over time, with several donations and acquisitions made.

In accordance with the Imperial Edict which established the Museum, coins and banknotes which are discovered as treasure on Crown property are to be donated to the Museum. Furthermore, in accordance with Paragraph 5 of the Commemorative Coins Act 2018, one coin from every issue of Austenasian coins minted by the Treasury is automatically donated to the Museum.

The contents of the Museum are divided into eight collections, namely the Imperial, Micronational, Euro, Pre-Euro, British, Miscellaneous (Old World), Miscellaneous (New World), and Emperor Father Terry Crown Collections.

Imperial Collection

The Imperial Collection aims to collect coins depicting Emperors recognised by Austenasia as having held imperium. Only imperial monarchies the coins of which tended to display a portrait of the emperors are included in this collection; others, such as Ottoman and Japanese coins, are included elsewhere in the Museum.

Emperor/Empress Description Obtained
Classical Roman
(27 BC - 395 AD)
Augustus Denarius minted 19 BC at Lugdunum.
Obverse: Bust of Augustus facing right, with the inscription "[CAESAR] AVGVSTVS"
Reverse: Star within crescent moon, with the inscription "[TVRP]ILIANVS III VI[R]"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2021.
Tiberius As minted AD 35-36 at Rome.
Obverse: Bust of Tiberius facing left, with the inscription "TI CAESAR D[IVI AVG F] AVGVST IMP VIII"
Reverse: A winged caduceus flanked by the letters S and C, with the inscription "[P]ONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN [POTEST XXXVII]"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2023.
Claudius I As minted 41-54.
Obverse: Bust of Claudius facing left, with the inscription "[TI CL]AVDIVS CAESAR AVG [P M TR P IMP]"
Reverse: Libertas extending her left arm, flanked by the letters "S C", with the inscription "[LIBERTAS] AVGVS[TA]"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2020.
Vespasian Denarius minted 71.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Vespasian facing right, with the inscription "IMP CAES VESP AVG P M"
Reverse: Pax seated left with a caduceus and a branch, with the inscription "TRI POT II COS III P P"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2024.
Trajan Dupondius or assarion minted 98-117.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Trajan facing right, with the inscription "[...]NEΡOY TΡAIANOC[...]"
Reverse: A wreath around a central inscription that is now worn away
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Septimius Severus Denarius minted 194-95.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Septimius Severus facing right, with the inscription "L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP III[I]"
Reverse: Jupiter seated left, holding Victory and a sceptre, with the inscription "P M TR [P II COS] II P P"
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
Gordian III As minted 241-43 at Rome.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Gordian III facing right, with the inscription "IMP GOR[D]IANVS PIVS [FEL AVG]"
Reverse: Mars facing right, with spear and shield, flanked by the letters "S C", with the inscription "[MAR]S PROPVGNAT"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2021.
Decius Dupondius minted 249 at Viminacium.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Decius facing right, with the inscription "IMP TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG"
Reverse: Personification of Moesia standing facing left, flanked by a bull and a lion, with the inscription "PMS COL VIM"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 2 March 2023.
Valerian Antoninianus minted 253-60.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Gallienus facing right, with the inscription "IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS PF AVG"
Reverse: Sol raising his right hand, with the inscription "ORIENS AVGG"
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 22 January 2020.
Gallienus Antoninianus minted 260-268.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Gallienus facing right, with the inscription "GALLIENVS [AVG]"
Reverse: Abundantia emptying a cornucopia, with the inscription "[ABUN]DANTIA AVG"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
Claudius II Antoninianus minted 268-270.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Claudius II facing right, with the inscription "[I]M[P] CLAUDIVS [AVG]"
Reverse: Pax with spear and olive branch, with the inscription "[PA]X A[VG]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Quintillus Antoninianus minted in 270 at Siscia.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Quintillus facing right, with the inscription "[IMP CM AVR CL] QVINTILLVS AVG"
Reverse: Providentia holding a baton and cornucopiae, with the inscription "PROVID[EN AVG]"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperial Ascension Day 2023.
Aurelian Antoninianus minted 272-274.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Aurelian facing right, with the inscription "IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG"
Reverse: Sol Invictus with upraised arm holding a globe, trampling a captive, with the inscription "CONSERVAT AVG"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Probus Antoninianus minted in 281 at Rome.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Probus facing left, with the inscription "PROBV[S P F A]VG"
Reverse: Sol Invictus riding a chariot of four horses, with the inscription "SOLI INVIC[TO]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Carus Antoninianus minted 282-3.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Carus facing right, with the inscription "IMP C M AVR CARVS PF AVG,"
Reverse: Carus and Carinus (or possibly Numerian) receiving Victory, with the inscription "VIRTVS AVGGG" and the prominent mintmark XXI"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2019.
Diocletian Post-reform radiate minted 293-305.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Diocletian facing right, with the inscription "IMP CC [V]AL DIOCLETIANVS PF AVG"
Reverse: Diocletian receiving Victory from Jupiter, with the inscription "CONCORDIA MILITVM"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Maximian AE1 Follis minted 300 at Alexandria.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Maximian facing right, with the inscription "IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG"
Reverse: Genius standing left holding a patera and cornucopia, chlamys over shoulder and modius on head, with the inscription "GENIO POPVLI ROMANI"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2021.
Galerius AE2 Follis minted 310-11 at Antioch.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Galerius facing right, with the inscription "IMP C GAL VAL MAX[IMIA]NVS [PF] AVG"
Reverse: Genius standing left holding a patera and cornucopia, chlamys over shoulder and a crescent in the upper left, with the inscription "GENIO EXERCITVS"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Constantine I Follis minted 330-35, probably at Trier.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Constantine I facing right, with the inscription "CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG"
Reverse: Two soldiers holding spears and shields with two thin pointed standards between them, with the inscription "GLORIA EXER[CITVS]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Licinius Follis minted 313-324.
Obverse: Radiate bust of Licinius facing right, with the inscription "IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS P F AVG"
Reverse: Jupiter standing, facing left, holding Victory and a sceptre, with an eagle to his left and a captive to his right, with the inscription "IOVI CONSERVA[TORI]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Constantine II Constantinian bronze minted 337-340.
Obverse: Laureate bust of Constantine II facing right, with the inscription "IMP CONSTANTIN[VS AVG]"
Reverse: Sol holding a globe with his right arm raised, with the inscription "[SOLI INV]ICTO COMITI"
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on Christmas Day 2019.
Constantius II Constantinian bronze minted 337-361.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Constantius II facing right, with the inscription "[D]N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG"
Reverse: Soldier spearing a captive horseman, with the inscription "FEL TEMP REPARAT[IO]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Julian the Apostate Constantinian bronze minted 361-363 at Arles.
Obverse: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Julian facing left, holding a spear and shield, with the inscription "DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG"
Reverse: The inscription "V[OT] X MVLT XX" within a wreath, above the mintmark "SCONST".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2020.
Jovian AE3 Follis minted 363-64 at Heraclea.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Jovian facing left, with the inscription "DN IOVIANVS PF AVG"
Reverse: The inscription "VOT [V] MVLT X" within a wreath, above the mintmark "HERACB".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 3 July 2021.
Valentinian I Constantinian bronze minted 364-375.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Valentinian I facing right, with the inscription "DN VALEN[TINIANV]S P F AVG"
Reverse: Victory facing left, with the inscription "SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gratian Constantinian bronze minted 375-383 at Siscia.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Gratian facing right, with the inscription "DN GRATIANVS P F AVG"
Reverse: The inscription "VOT XV MVLT XX" within a wreath, above the mintmark "BSISC".
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Theodosius I Constantinian bronze minted 379-382 at Antioch.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Theodosius I facing right, with the inscription "DN THEODOSIVS P F AVG"
Reverse: The inscription "[CONCOR]DIA [AVGGG]" around a personification of Constantinople holding a sceptre.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Western Roman
Honorius Nummus minted at Constantinople.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Honorius facing right, with the inscription "DN HONOR[I]VS PF AVG"
Reverse: The emperor being crowned by Victory, encircled by the inscription "VIRTVS EXERCITI", with the mintmark "CONSΓ" below.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Eastern Roman
Arcadius Constantinian bronze minted 395-401 at Constantinople.
Obverse: Diademed bust of Arcadius facing right, with the inscription "DN ARCADIVS P F A[VG]"
Reverse: Arcadius with a spear and shield, being crowned by Victory with a wreath, surrounded by the inscription "VIRTVS [EXERCITI]", all above the mintmark "CONSA".
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Theodosius II Constantinian bronze minted 401-403 at Antioch.
Obverse: Helmeted bust of Theodosius II front-facing, holding a spear over his shoulder and a shield ornamented with a cross, with the inscription "DN THEODOSIVS P F AVG"
Reverse: The inscription "CONCORD[I]A AVG[G]" around a seated personification of Constantinople holding a Victory.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Anastasius I Follis minted at Constantinople c. 512-17
Obverse: Diademed bust of Anastasius I facing right, with the inscription "[D]N ANASTASIVS PP AV[G]"
Reverse: A large "M" with a star on either side, with the mintmark "CON" and the officina letter B below.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
Justin I Follis minted at Constantinople 518-527
Obverse: Diademed bust of Justin I facing right, with the inscription "DN IVSTINVS PP AVG"
Reverse: A large "M" with a cross above and to the right, and a star to the left, with the mintmark "CON" below.
Donatedd to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2022
Justinian I Semifollis minted at Antioch 527-565
Obverse: Diademed bust of Justinian I facing right, with the inscription "DN IVSTINIANVS PP AV[G]"
Reverse: A large "K" with a long cross to the left, with the letters T/H/E/UOP in the four angles.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
(two coins)
(1) Follis minted at Constantinople 583-4
Obverse: Crowned full-face bust of Maurice holding a globis cruciger, with the inscription "DN MAVRIC TIBER PP AVG"
Reverse: A large "M" and smaller officina letter B, with a cross above and the mintmark "CON" below; "ANNO" to the left, and the regnal year II to the right.

(2) Follis minted at Theopolis (Antioch) 592-3
Obverse: Crowned full-face bust of Maurice in consular robes holding a sceptre and mappa, with the inscription "DN MAVRIC M P AVT"
Reverse: A large "M" and smaller officina letter Γ, with a cross above and the mintmark "THEUP" below; "ANNO" to the left, and the regnal year XI to the right.
First coin donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.

Second coin donated by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2022.
Medieval Roman
Leo VI and
Follis minted at Constantinople 886-912.
Obverse: Leo VI and Alexander (the latter to the right and slightly smaller) each crowned and wearing loros, seated facing on double throne, holding labarum between them, with the inscription "[+ LEON] S ALE[XANDROS]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Constantine VII Follis minted 913-959, probably at Constantinople.
Obverse: Crowned full-face bust of Constantine VII holding a globis cruciger, with the inscription "+ CO[NST] bAS[IL ROM]"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Holy Roman
Rudolf II Denár minted at Kremnica in 1581.
Obverse: Hungarian coat of arms, with the inscription "RVD•II•RO•I•S•AV•G•H•B•R•"
Reverse: The Virgin and Child above the denomination, encircled with "PATR•HVNG".
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Leopold I A three kreuzer coin minted at Graz in 1703.
Obverse: Leopold I, with the inscription "LEOPOLDUS•D•G•R•I•S•A•G•H•BO•REX•"
Reverse: Three shields displaying a double-headed eagle, the arms of the Duke of Burgundy, and the arms of Styria, encircled with "ARCHID•AUS•D•BURG•STYRIÆ•".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 10 July 2021.
Francis II A one kreuzer coin minted at Vienna in 1800.
Obverse: Francis II, with the inscription "FRANC•II•D•G•R•I•S•A•GE•HV•BO•REX•A•A•"
Reverse: A double-headed Habsburg eagle, with the denomination ("1") on a shield.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Ivan IV A one kopeck coin minted between 1547 and 1584.
Obverse: A crowned horseman with a spear.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Nicholas II The 1895-1914 design of the fifty kopeck coin, with this coin minted in 1899.
Obverse: Nicholas II, with the inscription "Б.М.НИКОЛАЙ II ИМПЕРАТОРЪ И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ ВСЕРОСС"
Reverse: The Lesser Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire, above the denomination and the year.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
(1806-1814, 1815, 1852-1870)
Napoleon I The 1807-13 design of the 1 centesimo coin, with this coin minted in Venice.
Obverse: Napoleon I, with the inscription "NAPOLEONE IMPERATORE E RE"
Reverse: A crown, above the denomination and below "REGNO D'ITALIA".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperial Ascension Day 2023.
Napoleon III The 1852-57 design of the 10 centimes coin, with this coin minted in 1856 in Bordeaux.
Obverse: Napoleon III, with the inscription "NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR"
Reverse: Eagle with wings outstretched facing right atop lightning bolts, above the denomination and below "[EMPIR]E FRANCAIS".
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Francis I The 1830-35 design of the 20 kreuzer coin, with this coin minted in 1834.
Obverse: Francis I, with the inscription "FRANC•I•D•G•AVST•IMP•HVNG•B•L•V•G•L•IL•REX•A•A•"
Reverse: The Virgin and Child above the denomination, encircled with "S•MARIA MATER DEI PATRONA HVNG•" and the year.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Ferdinand I The 1837-48 design of the 20 kreuzer coin, with this coin minted in 1848 in Vienna.
Obverse: Ferdinand I, with the inscription "FERD•I•D•G•AVSTR•IMP•HVNG•BOH•R•H•N•V•"
Reverse: Imperial coat of arms of the empire above the denomination, encircled with "REX•LOMB•ET•VEN•DALM•GAL•LOD•ILL•A•A•" and the year.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperial Ascension Day 2023.
Franz Joseph I The 1858-64 design of the 5 kreuzer coin, with this coin minted in 1859.
Obverse: Franz Joseph I, with the inscription "FRANZ JOSEPH I•V•G•G•KAISER V•OESTERREICH•"
Reverse: The Imperial Crown of Austria above the denomination and year, encircled with "SCHEIDE MÜNZE".
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
(1881-1918, 2011)
Wilhelm II The 1891-1912 design of the Prussian 2 mark coin, with this coin minted in 1903 in Berlin.
Obverse: Wilhelm II, with the inscription "WILHELM II DEUTSCHER KAISER KÖNIG V. PREUSSEN"
Reverse: The 1889–1918 lesser coat of arms of the empire, above the denomination and below "DEUTSCHES REICH".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperial Ascension Day 2023.
Victoria The 1895-1901 design of the 1 penny coin, with this coin minted in 1899.
Obverse: Victoria, with the inscription "VICTORIA•DEI•GRA•BRITT•REGINA•FID•DEF•IND•IMP•"
Reverse: Britannia seated above the year, encircled by the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Edward VII The 1902-10 design of the half penny coin, with this coin minted in 1903.
Obverse: Edward VII, with the inscription "EDWARDVS VII DEI GRA : BRITT : OMN : REX FID : DEF : IND : IMP:"
Reverse: Britannia seated above the year, encircled by the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
George V The 1911-26 design of the 1 penny coin, with this coin minted in 1921.
Obverse: George V, with the inscription "GEORGIVS V DEI GRA : BRITT : OMN : REX FID : DEF : IND : IMP:"
Reverse: Britannia seated above the year, encircled by the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Edward VIII The 10 cents coin of the East African shilling minted in 1936.
Obverse: Tudor crown above a central hole, and the denomination below, all surrounded by the inscription "EDWARDVS VIII REX ET IND:IMP:"
Reverse: Curved tusks of ivory flanking the central hole, which is below the denomination, all encircled by "EAST AFRICA" with the year.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2019.
George VI The quadrangular 1942-44 design of the 2 annas coin, with this coin minted in 1944.
Obverse: George VI, with the inscription "GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR•"
Reverse: The denomination, date, and "INDIA" in a floral design, surrounded by "2 annas" in Urdu, Bengali, Telugu and Devnagari.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Victor Emmanuel III The 1939-43 design of the 10 centesimi coin, with this coin minted in 1940.
Obverse: Victor Emmanuel III, with the inscription "VITT•EM•III•RE•E•IMP•"
Reverse: Crowned Savoy coat of arms superimposed on a fasces, with an ear of wheat on the left and oak leaves on the right, below "ITALIA" and above the denomination ("C.10").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Jonathan I September 2018 release, minted in celebration of the tenth anniversary of Austenasia's foundation. Face value of £3.
Obverse: Jonathan I, portrait based on a 2016 photograph, with the inscription "JONATHAN•I•AUSTENASIAE•IMP•AUT•ROMANORUM•2018•7527".
Reverse: "TEN•YEARS•SINCE/THE•DECLARATION/OF•INDEPENDENCE", above the face value and encircled by the same inscription as on the obverse.
Submitted to the Museum on 1 September 2018 by the Austenasian Treasury in accordance with Paragraph 5 of the Commemorative Coins Act 2018.

Micronational Collection

The Micronational Collection consists of coins and banknotes from various small nations generally regarded as micronations, regardless of whether they are recognised or not by the Empire. Many of these items are extremely rare, and some are unique.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
Egtavia 10 e coin 2011 Obverse: Egtavian coat of arms.
Reverse: diverging lines with the Austenasian Star.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012. Minted in expectation of an upcoming Austenasian state visit.
Egtavia 5 e banknote 2010 Obverse: A hen and a rooster on National Highway One near Prad City.
Reverse: Philip Fish, James von Puchow and Alexander Reinhardt against the background of their respective national flags.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012.
Egtavia 2 e banknote 2010 Obverse: The SW-2E locomotive near Wadlow on the Trans-Egtavia Aerial Tramway.
Reverse: Egtavian sheep.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012.
Egtavia 1 e banknote 2010 Obverse: S-MS-1 Catapult during fire tests in Egtavia's grasslands.
Reverse: Egtavian chickens
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012.
Egtavia 50 cents e coin 2011 A stylised "e" and diverging lines with a studded border. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012.
Egtavia 25 cents e coin 2011 The crest from Egtavia's flag with a studded border. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Pierre dÉgtavie in 2012.
 Landashir 5 shillings banknote Unknown Landashir'n coat of arms. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by James von Puchow in 2012.
 Landashir 1 shilling banknote 2011 Blue border around a white centre with the lower-case words "community of landashir". Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by James von Puchow in 2012.
 Landashir 1 shilling banknote Unknown Portrait of and quote from Thomas Paine. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by James von Puchow in 2012.
 Lytera 5 lyira banknote 2020 St Botolph and Amelia I of Lytera Gifted to Jonathan I by Amelia I of Lytera on 25 May 2021.
Mekniy-Lurk 1 Corona coin 2021 Obverse: The Manticore of Mossaesa, surrounded by the name of the country in different languages.
Reverse: Trosky Castle
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Molossia Thirtieth Anniversary commemorative coin 2007 Obverse: Lesser Coat of Arms of Molossia.
Reverse: Arms of the Grand Republic of Vuldstein
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Purchased by Jonathan I in 2015.
 Molossia Presidential Wedding commemorative coin 2011 Obverse: President Baugh and the First Lady in profile.
Reverse: "RM" (Republic of Molossia) superimposed over a stylized Voodoo goddess of love.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Purchased by Jonathan I in 2015.
 Ruthenia 1 mark note 2015 Oscar I Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 2 mark note 2015 Maria of Yugoslavia Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 5 mark note 2015 Charlemagne Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 10 mark note 2015 Guilherme da Lomellina Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 20 mark note 2015 Napoleon I Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 50 mark note 2015 Leonardo da Vinci Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Ruthenia 100 mark note 2015 Oscar I Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 St.Charlie 100 Pianeta banknote 2010 Obverse: Patrizio I of St.Charlie
Reverse: Jonas "the Pony" Branson (a popular figure from New Ridgeway)
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Jonathan I by Alexander Reinhardt in 2016.
 St.Charlie 20 Pianeta banknote 2012 Obverse: Heinrich Schneider
Reverse: A photograph of a pond (location unknown)
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Jonathan I by Alexander Reinhardt in 2016.
 St.Charlie 5 Pianeta banknote 2012 Obverse: Alexander Reinhardt
Reverse: A parody of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, edited to replace the American flag with that of St.Charlie.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Jonathan I by Alexander Reinhardt in 2016.
 Westarctica 20 Ice marks banknote 2019 Obverse: Travis I and the Westarctican coat of arms
Reverse: Various constellations, and the state motto ("FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD").
Donated to the Museum by Duke Jordan of the Bear Peninsula on 27 February 2021.
 Zealandia 50 krona banknote Unknown Heraldic symbols of Zealandia. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Gifted to Crown Prince Jonathan by Håkon Lindström in 2012.

Euro Collection

The Euro Collection consists of Euro coins from various countries and of various denominations.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Andorra 20 cent coin 2014 The Church of Santa Coloma d'Andorra, with the name of the country to the right. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 28 January 2020.
 Austria 50 cent coin 2002 Secession Building. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Austria 10 cent coin 2002 St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 May 2021.
 Belgium 10 cent coin 1999 Albert II, with his royal monogram to the right. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 May 2021.
 Belgium 5 cent coin 1999 Albert II, with his royal monogram to the right. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Cyprus 50 cent coin 2008 A Kyrenia ship next to the name of Cyprus in Greek and Turkish (ΚΥΠΡΟΣ and KIBRIS). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Cyprus 5 cent coin 2008 Two mouflons next to the name of Cyprus in Greek and Turkish (ΚΥΠΡΟΣ and KIBRIS). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Cyprus 1 cent coin 2011 Two mouflons next to the name of Cyprus in Greek and Turkish (ΚΥΠΡΟΣ and KIBRIS). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 6 July 2018.
 Estonia 5 cent coin 2011 A silhouette map of Estonia above the name of the country in Estonian (Eesti). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Estonia 2 cent coin 2015 A silhouette map of Estonia above the name of the country in Estonian (Eesti). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Estonia 1 cent coin 2011 A silhouette map of Estonia above the name of the country in Estonian (Eesti). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Finland 20 cent coin 2015 The heraldic lion of Finland as found on the country's coat of arms. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 May 2020.
 Finland 10 cent coin 2015 The heraldic lion of Finland as found on the country's coat of arms. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 May 2020.
 France 20 cent coin 1999 A sower in a field in front of a rising sun, with the letters RF (République française) to the right. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 10 cent coin 1999 A sower in a field in front of a rising sun, with the letters RF (République française) to the right. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 5 cent coin 2001 Marianne, with the letters RF (République française) to the right. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 France 2 cent coin 1999 Marianne, with the letters RF (République française) to the right. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 France 1 cent coin 2011 Marianne, with the letters RF (République française) to the right. Donated to the Museum by K. Buchanan on 1 April 2020.
 Germany 1 euro coin (2002-06 design) 2004 An eagle. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 February 2020.
 Germany 50 cent coin 2002 The Brandenburg Gate. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Germany 20 cent coin 2002 The Brandenburg Gate. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Germany 2 cent coin 2003 An oak twig. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Germany 1 cent coin 2012 An oak twig. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Greece 1 euro coin (2002-2006 design) 2002 A representation of a 4th-century BC Athenian coin featuring an owl and olive branch, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (1 ΕΥΡΩ). Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Greece 20 cent coin 2002 Ioannis Kapodistrias, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (20 ΛΕΠΤΑ). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Greece 10 cent coin 2009 Rigas Feraios, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (10 ΛΕΠΤΑ). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Greece 5 cent coin 2002 A cargo tanker, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (5 ΛΕΠΤΑ). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Greece 2 cent coin 2016 A 19th century corvette, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (2 ΛΕΠΤΑ). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Greece 1 cent coin 2009 A trireme, with the value of the coin in the Greek alphabet (1 ΛΕΠΤO). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Ireland 5 cent coin 2003 A cláirseach (Irish harp). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 August 2018.
 Ireland 1 cent coin 2005 A cláirseach (Irish harp). Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Italy 1 euro coin 2006 Vitruvian Man Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Italy 20 cent coin 2002 A depiction of the Unique Forms of Continuity in Space and the interconnected letters RI (Repubblica Italiana) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Italy 2 cent coin 2009 A depiction of the Mole Antonelliana and the interconnected letters RI (Repubblica Italiana) to the left. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Italy 1 cent coin 2007 A depiction of the Castel del Monte and the interconnected letters RI (Repubblica Italiana) to the bottom. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 11 October 2022.
 Latvia 5 cent coin 2014 Lesser coat of arms of Latvia. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Latvia 2 cent coin 2014 Lesser coat of arms of Latvia. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Latvia 1 cent coin 2014 Lesser coat of arms of Latvia. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Lithuania 5 cent coin 2015 Coat of arms of Lithuania. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Lithuania 2 cent coin 2015 Coat of arms of Lithuania. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Lithuania 1 cent coin 2015 Coat of arms of Lithuania. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2020.
 Luxembourg 20 cent coin 2020 Henri. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 May 2020.
 Luxembourg 10 cent coin 2020 Henri. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 May 2020.
 Netherlands 5 cent coin (1999-2013 design) 2011 Beatrix. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 San Marino 5 cent coin 2006 The Guaita tower. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 18 May 2020.
 San Marino 2 cent coin 2006 Liberty, as depicted in a statue outside the Palazzo Pubblico. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 18 May 2020.
 San Marino 1 cent coin 2006 The Montale tower. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 18 May 2020.
 Slovakia 50 cent coin 2009 Bratislava Castle, with the Slovakian national emblem in the left of the picture, above the name "SLOVENSKO" (Slovakia). Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Spain 1 euro coin (1999-2009 design) 2007 Juan Carlos I, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Spain 50 cent coin (1999-2009 design) 2001 Miguel de Cervantes next to a quill, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Spain 20 cent coin (1999-2006 design) 1999 Miguel de Cervantes next to a quill, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Spain 20 cent coin (current design) 2017 Miguel de Cervantes next to a quill, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 23 May 2020.
 Spain 10 cent coin (1999-2009 design) 2008 Miguel de Cervantes next to a quill, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 30 December 2022.
 Spain 5 cent coin (1999-2009 design) 1999 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Spain 2 cent coin (1999-2009 design) 1999 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Spain 1 cent coin (current design) 2012 Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, with the name "ESPAÑA" (Spain) to the left. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
  Vatican City 50 cent coin (2014-2016 design) 2014 Pope Francis, surrounded by the name "CITTÁ DEL VATICANO" (Vatican City). Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 8 February 2020.

Pre-Euro Collection

The Pre-Euro Collection consists of coins minted by countries in the Eurozone prior to them having adopted the Euro.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Austria 1 schilling coin (1959-2001 design) 1976 Obverse: The denomination surrounded by the country's name in Austrian ("REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH").
Reverse: The denomination encircling three edelweiss flowers.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 9 August 2021.
 Austria 10 groschen coin (1947-49 design) 1948 Obverse: The coat of arms of Austria surrounded by the country's name in Austrian ("REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH").
Reverse: The denomination above a floral design.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Austria 10 groschen coin (1951-2001 design) 1952 Obverse: The coat of arms of Austria above the country's name in Austrian ("REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH"), flanked by two instances of the denomination ("10").
Reverse: The denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Austria-Hungary 10 heller coin (1892-1911 design) 1895 Obverse: The lesser common coat of arms of Austria-Hungary
Reverse: The denomination ("10") within an ornate shield topped with the Imperial Crown of Austria.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 Belgium 5 francs coin (1986-93 design) 1986 Obverse: Stylised portrait of King Baudouin
Reverse: The denomination ("5F") centred above the country's name in Dutch ("BELGIE").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Belgium 1 franc coin (1950-88 French design) 1952 Obverse: Bust of Ceres facing left, with a cornucopia
Reverse: The Heraldic Crown of Belgium above an oak branch, dividing the denomination ("1 FR"), all above the country's name in French ("BELGIQUE").
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Belgium 1 franc coin (1989-93 design) 1989 Obverse: King Baudouin
Reverse: The Heraldic Crown of Belgium and the denomination ("1F") above the country's name in Dutch ("BELGIE").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Belgium 50 centimes coin (1922-33 French design) 1933 Obverse: A kneeling woman below the name of the country in French ("BELGIQUE")
Reverse: The denomination in French "(BON POUR 50 CES") around a caduceus.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Belgium 25 centimes coin (1915-18 design) 1916 Obverse: A lion rampant within a design of a continuous wavy line and sixteen flowers
Reverse: The denomination "(25 CENT") encircled with the name of the country in French ("BELGIQUE") and in Dutch ("BELGIE").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Belgium 5 centimes coin (1915-16 design) 1916 Obverse: A lion rampant within a design of a continuous wavy line and sixteen flowers
Reverse: The denomination ("25 CENT") encircled with the name of the country in French ("BELGIQUE") and in Dutch ("BELGIE").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Cyprus 5 mils coin (1963-80 design) 1972 Obverse: The 1960-2006 coat of arms of Cyprus, surrounded by the name of the country in Greek and Turkish ("ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ" and "KIBRIS CUMHURİYETİ").
Reverse: A classical galley, to the right of the denomination ("5").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
 East Germany 2 Deutsche Mark coin (1957 design) 1957 Obverse: Hammer and compass within a sheaf of wheat, encircled by the name of the country in German ("DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK")
Reverse: Denomination flanked by oak leaves.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 East Germany 10 pfennig coin (1963-90 design) 1965 Obverse: Hammer and compass within a sheaf of wheat, encircled by the name of the country in German ("DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK")
Reverse: Denomination flanked beneath an oak leaf.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 East Germany 1 pfennig coin (1952-53 design) 1953 Obverse: Hammer and compass flanked by two wheat stalks
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country in German ("DEUTSCHLAND").
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 France Double Tournois coin (1611-40 design) 1630s Obverse: Louis XIII
Reverse: Denomination encircling the arms of France Modern.
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 5 November 2019.
 France 1 liard coin (1655-58 design) 1657 Obverse: Louis XIV
Reverse: Denomination above the arms of France Modern.
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 5 November 2019.
 France 1 liard coin (1767-74 design) 1773 Obverse: Louis XV
Reverse: The greater arms of France Modern.
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 5 November 2019.
 France 20 francs coin (1950-54 design) 1953 Obverse: Marianne, to the right of the name of the country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: A rooster on an olive branch to the left of the denomination, above the French national motto.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 France 10 francs coin (1929-39 design) 1934 Obverse: A head facing right with a laurel wreath and Phrygian cap, surrounded by the name of the country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: The denomination above the French national motto, flanked by two stalks of wheat.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 France 10 francs coin (1950-58 design) 1951 Obverse: Marianne, to the right of the name of the country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: A rooster on an olive branch to the left of the denomination, above the French national motto.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 France 10 francs coin (1974-87 design) 1975 Obverse: A map of France with flashes pointing to Paris
Reverse: Denomination in centre across a background of industrial imagery
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 10 francs coin (1988-2001 design) 1991 Obverse: A representation of freedom flanked by the letters "RF" (République Française)
Reverse: The denomination ("10F") encircled by the French national motto.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 5 francs coin (1970-2001 design) 1971 Obverse: A sower in a field in front of a rising sun
Reverse: Olive branches, oak branches and wheat ears beneath the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 2 francs coin (1977-2001 design) 1982 Obverse: A sower in a field in front of a rising sun
Reverse: The denomination on a background of an olive branch and an oak branch
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
France (Vichy state) 1 franc coin (1940-44 design) 1942 Obverse: An axe between wheat ears above "ÉTAT FRANCAIS".
Reverse: The denomination between oak leaves, below the motto "TRAVAIL·FAMILLE·PATRIE·".
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 26 April 2020.
 France 1 franc coin (1959-2001 design) 1960 Obverse: A sower in a field in front of a rising sun
Reverse: The denomination above an olive branch
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 50 centimes coin (1931-47 design) 1936 Obverse: Marianne, dividing the name of the country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: Denomination beneath the French national motto and flanked by two cornucopias.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 France 50 centimes coin (1962-64 design) 1962 Obverse: Marianne, dividing the name of the country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: Denomination beneath the French national motto and above a laurel branch and stalk of wheat.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 France Half franc coin (1964-2001 design) 1971 Obverse: A sower in a field in front of a rising sun
Reverse: The denomination above an olive branch
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 25 centimes coin (1917-37 design) 1922 Circular hole in the centre of the coin.
Obverse: The letters "RF" (République Française) beneath a Phyrgian cap
Reverse: Denomination ("25 CMES") beneath the French national motto.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 20 centimes coin (1962-2001 design) 1981 Obverse: Marianne
Reverse: The denomination encircled with a wheat ear, an olive branch, and the French national motto.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 10 centimes coin (1962-2001 design) 1967 Obverse: Marianne
Reverse: The denomination encircled with a wheat ear, an olive branch, and the French national motto.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 France 5 centimes coin (1897-1921 design) 1916 Obverse: Liberty facing right, encircled by the name of country in French ("REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE")
Reverse: Marianne protecting a child, encircled with the denomination and the French national motto.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 France 5 centimes coin (1966-2001 design) 1987 Obverse: Marianne
Reverse: The denomination encircled with a wheat ear, an olive branch, and the French national motto.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Germany 50 Reichspfennig coin (1927-38 design) 1928 Obverse: An eagle above oak seedlings and beneath the name of the country in German ("DEUTSCHES REICH")
Reverse: The denomination surrounded by oak leaves and acorns.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Germany 5 pfennig coin (1915-22 design) 1921 Obverse: The 1889-1918 coat of arms of Germany
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country in German ("DEUTSCHES REICH").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Germany 1 pfennig coin (1950-2001 design) 1991 Obverse: Oak seedling, encircled by the name of the country in German ("BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND")
Reverse: Denomination between two ears of rye.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Greece 100 drachmae coin (1990-2000 design) 1994 Obverse: Homer
Reverse: The denomination below a sailing boat, all below the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Greece 50 drachmae coin (1986-2000 design) 1988 Obverse: Alexander the Great
Reverse: The denomination below the Vergina Sun, all below the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Greece 20 drachmae coin (1976-80 design) 1978 Obverse: Pericles
Reverse: The denomination below the Parthenon, all encircled by the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Greece 20 drachmae coin (1990-2000 design) 1994 Obverse: Dionysios Solomos
Reverse: The denomination above an olive branch, all below the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Greece 10 drachmae coin (1976-80 design) 1976 Obverse: Democritus
Reverse: The denomination below an atom, all below the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Greece 10 drachmae coin (1982-2000 design) 1994 Obverse: Democritus
Reverse: The denomination below an atom, all below the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Greece 5 drachmae coin (1976-80 design) 1976 Obverse: Aristotle
Reverse: The denomination encircled by the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Greece 5 drachmae coin (1982-2000 design) 1982 Obverse: Aristotle
Reverse: The denomination encircled by the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Greece 1 drachma coin (1976-86 design) 1976 Obverse: Constantine Kanaris
Reverse: The denomination below a corvette of 1821, all encircled by the country's name in Greek ("ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Greece 5 lepta coin (1878-82 design) 1882 Obverse: George I
Reverse: The denomination in Greek within a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Ireland 6 pence coin (1942-69 design) 1961 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: A bull beneath the denomination ("5p").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Ireland 5 pence coin (1969-90 design) 1976 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: An Irish wolfhound beneath the denomination ("6d").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Ireland 3 pingin coin (1928-35 design) 1928 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: A seated hare facing left, above the denomination ("3d").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Indepdendence Day 2023.
 Ireland 2 pence coin (1971-88 design) 1971 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: A stylized letter "U" from the Book of Kells resembling a bird, beneath the denomination ("2p").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Ireland 1 penny coin (1940-68 design) 1980 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: Hen and chicks, beneath the denomination ("1d").
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 26 October 2022.
 Ireland 1 penny coin (1971-88 design) 1980 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: A stylized bird adapted from ornamental detail in the Book of Kells, beneath the denomination ("1p").
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Ireland 1 penny coin (1989-2000 design) 1995 Obverse: A cláirseach (Irish harp).
Reverse: A stylized bird adapted from ornamental detail in the Book of Kells, beneath the denomination ("1p").
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Italy 500 lire coin (1958-2001 design) 1959 Obverse: Bust of woman in Renaissance dress, surrounded by shields with 19 Italian coats of arms.
Reverse: The ships of Christopher Columbus, above the denomination ("L.500") and surrounded by the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Italy 100 lire coin (1955-89 design) 1957 Obverse: Laureate head facing left, surrounded by the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Reverse: Vulcan with an olive tree, to the right of the denomination ("L.100").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Italy 50 lire coin (1954-89 design) 1977 Obverse: Young woman with braid facing right, surrounded by the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Reverse: Vulcan working at an anvil, to the left of the denomination ("L.50").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Italy 20 lire coin (1955-89 design) 1958 Obverse: Head with garland of wheat sprigs facing left, surrounded by the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Reverse: Oak leaves, to the right of the denomination ("L.20").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Italy 10 lire coin (1951-2001 design) 1955 Obverse: A plough, below the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Reverse: Two ears of wheat, divided by the denomination ("10").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Italy 5 lire coin (1951-2001 design) 1951 Obverse: A rudder, surrounded by the name of the country in Italian ("REPVBBLICA ITALIANA").
Reverse: A dolphin, below the denomination ("5").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
Italy 2 lire coin (1923-35 design) 1923 Obverse: Victor Emmanuel III
Reverse: A fasces with an axe adorned with a lion's head leaning on it to the right, with the denomination ("BVONO DA LIRE 2") on the left.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Italy 50 centesimi coin (1939-43 design) 1941 Obverse: Victor Emmanuel III
Reverse: An eagle holding an axe and fasces, below the name of the country ("ITALIA") and above the denomination ("C.50") divided by the Savoy coat of arms.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Italy 10 centesimi coin (1919-37 design) 1926 Obverse: Victor Emmanuel III
Reverse: A honey bee on a flower, by the denomination ("c.10").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Italy 5 centesimi coin (1861-67 design) 1861 Obverse: Victor Emmanuel II
Reverse: The denomination between two branches, one of laurel and the other of oak, with the Stella d'Italia above.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Luxembourg 1 franc coin (1965-84 design) 1965 Obverse: Jean.
Reverse: Denomination ("1F") surrounded by a stylized laurel wreath, surmounted by the Grand Ducal Crown of Luxembourg.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
 Malta 1 lira coin (1986-2007 design) 1986 Obverse: Coastal scene, surrounded by the inscription "REPUBBLIKA·TA'·MALTA"
Reverse: Denomination ("Lm1") above a Blue Rock Thrush
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Malta 2 cents coin (1991-2007 design) 1995 Obverse: Coat of arms of Malta
Reverse: Denomination ("2c") above an olive branch
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Netherlands 1 guilder coin (1954-67 design) 1955 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination ("1G") divided by the crowned arms of the Netherlands
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Netherlands 1 guilder coin (1967-80 design) 1968 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination ("1G") divided by the crowned arms of the Netherlands
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Netherlands 25 cent coin (1950-80 design) 1958 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination below a crown
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020
 Netherlands 25 cent coin (1982-2001 design) 1984 Obverse: Stylised portrait of Queen Beatrix
Reverse: Denomination ("25ct") on a background of crossed lines
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Netherlands 10 cent coin (1926-45 design) 1935 Obverse: Queen Wilhelmina
Reverse: Denomination within a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Netherlands Two 10 cent coins (1950-80 design) 1972, 1980 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination below the Crown of the Netherlands
1972 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
1980 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Netherlands 10 cent coin (1982-2001 design) 1986 Obverse: Stylised portrait of Queen Beatrix
Reverse: Denomination ("10ct") on a background of crossed lines
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I.
 Netherlands 5 cent coin (1950-80 design) 1954 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination below an orange branch
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020
 Netherlands 1 cent coin (1913-41 design) 1922 Obverse: Crowned lion rampant surrounded by the name of the country in Dutch ("KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN")
Reverse: Denomination within a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020
 Netherlands 1 cent coin (1950-80 design) 1963 Obverse: Queen Juliana
Reverse: Denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020
 Portugal 10 escudos coin (1986-2001 design) 1986 Obverse: The Portuguese coat of arms topped by a knot and encircled with the country's name in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: Detail from a stained glass window, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Portugal 5 escudos coin (1986-2001 design) 1986 Obverse: The Portuguese coat of arms topped by a knot and encircled with the country's name in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: Detail from a stained glass window, above the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Portugal 1 escudo coin (1927-68 design) 1928 Obverse: Liberty facing right, encircled by the name of country in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: The Portuguese coat of arms, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Portugal 1 escudo coin (1986-2001 design) 1987 Obverse: The Portuguese coat of arms topped by a knot and encircled with the country's name in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: Detail from a stained glass window, above the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Portugal 50 centavos coin (1927-68 design) 1945 Obverse: Liberty facing right, encircled by the name of country in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: The Portuguese coat of arms, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Portugal 50 centavos coin (1969-79 design) 1979 Obverse: Escutcheon of the Portuguese coat of arms, encircled with the country's name in Portuguese ("REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA")
Reverse: Five ears of wheat, above the denomination.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Portugal 20 réis coin (1882-86 design) 1883 Obverse: Luís I
Reverse: The denomination encircled by a wreath of an olive branch and oak branch.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Sardinia 5 centesimi coin 1826 Obvserse: Crowned spade-shaped shield of displayed eagle, with oval shield of Savoy arms on breast, between two oak branches.
Reverse: Denomination encircled by a laurel wreath.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Slovenia 200 tolarjev note (1992-2006 design) 1997 Obvserse: Jacobus Gallus.
Reverse: The Slovenian Philharmonic Hall and a sheet of music.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
Slovenia 100 tolarjev note (1992-2006 design) 1992 Obvserse: Rihard Jakopič.
Reverse: Detail from Jakopič's painting "The Sun", and a plan of the former Jakopič Pavilion.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
Slovenia 50 tolarjev note (1992-2006 design) 1992 Obvserse: Jurij Vega and a drawing from his "Treatise on the Sphere".
Reverse: The Solar System and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Spain 100 peseta coin (1982-90 design) 1988 Obvserse: Juan Carlos I
Reverse: Denomination encircling the coat of arms of Spain.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
Spain 8 maravedies coin (1836-58 design) 1849 Obvserse: Isabella II
Reverse: The Bourbon arms encircled by the symbols of Castille and Leon.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
Spain 5 pesetas coin (1888-92 design) 1891 Obvserse: Alfonso XIII
Reverse: The Spanish coat of arms above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Spain 5 pesetas coin (1892-94 design) 1893 Obvserse: Alfonso XIII
Reverse: The Spanish coat of arms above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Spain 5 peseta coin (1975 design) 1975 Obvserse: Juan Carlos I
Reverse: Denomination ("5PTAS") bisected by the coat of arms of Juan Carlos I.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Spain 5 peseta coin (1982-89 design) 1983 Obvserse: Juan Carlos I
Reverse: Denomination ("5PTAS") bisected by the coat of arms of Juan Carlos I.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Spain 5 peseta coin (1997 design) 1997 Obvserse: Taula, next to the country's name in Spanish ("ESPAÑA")
Reverse: Denomination ("5PTAS") above the inscription "ISLAS BALEARES", all to the left of a rearing horseman.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Spain 1 peseta coin (1982-89 design) 1986 Obvserse: Juan Carlos I
Reverse: The denomination and the Spanish coat of arms.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
Spain 10 centimos coin (1877-79 design) 1877 Obvserse: Alfonso XII
Reverse: The Spanish coat of arms above the denomination in Spanish ("DIEZ CENTIMOS").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
Spain 5 centimos coin (1870 design) 1870 Obvserse: Hispania reclining on the Pyrenees mountains, below the inscription "CINCO GRAMOS" ("Five grams")
Reverse: A lion standing on the Spanish coat of arms, with the inscription "DOSCIENTAS PIEZAS EN KILOG." ("200 pieces in a kilogram") above and the denomination below.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 West Germany 1 Deutsche Mark coin (1950-2001 design) 1982 Obverse: German eagle, encircled by the name of the country in German ("BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND")
Reverse: Denomination below two oak branches.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 West Germany 50 pfennig coin (1950-2001 design) 1950 Obverse: A woman planting an oak tree
Reverse: Denomination encircled by the name of the country in German ("BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 West Germany 10 pfennig coin (1949 design) 1949 Obverse: Oak seedling, encircled by the name of the central bank in German ("BANK DEUTSCHER LANDER")
Reverse: Denomination between two ears of rye.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 West Germany 5 pfennig coin (1950-2001 design) 1950 Obverse: Oak seedling, encircled by the name of the country in German ("BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND")
Reverse: Denomination between two ears of rye.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 West Germany 1 pfennig coin (1950-2001 design) 1980 Obverse: Oak seedling, encircled by the name of the country in German ("BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND")
Reverse: Denomination between two ears of rye.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.

British Collection

The British Collection consists of coins minted by the United Kingdom and its associated polities.

Due to the size of the Collection, it is itself subdivided into three Divisions:

Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories Division

This division consists of coins minted by British crown dependencies and overseas territories (or their historical equivalents).

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Cayman Islands 10 cents coin (1987-90 design) 1990 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A surfacing Green Turtle creating ripples in water, with the denomination ("10") to the right.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
Cyprus (Crown colony) 5 mils coin (1955-56 design) 1955 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Bronze Age man holding a copper bar, with the denomination ("5") to the lower right.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Gibraltar 1 crown coin (1967-70 design) 1967 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The arms of Gibraltar, above the denomination and below the name of the territory.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 11 August 2021.
 Gibraltar 20 pence coin (1988-97 design) 1988 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Our Lady of Europa.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 February 2020.
 Gibraltar 10 pence coin (2005-11 design) 2009 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Koehler Depressing Carriage in commemoration of the Great Siege of Gibraltar.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Guernsey 50 pence coin (1985-97 design) 1997 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Freesia flowers, surrounded by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 9 December 2023.
 Guernsey 20 pence coin (1999-2012 design) 2003 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A map of Guernsey within a cogwheel, surrounded by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 12 May 2020.
 Guernsey 10 pence coin (1977-84 design) 1977 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guernsey
Reverse: A Guernsey cow
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Guernsey 2 pence coin (1977-81 design) 1977 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guernsey
Reverse: A windmill from Sark
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Guernsey 8 doubles coin (1914-49 design) 1920 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guernsey within a wreath
Reverse: The denomination within a wreath
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Guernsey 1 penny coin (1977-81 design) 1979 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guernsey
Reverse: A gannet
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Hong Kong 2 dollars coin (1993-2019 design) 1998 Obverse: Hong Kong orchid, with the name of the city in Chinese and English
Reverse: The denomination
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 15 October 2022.
 Hong Kong 50 cents coin (1977-80 design) 1980 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the territory in English, surrounding the same in Chinese.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Hong Kong 20 cents coin (1975-83 design) 1978 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the territory in English, surrounding the same in Chinese.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Hong Kong 10 cents coin (1956-80 design) 1975 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the territory in English, surrounding the same in Chinese.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Hong Kong 5 cents coin (1958-80 design) 1971 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the territory in English, surrounding the same in Chinese.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Jersey 50 pence coin (1983-97 design) 1984 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Grosnez Castle
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Jersey 20 pence coin (1982 design) 1982 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: La Corbière Lighthouse
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Jersey 20 pence coin (1998-2017 design) 2012 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: La Corbière Lighthouse
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 24 February 2020.
 Jersey 10 pence coin (1983-90 design) 1989 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Dolmens La Pouquelaye de Faldouet in Saint Martin
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 Jersey 5 pence coin (1998-2013 design) 2012 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Seymour Tower
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 28 November 2019.
 Jersey 1/4 shilling coin (1966 design) 1966 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Coat of arms of Jersey, flanked by the years 1066 and 1966
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Jersey 2 pence coin (1981 design) 1981 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Coat of arms of Jersey
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Jersey 2 pence coin (1983-92 design) 1984 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Hermitage of St Helier
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Jersey 1/12 shilling coin (1911-23 design) 1923 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Coat of arms of Jersey
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 26 October 2022.
 Jersey 1/12 shilling coin (1931-35 design) 1931 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Coat of arms of Jersey
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 26 October 2022.
 Jersey 1 penny coin (1983-92 design) 1984 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Le Hocq Tower
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Jersey 1/24 shilling coin (1931-35 design) 1931 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Coat of arms of Jersey
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 26 October 2022.
 Isle of Man 1 pound note 1991-2019 Obverse: Elizabeth II by a triskelion
Reverse: Tynwald Hill.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 October 2019.
 Isle of Man 50 pence coin (1971-75 design) 1971 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Viking longboat.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Isle of Man 50 pence coin (2019 "ICC Logo" design) 2019 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The logo of the ICC Cricket World Cup, with the inscription "ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP ENGLAND & WALES".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 October 2019.
 Isle of Man 20 pence coin (2000-3 design) 2003 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A monk working on a manuscript, with the caption "RUSHEN ABBEY".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 18 February 2020.
 Isle of Man 20 pence coin (2004-16 design) 2008 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The clock of Castle Rushen
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Isle of Man 5 pence coin (1990-93 design) 1992 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A windsurfer
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Isle of Man 2 pence coin (1980-83 design) 1980 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Red-billed chough in flight
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Isle of Man 1 penny coin (1971-75 design) 1975 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Ring chain pattern, based on 10th century Norse crossarms
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.

Pre-Decimal Division

This division consists of pre-decimal British coinage.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Great Britain 1 penny coin (1797 design) 1797 Obverse: George III
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 26 March 2019.
 Great Britain 1/2 penny coin (1719-24 design) 1723 Obverse: George I
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 26 March 2019.
 Great Britain 1/2 penny coin (1729-39 design) 1739 Obverse: George II
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Carshalton Day 2023.
 Great Britain 1/2 penny coin (1770-75 design) 1775 Obverse: George III
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 3 March 2019. Heavily worn, partially by a failed cleaning attempt.
 United Kingdom 1/2 crown coin (1920-26 design) 1920 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Crowned royal arms of the United Kingdom.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1/2 crown coin (1947-48 design) 1947 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Royal arms of the United Kingdom flanked by royal monogram of George VI.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1/2 crown coin (1949-52 design) 1950 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Royal arms of the United Kingdom flanked by royal monogram of George VI.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1/2 crown coin (1954-70 design) 1967 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Crowned royal arms of the United Kingdom flanked by the initials "E R".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 florin coin (1920-26 design) 1921 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Crowned cruciform shields alternating with sceptres representing the four nations of the United Kingdom, arranged around a Garter star in the centre.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 2 shillings coin (1937-46 design) 1939 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A crowned Tudor rose flanked by a thistle and shamrock.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 2 shillings coin (1947-48 design) 1947 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A crowned Tudor rose flanked by a thistle and shamrock.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 2 shillings coin (1953-70 design) 1966 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Tudor rose surrounded by thistles, shamrocks and leeks.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 United Kingdom 1 shilling coin (1920-26 design) 1923 Obverse: George V
Reverse: A crowned lion passant atop a Tudor Crown.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 shilling coin (1937-46 English design) 1940 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A crowned lion passant atop a Tudor Crown.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 shilling coin (1947-48 English design) 1948 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A crowned lion passant atop a Tudor Crown.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 United Kingdom 1 shilling coin (1954-70 English design) 1959 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A crowned English shield.
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 12 December 2019.
 United Kingdom 1 shilling coin (1954-70 Scottish design) 1963 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A crowned Scottish shield.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1920-26 design) 1921 Obverse: George V
Reverse: A crowned lion passant atop a Tudor Crown.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1927-36 design) 1935 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Three oak sprigs with six acorns
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1937-46 design) 1945 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Crowned royal cipher of George VI as Emperor of India.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1947-48 design) 1948 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Crowned royal cipher of George VI as Emperor of India.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1949-52 design) 1950 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Crowned royal cipher of George VI.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1953 design) 1953 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Tudor rose, shamrock, thistle and leek aligned in a cross.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 6 pence coin (1954-70 design) 1963 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A Tudor rose, shamrock, thistle and leek aligned in a cross.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1838-87 design) 1864 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1887-93 design) 1891 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1893-1901 design) 1900 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1902-10 design) 1908 Obverse: Edward VII
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1911-20 design) 1911 Obverse: George V
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1920-27 design) 1926 Obverse: George V
Reverse: The denomination ("3"), crowned and encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Two 3 pence coins (1927-36 design) 1934, 1936 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Three oak sprigs with acorns.
1934 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
1936 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1937-45 silver design) 1938 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Shield of St George lying on a Tudor rose.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1937-48 nickel-brass design) 1943 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Three-headed thrift plant.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 United Kingdom 3 pence coin (1954-70 design) 1955 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A crowned portcullis (emblem of Parliament).
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 United Kingdom Two 1 penny coins (1860-94 design) 1879, 1891 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
1879 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
1891 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1895-1901 design) 1900 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1902-10 design) 1902 Obverse: Edward VII
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1911-26 design) 1911 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 30 March 2022.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1926-27 design) 1927 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 30 March 2022.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1928-36 design) 1928 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1937-48 design) 1946 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom 1 penny coin (1954-70 design) 1963 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1895-1901 design) 1900 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification).
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 26 April 2020.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1902-10 design) 1904 Obverse: Edward VII
Reverse: Britannia (personification).
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1911-25 design) 1923 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification).
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 30 March 2022.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1928-36 design) 1932 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification).
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 30 March 2022.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1937-48 design) 1939 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: The Golden Hind
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1949-52 design) 1952 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: The Golden Hind
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 30 March 2022.
 United Kingdom Halfpenny coin (1954-69 design) 1963 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Golden Hind
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1806-07 design) 1806 Obverse: George III
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1821-26 design) 1821 Obverse: George IV
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1831-37 design) 1831 Obverse: William IV
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1838-59 design) 1856 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1860-73 design) 1860 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 14 March 2020.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1874-95 design) 1892 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1902-10 design) 1909 Obverse: Edward VII
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1926-36 design) 1936 Obverse: George V
Reverse: Britannia (personification)
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1937-48 design) 1946 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: Eurasian wren
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United Kingdom Farthing coin (1953 design) 1953 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Eurasian wren
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.

Decimal Division

This division consists of discontinued and commemorative coins minted by the United Kingdom after decimalization.

Face Value Year Design Obtained
2 pound coin (1989 Bill of Rights design) 1989 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Cypher of William III & II and Mary II surmounting a Parliamentary Mace, above the dates 1689 and 1989, all within the inscription "TERCENTENARY OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 8 April 2022.
1 pound coin (1984 design) 1984 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Thistle sprouting through the George IV State Diadem.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 December 2021.
1 pound coin (1985 & 1990 design) 1985 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Leek growing through the George IV State Diadem.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (1986 & 1991 design) 1991 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Flax growing through the George IV State Diadem.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (1987 & 1992 design) 1992 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Oak tree growing through the George IV State Diadem.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (1993 design) 1993 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Coat of arms of the United Kingdom.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (1996 design) 1996 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: An ancient torc in front of a Celtic cross with a pimpernel flower in its centre.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (2000 design) 2000 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Welsh Dragon.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 8 April 2022.
1 pound coin (1997 & 2002 design) 2002 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Royal Arms of England.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 2 July 2020.
1 pound coin (2004 design) 2004 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Forth Railway Bridge.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
1 pound coin (2005 design) 2005 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Menai Straits Bridge.
Donated to the Museum by K. Buchanan on 1 April 2020.
Three 1 pound coins (2008-15 Royal Arms Shield design) 2008, 2010, 2014 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The escutcheon of the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom.
2008 and 2010 coins - Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 27 May 2024.
2014 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 8 April 2022.
50 pence coin (1969-81 design) 1969 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Britannia (personification).
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
50 pence coin (2000-09 Public Libraries design) 2000 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The turning pages of a stylised book on the roof of a classical library building labeled "PUBLIC LIBRARIES", all below the years "1850•2000".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 15 October 2020.
50 pence coin (2005-09 Johnson's Dictionary design) 2005 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The "Fifty" and "Pence" entries from Samuel Johnson's 1755 Dictionary of the English Language.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 15 October 2020.
50 pence coin (2006-09 Victoria Cross soldier design) 2006 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A soldier carrying a wounded colleague against a silhouette of the Victoria Cross, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 9 November 2019.
50 pence coin (2006-09 Victoria Cross medal design) 2006 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Depictions of both sides of a Victoria Cross medal, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 2 December 2019.
50 pence coin (2016 Battle of Hastings design) 2016 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The death of Harold II as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, dividing the date 1066 and surrounded by the inscription "BATTLE OF HASTINGS".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 15 October 2020.
50 pence coin (2016 Beatrix Potter design) 2016 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The inscription "Beatrix Potter" and the years of her life (1866-1943), below a silhouette of the author and above Peter Rabbit, all flanked by floral designs.
Donated to the Museum by Empress Hannah on 7 October 2023.
50 pence coin (2016 Mrs Tiggy-Winkle design) 2016 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Mrs Tiggy-Winkle.
Donated to the Museum by Empress Hannah on 7 October 2023.
50 pence coin (2016 Peter Rabbit design) 2016 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Peter Rabbit.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 11 February 2020.
50 pence coin (2017 Benjamin Bunny design) 2017 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Benjamin Bunny.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 29 December 2022.
50 pence coin (2017 Mr. Jeremy Fisher design) 2017 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Mr. Jeremy Fisher.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 14 February 2020.
50 pence coin (2017 Peter Rabbit design) 2017 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Peter Rabbit.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 15 October 2020.
50 pence coin (2017 Tom Kitten design) 2017 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Tom Kitten.
Donated to the Museum by Empress Hannah on 7 October 2023.
50 pence coin (2017-18 Newton design) 2017 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: An artistic rendering of planetary orbits as expounded by the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, above the denomination and below the inscription "SIR ISAAC NEWTON".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 1 November 2019.
50 pence coin (2018 Representation of the People Act design) 2018 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Five people in clothing suited to 1918, below the inscription "1918 REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 9 November 2019.
50 pence coin (2019 Paddington at St Paul's design) 2019 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Paddington Bear outside St Paul's Cathedral.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 12 December 2019.
50 pence coin (2019 Paddington at Tower of London design) 2019 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Paddington Bear outside the Tower of London.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 9 January 2021.
50 pence coin (2020 Brexit design) 2020 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The inscription "Peace, Prosperity and Friendship with all nations", and the date of "31 January 2020".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 April 2020.
50 pence coin (2023 Coronation design) 2023 Obverse: Charles III
Reverse: Crowned royal cypher set against a depiction of a section of the exterior of Westminster Abbey.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 9 December 2023.
25 pence coin (1977 design) 1977 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Design showing Coronation regalia.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
10 pence coin (1968-81 design) 1969 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A lion passant guardant royally crowned.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
10 pence coin (2018-19 "J" design) 2018 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Gold State Coach above the letter ‘J’ for "Jubilee".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 14 May 2022.
10 pence coin (2018-19 "L" design) 2018 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Loch Ness Monster with its tail wrapped around the letter ‘L’.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 15 July 2019.
10 pence coin (2018-19 "Z" design) 2018 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A letter 'Z' on a zebra crossing.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 24 February 2020.
5 pence coin (1968-81 design) 1971 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A crowned thistle.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
5 pence coin (1982-90 design) 1989 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A crowned thistle.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
2 pence coin (1971-81 design) 1979 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Badge of the Prince of Wales.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 21 August 2018.
1 penny coin (1971-81 design) 1978 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Badge of the Palace of Westminster (crowned portcullis with chains).
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
Two Halfpenny coins (1971-81 design) 1971, 1976 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: St Edward's Crown
1971 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
1976 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.

Miscellaneous (Old World) Collection

The Miscellaneous (Old World) Collection consists of coins and banknotes from Africa, Asia and Europe which are not included within any other of the Museum's collections.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Albania 50 lekë coin (1996-2020 design) 2000 Obverse: Gentius on horseback.
Reverse: The denomination above an oak wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Algeria 50 dinars coin (1992-2019 design) 1992 Obverse: Denomination ("50 دينارا") flanked by two stars, below the inscription "Bank of Algeria" in Arabic ("بنك الجزائر").
Reverse: Left-facing head of a dama gazelle encircled with a stylized pattern inspired by Ottoman architecture.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
Bulgaria 50 leva note 1952 Obverse: Georgi Dimitrov and the 1948-67 Bulgarian coat of arms
Reverse: A woman picking roses
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Bulgaria 50 stotinka coin (1999-2002 design) 1999 Obverse: Madara Rider below the name of the country.
Reverse: The denomination, lined above with twelve stars.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Bulgaria 2 stotinka coin (2000-02 design) 2000 Obverse: Madara Rider below the name of the country.
Reverse: The denomination, lined above with twelve stars.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Carshalton Day 2021.
 Bulgaria 1 stotinka coin (2000-02 design) 2000 Obverse: Madara Rider below the name of the country.
Reverse: The denomination, lined above with twelve stars.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Imperium Day 2019.
Burma 1 mu coin (1853 design) 1853 Obverse: Arms of the Konbaung dynasty
Reverse: The denomination within a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 28 May 2022.
China (Western Han dynasty) Wu Zhu coin 115-113 BC Inscribed "銖五" (five zhu) Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 7 November 2023.
China (Song dynasty) Chong Ning Tong Bao cash coin 1102-1106 Inscribed "崇寧通寶", meaning universal currency issued during the second era of Huizong. Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 7 November 2023.
Republic of China 1 dollar coin (1912 design) 1912 Obverse: Li Yuanhong, surrounded by the inscription "國民華中 幣念紀國開" ("Republic of China, Founding Commemorative Coin")
Reverse: The name of the country and the denomination in English, surrounding the denomination in Chinese within a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 31 May 2023.
 Republic of China (Taiwan) 1 dollar coin (current design) 1992 Obverse: Chiang Kai-shek
Reverse: The denomination in Chinese, within a decorative border.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 15 October 2022.
 Croatia 100 dinar note (1991 design) 1991 Obverse: Ruđer Bošković next to scientific diagrams.
Reverse: Zagreb Cathedral.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Croatia 10 dinar note (1991 design) 1991 Obverse: Ruđer Bošković next to scientific diagrams.
Reverse: Zagreb Cathedral.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Croatia 2 kune coin (current design) 2007 Obverse: A tuna fish, beneath the name of the fish in Croatian ("TUNJ").
Reverse: A marten behind the denomination, above the national coat of arms which is flanked by a laurel twig and an oak branch, and beneath the name of the country in Croatian ("REPUBLICA HRVATSKA").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2019.
 Czech Republic 50 korun coin (current design) 2020 Obverse: The Lesser Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic encircled with the name of the country and the denomination.
Reverse: Landmarks of Prague, encircled with the motto "PRAGA·MATER·URBIUM".
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czech Republic 20 korun note (1994 design) 1994 Obverse: Ottokar I of Bohemia.
Reverse: The crown of Ottokar I and the seal of the Golden Bull of Sicily.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czech Republic 20 korun coin (Year 2000 design) 2000 Obverse: The Lesser Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic encircled with the name of the country.
Reverse: An astrolable, the denomination inset, encircled with "ROK 2000" as a repeating motif.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czech Republic 10 korun coin (Year 2000 design) 2000 Obverse: The Lesser Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic encircled with the name of the country.
Reverse: Clockwork, the denomination inset, encircled with the inscription "ROK 2000|ANNO MM" and the same in Braille.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czech Republic 5 korun coin (current design) 2018 Obverse: A stylised version of the Lesser Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic, above the name of the country.
Reverse: Charles Bridge behind the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czech Republic 2 korun coin (current design) 2014 Obverse: The Lesser Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic encircled with the name of the country.
Reverse: The denomination next to a Moravian button-jewel.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Czechoslovakia 1 koruna coin (1961-90 design) 1963 Obverse: The 1960-90 coat of arms of Czechoslovakia encircled with the name of the country.
Reverse: The denomination ("1") to the left of a woman planting a linden sprig.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Denmark 1 krone coin (1947-60 design) 1955 Obverse: Frederik IX
Reverse: Lesser coat of arms of Denmark, below the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Denmark 1 krone coin (current design) 1992 Obverse: Stylisted monograms of Margrethe II encircling a hole in the middle of the coin
Reverse: A design based on prehistoric drawings, with the denomination above and the name of the country in Danish below, separated by two small hearts
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Denmark 25 øre coin (1948-60 design) 1948 Obverse: Crowned monogram of Frederick IX within twigs of oak and beech
Reverse: The denomination below the name of the country in Danish.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Denmark 25 øre coin (1961-67 design) 1961 Obverse: Crowned monogram of Frederick IX
Reverse: The denomination below the name of the country in Danish and above two oak branches.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Egypt 10 milliemes coin (1938-43 design) 1943 Obverse: King Farouk
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the country, both in Arabic
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
French Indochina 1 piastre coin (1895-1928 design) 1896 Obverse: Liberty seated next to wheat, holding a fasces, beneath the inscription "REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE"
Reverse: "INDO-CHINE FRANCAISE" above the denomination within a wreath, above the value in silver.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 31 May 2023.
 Hungary 5 pengo coin (1938 St Stephen design) 1938 Obverse: St Stephen I of Hungary
Reverse: The coat of arms of Hungary, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG") above and the denomination below
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on Emperor Day 2018.
 Hungary 10 florint coin (1992-2011 design) 1994 Obverse: The coat of arms of Hungary, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG")
Reverse: Denomination
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Hungary 10 florint coin (current design) 2016 Obverse: The coat of arms of Hungary, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR ORSZÁG")
Reverse: Denomination
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on Imperial Engagement Day 2019.
 Hungary 2 florint coin (1957-62 design) 1957 Obverse: The 1957-90 arms of the Hungarian People's Republic, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG")
Reverse: Denomination, encircled by a wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Hungary 1 florint coin (1967-89 design) 1967 Obverse: The 1957-90 arms of the Hungarian People's Republic, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG")
Reverse: Denomination, flanked by leaves
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Hungary 20 fillér coin (1967-89 design) 1968 Obverse: Three wheat stalks, encircled by the name of the country in Hungarian ("MAGYAR NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG")
Reverse: Denomination
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Iceland 1 króna coin (1989-2011 design) 2003 Obverse: A jötunn, beneath the denomination ("EIN KRÓNA") and above the name of the country ("ÍSLAND") in Icelandic.
Reverse: A codfish beneath the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 31 May 2023.
India (Crown rule) 1 anna coin (1942-45 design design) 1945 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: The name of the country above the denomination in English, within a floral pattern surrounded by the denomination in Urdu, Telugu, Bengali & Devanagari.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
India (Crown rule) Half anna coin (1862-76 design design) 1862 Obverse: Queen Victoria
Reverse: The name of the country beneath the denomination, encircled by a wreath
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
India (Crown rule) 1 pice coin (1943-47 design design) 1944 Obverse: The denomination and the name of the country surrounding the central hole
Reverse: A wreath surrounding the central hole.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 India 5 rupees coin (1992-2004 design) 2001 Obverse: State Emblem of India, encircled by the name of the country in both Hindi and English
Reverse: Denomination, flanked by flowers
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 India Two 2 rupees coins (2007-11 design) 2008, 2009 Obverse: State Emblem of India, below the name of the country in both Hindi and English
Reverse: Denomination, to the left of a hasta mudra hand gesture
2008 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
2009 coin - Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 31 August 2019.
 India 1 rupee coin (1983-91 design) 1989 Obverse: State Emblem of India, encircled by the name of the country in both Hindi and English
Reverse: Denomination, flanked by sheaves of wheat
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 India 25 paise coin (1972-90 design) 1984 Obverse: State Emblem of India, encircled by the name of the country in both Hindi and English
Reverse: Denomination, above sheaves of wheat
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Indonesia 1000 rupiah coin (2010 design) 2010 Obverse: National emblem of Indonesia, above the denomination and below the inscription "BANK INDONESIA"
Reverse: An angklung superimposed over Gedung Sate
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 October 2019.
 Indonesia 100 rupiah coin (1973 design) 1973 Obverse: The denomination surrounded by the inscription "BANK INDONESIA"
Reverse: A Minangkabau tribal house below the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Indonesia 50 rupiah coin (1971-90 design) 1971 Obverse: The denomination surrounded by the inscription "BANK INDONESIA"
Reverse: A Greater bird-of-paradise by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Indonesia 25 rupiah coin (1971-90 design) 1971 Obverse: The denomination surrounded by the inscription "BANK INDONESIA"
Reverse: Victoria crowned pigeon above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Israel 5 new sheqalim coin (1990-2017 design) 1993-4 Obverse: The Emblem of Israel above a column
Reverse: The denomination and the name of the country in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Israel 10 agorot coin (1984-2010 design) 2000-2001 Obverse: The Emblem of Israel above a replica of an ancient coin also showing a seven-branched candelabrum, with the name of the county to the left in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
Reverse: The denomination ("10") on a square background.
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 Japan 100 yen coin (1967-88 design) 1967 Obverse: Cherry blossoms, with the name of the country above and the denomination below (both in Japanese).
Reverse: "100" in Arabic numerals.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 May 2022.
 Japan 5 yen coin (1955-89 design) 1977 Obverse: The teeth of a cog around a central hole, with a bending stalk of rice above and water with the denomination in Japanese below.
Reverse: The name of the country above the central hole.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Japan 5 yen coin (1989-2019 design) 1993 Obverse: The teeth of a cog around a central hole, with a bending stalk of rice above and water with the denomination in Japanese below.
Reverse: The name of the country above the central hole.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Japan 1 yen coin (1955-89 design) 1982 Obverse: A sprouting bamboo branch, below the name of the country and above the denomination in Japanese
Reverse: The denomination ("1") within a circle.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Japan 1 yen coin (1989-2019 design) 1990 Obverse: A sprouting bamboo branch, below the name of the country and above the denomination in Japanese
Reverse: The denomination ("1") within a circle.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
Kenya Colony 1 shilling coin (1948-52 design) 1949 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A lion and mountains below "EAST AFRICA" and above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Kenya 5 shillings coin (1985 design) 1985 Obverse: Coat of arms of Kenya, below the name of the country and above the denomination
Reverse: Daniel arap Moi
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Malaysia 50 sen coin (1967-81 design) 1973 Obverse: The Malaysian Parliament House and the Bintang Persekutuan (crescent and star)
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Malaysia 20 sen coin (1967-81 design) 1973 Obverse: The Malaysian Parliament House and the Bintang Persekutuan (crescent and star)
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Malaysia 10 sen coin (1967-81 design) 1973 Obverse: The Malaysian Parliament House and the Bintang Persekutuan (crescent and star)
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Malaysia 10 sen coin (1989-2011 design) 1990 Obverse: Congkak
Reverse: Denomination beneath a hibiscus flower and the inscription "BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Malaysia 5 sen coin (1967-81 design) 1973 Obverse: The Malaysian Parliament House and the Bintang Persekutuan (crescent and star)
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Malaysia 5 sen coin (1989-2011 design) 2001 Obverse: Gasing spinning top
Reverse: Denomination beneath a hibiscus flower and the inscription "BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA"
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 15 October 2022.
 Malaysia 1 sen coin (1967-81 design) 1971 Obverse: The Malaysian Parliament House and the Bintang Persekutuan (crescent and star)
Reverse: Denomination beneath the name of the country
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Malaysia 1 sen coin (1989-2008 design) 1994 Obverse: Rebana ubi drum
Reverse: Denomination beneath a hibiscus flower and the inscription "BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Mauritius 20 rupees coin (current design) 2007 Obverse: Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
Reverse: Denomination superimposed upon the Bank of Mauritius Tower.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 26 March 2024.
 Morocco 5 dirhams coin 1987 Obverse: Hassan II
Reverse: Coat of arms of Morocco above the denomination ("5")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Nepal 1000 rupee note 2003 Obverse: King Gyanendra and Hindu temples
Reverse: Elephant
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Nigeria 1 shilling coin (1959-62 design) 1961 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A palm branch encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Norway 1 krone coin (1997-2016 design) 1997 Obverse: Three royal ciphers of Harald V forming a cross around a central hole
Reverse: Stylized bird on a vine above the center hole, with the denomination below
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Norway 50 Øre coin (1996-2011 design) 2005 Obverse: Crown of Norway
Reverse: Stylised Nidhogg, to the left of the denomination and the name of the country in Nynorsk ("NOREG")
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 Norway 5 Øre coin (1952-57 design) 1953 Obverse: Royal cipher of Haakon VII
Reverse: The denomination flanked by two ornamental roses, below the name of the country in Bokmål ("NORGE")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Ottoman Empire 10 kurus coin (1887-1907 design) 1907 Obverse: Tughra of Abdul Hamid II, with "the Victorious" in Arabic to the left, ringed by stars.
Reverse: "May he be victorious - Struck in Constantinople" in Arabic, ringed by stars.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 March 2020.
 Philippines 25 sentimos coin (1958-66 design) 1966 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: A woman at an anvil, a volcano in the background, below the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Philippines 25 sentimos coin (1967-74 design) 1970 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: Juan Luna, encircled by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Philippines 10 sentimos coin (1958-66 design) 1962 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: A woman at an anvil, a volcano in the background, below the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Philippines 10 sentimos coin (1967-74 design) 1968 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: Francisco Baltasar, encircled by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Philippines 5 sentimos coin (1967-74 design) 1968 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: Melchora Aquino, encircled by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Philippines 1 sentimo coin (1967-74 design) 1969 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Philippines
Reverse: Lapulapu, encircled by the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Poland 2 złote coin (current design) 1995 Obverse: Coat of arms of Poland, encircled by the name of the country in Polish
Reverse: The denomination flanked by two leaves.
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Poland 50 groszy coin (1990-2016 design) 2009 Obverse: Coat of arms of Poland, encircled by the name of the country in Polish
Reverse: The denomination with a design of leaves to the left.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Poland 10 groszy coin (current design) 2019 Obverse: Coat of arms of Poland, encircled by the name of the country in Polish
Reverse: The denomination surrounded by a design of leaves.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 5 February 2020.
 Poland 5 groszy coin (1990-2014 design) 2004 Obverse: Coat of arms of Poland, encircled by the name of the country in Polish
Reverse: The denomination accompanied by five oak leaves.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 October 2022.
 Poland 1 grosz coin (1990-2014 design) 2012 Obverse: Coat of arms of Poland, encircled by the name of the country in Polish
Reverse: The denomination below an oak leaf
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 27 September 2019.
 Romania 10 bani coin (1900 design) 1900 Obverse: The Steel Crown of Romania within a laurel wreath
Reverse: The denomination under the name of the country.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 May 2021.
 Romania 10 bani coin (2005-17 design) 2011 Obverse: The Coat of arms of Romania below the name of the country
Reverse: The denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Romania 5 bani coin (2005-17 design) 2015 Obverse: The Coat of arms of Romania below the name of the country
Reverse: The denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Russia 2 rubles coin (1997-2001 design) 1998 Obverse: A double-headed eagle below the inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" ("Bank of Russia") and above the denomination.
Reverse: The denomination to the left of a floral design.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Russia 50 kopecks coin (2006-2015 design) 2007 Obverse: Saint George encircled by the inscription "БАНК РОССИИ" ("Bank of Russia").
Reverse: The denomination above of a floral design.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Orthodox Easter 2023.
 Singapore 1 dollar coin (1992-2013 design) 1997 Obverse: Coat of arms of Singapore, encircled by the name of the country in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil
Reverse: Catharanthus roseus, encircled by the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Singapore 20 cents coin (1985-91 design) 1989 Obverse: Coat of arms of Singapore, encircled by the name of the country in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil
Reverse: Calliandra surinamensis, encircled by the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Singapore 10 cents coin (1967-85 design) 1967 Obverse: The denomination with two stalks of paddy to the left and the name of the country to the right
Reverse: Crowned seahorse.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Singapore 10 cents coin (1985-91 design) 1985 Obverse: Coat of arms of Singapore, encircled by the name of the country in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil
Reverse: The denomination to the left of a depiction of public housing, within a lion-head motif
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Singapore 10 cents coin (current design) 2016 Obverse: Coat of arms of Singapore, encircled by the name of the country in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil
Reverse: The denomination to the left of a depiction of public housing, within a lion-head motif
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Singapore 5 cents coin (1967-84 design) 1968 Obverse: The denomination with two stalks of paddy to the left and the name of the country to the right
Reverse: Oriental darter in a nest.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Singapore 5 cents coin (1985-91 design) 1987 Obverse: Coat of arms of Singapore, encircled by the name of the country in Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil
Reverse: Palm leaves encircled by the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Singapore 1 cent coin (1967-84 design) 1973 Obverse: The denomination with two stalks of paddy to the left and the name of the country to the right
Reverse: A high-rise flat block with a fountain in the foreground
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 South Africa 5 rand coin (1994-95 design) 1995 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in English to the left and in Afrikaans to the right
Reverse: A wildebeest below the denomination
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 South Africa 2 rand coin (1989-95 design) 1989 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in English to the left and in Afrikaans to the right
Reverse: A greater kudu to the left of the denomination
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 South Africa 1 rand coin (1991-95 design) 1992 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in English to the left and in Afrikaans to the right
Reverse: A springbok below the denomination, above the motto "SOLI DEO GLORIA"
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 South Africa 1 rand coin (2005-17 design) 2005 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in Zulu and in Ndebele
Reverse: A springbok below the denomination, above the motto "SOLI DEO GLORIA"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 29 February 2020.
 South Africa 50 cent coin (1990-95 design) 1993 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in Afrikaans to the left and in English to the right
Reverse: Strelitzia to the left of the denomination ("50c")
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 South Africa 10 cent coin (1990-95 design) 1993 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in Afrikaans to the left and in English to the right
Reverse: Zantedeschia to the left of the denomination ("10c")
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 South Africa 10 cent coin (2006 & 2019 design) 2019 Obverse: The South African coat of arms, with the name of the country in Afrikaans
Reverse: Zantedeschia to the left of the denomination ("10c")
Donated to the Museum by Lady Tania, Countess of Memphis on 11 April 2023.
 Soviet Union Two 10 kopeck coins (1961-91 design) 1977, 1987 Obverse: State Emblem of the Soviet Union above "CCCP"
Reverse: Denomination within wreath
Both part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Soviet Union 5 kopeck coin (1926-35 design) 1930 Obverse: State Emblem of the Soviet Union above "CCCP"
Reverse: Denomination within sprigs of wheat
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Soviet Union 1 kopeck coin (1961-91 design) 1971 Obverse: State Emblem of the Soviet Union above "CCCP"
Reverse: Denomination within sprigs of wheat
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2024.
 Sri Lanka 20 rupee note 1995 Obverse: A traditional bird mask
Reverse: Sri Lankan fishermen
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Sri Lanka 10 rupee note 1995 Obverse: A Sinhalese chinthe
Reverse: The Presidential Secretariat building
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Sweden 2 kronor coin (2016 design) 2016 Obverse: Carl XVI Gustaf
Reverse: The name of the country in Swedish ("SVERIGE"), below three crowns and above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Sweden 1 krona coin (1982-2000 design) 1991 Obverse: Stylised portrait of Carl XVI Gustaf
Reverse: Crowned lesser version of the Swedish coat of arms, above the denomination ("1KR") and surrounded by the state motto.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Sweden 1 krona coin (2016 design) 2016 Obverse: Carl XVI Gustaf
Reverse: The name of the country in Swedish ("SVERIGE"), below three crowns and above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Sweden 50 öre coin (1976-91 design) 1991 Obverse: Crowned monogram of Carl XVI Gustaf
Reverse: The denomination, below the name of the country in Swedish ("SVERIGE").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
  Switzerland 2 franc coin (1968-81 design) 1981 Obverse: Helvetia
Reverse: Denomination ("2 Fr.") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
  Switzerland 2 franc coin (current design) 2000 Obverse: Helvetia
Reverse: Denomination ("2 Fr.") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
  Switzerland 1 franc coin (current design) 1986 Obverse: Helvetia
Reverse: Denomination ("1 Fr.") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
  Switzerland Half franc coin (1968-81 design) 1969 Obverse: Helvetia
Reverse: Denomination ("1/2 Fr.") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
  Switzerland Half franc coin (current design) 1982 Obverse: Helvetia
Reverse: Denomination ("1/2 Fr.") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
  Switzerland 20 rappen coin (current design) 2007 Obverse: Bust of Libertas facing right, encircled by the name of the country in Latin ("CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA")
Reverse: Denomination ("20") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
  Switzerland 5 rappen coin (current design) 1979-1980 Obverse: Bust of Libertas facing right, encircled by the name of the country in Latin ("CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA")
Reverse: Denomination ("5") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
  Switzerland 5 rappen coin (current design) 1995 Obverse: Bust of Libertas facing right, encircled by the name of the country in Latin ("CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA")
Reverse: Denomination ("5") within wreath
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2018.
Syria 25 piastres coin (1929-37 design) 1937 Obverse: Geometric design beneath the name of the country in Arabic ("دولة سورية")
Reverse: The denomination in Arabic and English/French, encircled by the name of the country in Arabic ("دولة سورية") and French ("ETAT DE SYRIE")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Thailand 10 baht coin (1988-2008 design) 1992 Obverse: Bhumibol Adulyadej
Reverse: Wat Arun above denomination ("๑๐ บาท 10")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Thailand 10 baht coin (2018-21 design) 2021 Obverse: Vajiralongkorn
Reverse: Crowned monogram above denomination ("๑๐ บาท 10")
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on 3 October 2023.
 Thailand 5 baht coin (1988-2008 design) 2004 Obverse: Bhumibol Adulyadej
Reverse: Wat Benchamabophit above denomination ("๕ บาท 5")
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Thailand 1 baht coin (current design) 2018 Obverse: Vajiralongkorn
Reverse: Royal monogram above denomination ("๑ บาท 1")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 21 September 2020.
 Thailand 1 satang coin (1908-37 design) 1929 Obverse: Name of the country and denomination ("สยามรัฐ ๑ สตางค์") encircling central hole.
Reverse: Chakram with eight blades encircling central hole.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on Imperial Ascension Day 2024.
 Thailand 1 satang coin (1908-37 design) 1931 Obverse: Name of the country and denomination ("สยามรัฐ ๑ สตางค์") encircling central hole.
Reverse: Chakram with eight blades encircling central hole.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Father Terry on Imperial Ascension Day 2024.
 Turkey 100,000 lira coin (1999-2000 design) 2000 Obverse: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Reverse: Star and crescent to the right of the number 75 (commemorating 75 years since the declaration of the Republic of Turkey) above the denomination, all below the name of the country in Turkish ("TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ")
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Turkey 1,000 lira coin (1990-94 design) 1993 Obverse: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk encircled by the name of the country in Turkish ("TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ")
Reverse: The denomination flanked by wheat ears, below the star and crescent.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 16 June 2021.
 Turkey 1 lira coin (current design) 2015 Obverse: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, encircled by the name of the country in Turkish ("TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ")
Reverse: Star and crescent above the denomination, upon and encircled by decorative motifs.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 20 August 2020.
 Turkey 50 kuruş coin (current design) 2020 Obverse: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, encircled by the name of the country in Turkish ("TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ")
Reverse: Star and crescent above the denomination, superimposed over the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge.
Donated to the Museum by Lady Tania, Countess of Memphis on 11 April 2023.
Ukraine 10 kopiiok coin (2001-2013 design) 2008 Obverse: Coat of arms of Ukraine beneath the name of the country
Reverse: The denomination within a wreath
Donated to the Museum by Lord Karl Friedrich at the Midsummer Micronational Meeting 2022.
 United Arab Emirates 1 dirham coin (1995-2007 design) 1995 Obverse: Denomination in Arabic characters surrounded by the name of the country in Arabic and English
Reverse: A dallah
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.

Miscellaneous (New World) Collection

The Miscellaneous (New World) Collection consists of coins and banknotes from the Americas and Oceania which are not included within any other of the Museum's collections.

Origin Face Value Year Design Obtained
 Argentina 20 centavos coin (1896-1942 design) 1921 Obverse: Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap, encircled by the name of the country in Spanish ("REPUBLICA ARGENTINA")
Reverse: The denomination encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Argentina 10 centavos coin (1896-1942 design) 1925 Obverse: Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap, encircled by the name of the country in Spanish ("REPUBLICA ARGENTINA")
Reverse: The denomination encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Argentina 5 centavos coin (1896-1942 design) 1906 Obverse: Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap, encircled by the name of the country in Spanish ("REPUBLICA ARGENTINA")
Reverse: The denomination encircled by a wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Argentina 2 centavos coin (1882-96 design) 1890 Obverse: Coat of arms of Argentina, encircled by the name of the country in Spanish ("REPUBLICA ARGENTINA")
Reverse: Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap, above the denomination ("DOS CENTAVOS").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Australia 2 dollar coin (1999-2019 design) 1999 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A male Aboriginal Elder under the five stars of the Southern Cross Constellation, to the left of the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Australia 50 cent coin (1969-84 design) 1980 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Australian coat of arms above the denomination ("50").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Australia 1 florin coin (1953-54 design) 1954 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Australian coat of arms, beneath the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Australia 20 cent coin (1966-84 design) 1966 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A platypus, with the denomination ("20") above to the right.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Australia 10 cent coin (1966-84 design) 1984 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A male superb lyrebird, with the denomination ("10") above to the left.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Australia 10 cent coin (1999-2019 design) 2007 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A male superb lyrebird, with the denomination ("10") above to the left.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 February 2020.
 Australia 6 pence coin (1955-63 design) 1955 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Australian coat of arms, beneath the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Australia 5 cent coin (1966-84 design) 1966 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A short-beaked echidna, with the denomination ("5") below
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on Independence Day 2023.
 Australia 5 cent coin (1985-98 design) 1993 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A short-beaked echidna, with the denomination ("5") below
Donated to the Museum by Princess Hannah on 12 December 2019.
 Australia 5 cent coin (1999-2019 design) 2013 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A short-beaked echidna, with the denomination ("5") below
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Australia 1/2 penny coin (1911-36 design) 1913 Obverse: George V
Reverse: The denomination surrounded by the name of the country ("COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA").
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 The Bahamas 25 cents coin (2007-15 design) 2007 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Bahamas, surrounded by the name of the country ("COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS").
Reverse: A Bahamian sloop below the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
 The Bahamas 10 cents coin (1974-2005 design) 1987 Obverse: Coat of arms of the Bahamas, surrounded by the name of the country ("COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS").
Reverse: Two bonefish above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
Brazil 50 cruzados note 1986 Obverse: Heitor Villa-Lobos on a background of lilypads
Reverse: Heitor Villa-Lobos conducting, on a background of a Brazilian forest, the latter picture based on an engraving by Johann Moritz Rugendas.
Donated to the Museum by Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia on 18 December 2018.
 Canada 25 cent coin (1968-89 design) 1974 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A caribou, with the denomination between its antlers and the name of the country to its left
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 25 cent coin (1990-2003 3rd portrait design) 1995 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A caribou, with the denomination between its antlers and the name of the country to its left
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Canada 25 cent coin (current 4th portrait design) 2003 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A caribou, with the denomination between its antlers and the name of the country to its left
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Canada 10 cent coin (1953-64 design) 1962 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Bluenose (a celebrated Canadian racing ship) above the denomination, with the name of the country above
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Canada 10 cent coin (1969-89 design) 1969 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Bluenose (a celebrated Canadian racing ship) above the denomination, with the name of the country above
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 10 cent coin (1990-2000 design) 1994 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The Bluenose (a celebrated Canadian racing ship) above the denomination, with the name of the country above
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Canada 5 cent coin (1944-45 design) 1945 Obverse: George VI
Reverse: A central "V" for "victory" below the name of the country, on top of which is superimposted a torch, the whole above the inscription "CENTS" to specificy the denomination in Roman numerals in conjunction with the central "V".
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Canada 5 cent coin (1955-62 design) 1962 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A beaver above the name of the country, below the denomination flanked with maple leafs
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Canada 5 cent coin (1963-64 design) 1963 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A beaver above the name of the country, below the denomination flanked with maple leafs
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 5 cent coin (1965-81 design) 1980 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A beaver above the name of the country, below the denomination flanked with maple leafs
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 5 cent coin (1990-2001 design) 1995 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A beaver above the name of the country, below the denomination flanked with maple leafs
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds on 7 May 2020.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1876-1901 design) 1888 Obverse: Victoria
Reverse: The denomination encircled with maple leaves wrapped around a vine.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1953-64 design) 1962 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A leafed maple twig, below the denomination and above the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1965-79 design) 1977 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A leafed maple twig, below the denomination and above the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1982-89 design) 1983 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A leafed maple twig, below the denomination and above the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1990-96 design) 1994 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A leafed maple twig, below the denomination and above the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by I. Reynolds.
 Canada 1 cent coin (1997-2003 design) 1999 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A leafed maple twig, below the denomination and above the name of the country
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 Guatemala 1 quetzal coin (1999-2012 design) 1999 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guatemala surrounded by the name of the country
Reverse: The word "PAZ" ("peace") stylised as a dove, with the inscription "Paz Firme y Duradera : 29 de Diciembre de 1996"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 14 April 2023.
 Guyana 25 cents coin (1967-92 design) 1967 Obverse: Coat of arms of Guyana.
Reverse: The denomination within a circle, surrounded with the inscription "BANK OF GUYANA" and two hoatzins.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 19 May 2021.
 Jamaica 1 dollar coin (current design) 2008 Obverse: The coat of arms of Jamaica, below the name of the country and above the denomination
Reverse: Alexander Bustamante
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
 Jamaica 1 cent coin (1975-2002 design) 1978 Obverse: The coat of arms of Jamaica below the name of the country
Reverse: An ackee fruit above the denomination, with the inscription "LET US PRODUCE MORE FOOD".
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
New Brunswick 1 cent coin (1861-64 design) 1864 Obverse: Obverse: Victoria (blank; coin damaged)
Reverse: A crown within an ornate circle of intertwined leaves and flowers, below the denomination and above the name of the colony.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 28 May 2022.
New Spain Half real coin (1772-89 design) 1785 Obverse: Charles III
Reverse: The 1700–1868 lesser coat of arms of the Spanish monarch with the Pillars of Hercules.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 New Zealand 1 dollar coin (1990-98 design) 1990 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: A kiwi bird surrounded by ferns, above the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 New Zealand 50 cent coin (1967-85 design) 1979 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The HMS Endeavour near Mount Taranaki, with the denomination to the top-left
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 New Zealand 50 cent coin (current design) 2006 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: The HMS Endeavour near Mount Taranaki, with the denomination to the top-left
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
 New Zealand 20 cent coin (current design) 2006 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Maori carving, above the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 2 July 2018.
 New Zealand 10 cent coin (1986-98 design) 1996 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Maori mask, below the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on Independence Day 2018.
 New Zealand 10 cent coin (current design) 2006 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Maori mask, below the denomination
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 Solomon Islands 20 cent coin (2020 design) 2020 Obverse: Elizabeth II
Reverse: Two soldiers on a First World War battlefield with a war grave and poppies, underneath the motto "REMEMBRANCE DAY IS EVERY DAY" and the inscription "WAR POPPY COLLECTION by Jacqueline Hurley"
Donated to the Museum by HIll.H Tania, Countess of Memphis on Christmas Day 2020.
 United States 1 dollar coin (1878-1921 design) 1891 Obverse: Liberty facing left, beneath E•PLURIBUS•UNUM•"
Reverse: An eagle holding arrows and an olive branch, encircled in a wreath and below the motto "IN GOD WE TRUST", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United States 1 dollar coin (1971-78 design) 1971 Obverse: Dwight D. Eisenhower facing left, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The mission insignia of Apollo 11 surrounded by thirteen stars, beneath E•PLURIBUS•UNUM•", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United States 1 dollar coin (1979-99 Susan B. Anthony design) 1979 Obverse: Susan B. Anthony surrounded by thirteen stars, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The mission insignia of Apollo 11 surrounded by thirteen stars, beneath E•PLURIBUS•UNUM•", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 1 dollar coin (1986-present Silver Eagle design) 1995 Obverse: Liberty by a rising sun, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The Great Seal of the United States, encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 1 dollar note (1963-present design) 2017 Obverse: George Washington
Reverse: The Great Seal of the United States
Donated to the Museum by Lord Michael Simpson on 4 January 2022.
 United States 1/2 dollar coin (1916-47 design) 1942 Obverse: Liberty by a rising sun, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: A bald eagle on a mountaintop perch by E PLURIBUS UNUM, all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 1/2 dollar coin (1948-63 design) 1952 Obverse: Benjamin Franklin facing right, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The Liberty Bell with "E PLURIBUS UNUM" on the left and a small eagle on the right, all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (1932-64 design) 1962 Obverse: George Washington facing left, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: An eagle holding a shaft of arrows above two olive sprays and below "E PLURIBUS UNUM", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (1965-98 design) 1979 Obverse: George Washington facing left, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: An eagle holding a shaft of arrows above two olive sprays and below "E PLURIBUS UNUM", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Lady Tania, Countess of Memphis on 11 April 2023.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (1999 New Jersey design) 1999 Obverse: George Washington, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Reverse: Washington Crossing the Delaware, above "CROSSROADS OF THE REVOLUTION" and "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and below "NEW JERSEY 1787"
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (2001 New York design) 2001 Obverse: George Washington, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Reverse: The Statue of Liberty superimposed over a map of New York with the words "GATEWAY TO FREEDOM", above "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and below "NEW YORK 1788"
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (2002 Mississippi design) 2002 Obverse: George Washington, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Reverse: Two large magnolia blossoms with the motto "The Magnolia State", above "E•PLURIBUS•UNUM" and below "MISSISSIPPI 1817"
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 25 January 2020.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (2004 Iowa design) 2004 Obverse: George Washington, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Reverse: A schoolhouse, above "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and below "FOUNDATION IN EDUCATION"IOWA 1846"
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 United States 1/4 dollar coin (2004 Wisconsin design) 2004 Obverse: George Washington, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Reverse: A cow, cheese, and corn, above a banner reading "FORWARD" and the inscription "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and below "WISCONSIN 1848"
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 United States Two 1 dime coins (1916-45 design) 1919, 1944 Obverse: Liberty wearing a winged Phrygian cap, with the motto "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: A fasces intertwined with an olive branch, next to the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and all surrounded by the denomination and the name of the country.
1919 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
1944 coin - Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 1 dime coin (1946-64 design) 1960 Obverse: Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: "E•PLURIBUS•UNUM" interspersed with an olive branch, a torch and an oak branch, all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United States Two 1 dime coins (current design) 1992, 2003 Obverse: Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: "E•PLURIBUS•UNUM" interspersed with an olive branch, a torch and an oak branch, all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination
1992 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
2003 coin - Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 17 July 2019.
 United States 5 cent coin (1883-1913 design) 1904 Obverse: Liberty, encircled by thirteen stars
Reverse: The denomination ("V CENTS") with a wreath, below the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and all surrounded by the name of the country.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.
 United States Two 5 cent coins (1938-2003 design) 1943, 1957 Obverse: Thomas Jefferson, encircled by the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: Monticello above the denomination, encircled by "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and the name of the country.
1943 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
1957 coin - Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States 5 cent coin (current design) 1989 Obverse: Thomas Jefferson, encircled by the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: Monticello above the denomination, encircled by "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and the name of the country.
Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
 United States 5 cent coin (2004 Lewis & Clark design) 2004 Obverse: Thomas Jefferson, encircled by the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: A boat used during the Lewis and Clark Expedition, above "LEWIS & CLARK" and below "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and the name of the country.
Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 29 December 2022.
 United States 1 cent coin (1839-57 design) 1842 Obverse: Liberty facing left, encircled with thirteen stars.
Reverse: The denomination within a wreath, all surrounded by the name of the country .
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 22 June 2021.
 United States Ten 1 cent coins (1909-58 design) 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949 Obverse: Abraham Lincoln, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: Two wheat ears flanking the denomination and the name of the country, underneath the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM".
All donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
 United States Three 1 cent coins (1959-82 design) 1959, 1971, 1981 Obverse: Abraham Lincoln, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The Lincoln Memorial beneath the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
1959 coin - Donated to the Museum by Sir Arturo Lara on 14 May 2020.
1971 coin - Part of the founding collection of the Museum.
1981 coin - Donated to the Museum by Emperor Mother Margaret on 17 July 2019.
 United States 1 cent coin (1983-2008 design) 1995 Obverse: Abraham Lincoln, with the mottos "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD WE TRUST"
Reverse: The Lincoln Memorial beneath the motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM", all encircled by the name of the country and the denomination.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 10 July 2018.
 United States 5 Nevada goldbacks note 2020 Sophia (personification) Donated to the Museum by Lord Michael Simpson on the Feast of the Annunication 2021.
 United States 1 Nevada goldback note 2020 Caritas (personification) Donated to the Museum by Lord Michael Simpson on the Feast of the Annunication 2021.
 Uruguay 5 centésimos coin (1901-41 design) 1924 Obverse: A radiant sun surrounded by the name of the country in Spanish ("REPÚBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY")
Reverse: The denomination within a palm wreath.
Donated to the Museum by Jonathan I on 27 February 2020.

Emperor Father Terry Crown Collection

The Emperor Father Terry Crown Collection consists of a personal collection of HIH Emperor Father Terry which he donated to the Imperial Numismatic Museum on the Feast of the Annunication 2020. The collection contains twelve crowns or their post-decimalisation equivalents, with eleven from the United Kingdom and one from Jersey.

Face Value Monarch and Year Commemorative occasion Design
Crown (five shillings) Victoria, 1895 N/A: standard circulation coin Obverse: Victoria, with the inscription "VICTORIA•DEI•GRA•BRITT•REGINA•FID•DEF•IND•IMP•"
Edge: The inscription "DECUS ET TUTAMEN : ANNO REGNI LIX•"
Reverse: St George slaying the dragon
Crown (five shillings) George V, 1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V Obverse: George V, with the inscription "GEORGIVS V. DG. BRITT: OMN: REX. FD. IND: IMP:"
Edge: The inscription "DECUS ET TUTAMEN • ANNO REGNI XXV•"
Reverse: St George slaying the dragon
Crown (five shillings) George VI, 1951 Festival of Britain Obverse: George VI, with the inscription "GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX F:D:"
Reverse: St George slaying the dragon
Crown (five shillings) Elizabeth II, 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II Obverse: Elizabeth II on horseback flanked by two royal cyphers, with the inscription "ELIZABETH•II•DEI•GRATIA•BRITT•OMN•REGINA•FIDEI•DEFENSOR"
Edge: The inscription "FAITH AND TRUTH I WILL BEAR UNTO YOU +"
Reverse: Crown in centre of emblematical cross, formed from a rose, thistle, leek and shamrock. In the angles, there are four shields bearing the arms of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Crown (five shillings) Elizabeth II, 1960 British Exhibition in New York Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA F•D•"
Reverse: Crown in centre of emblematical cross, formed from a rose, thistle, leek and shamrock. In the angles, there are four shields bearing the arms of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Crown (five shillings) Elizabeth II, 1965 Death of Sir Winston Churchill Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA F•D•"
Reverse: Winston Churchill, with the inscription "CHURCHILL".
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1972 Silver wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "D•G•REG•F•D•ELIZABETH II"
Reverse: The crowned letters "EP" within a floral garland, Eros at the centre, with the inscription "ELIZABETH AND PHILIP • 20 NOVEMBER • 1947-1972".
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1977 Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II Obverse: Elizabeth II on horseback, with the inscription "ELIZABETH•II•DG•REG•FD"
Reverse: Design showing Coronation regalia.
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1977 Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II Obverse: Elizabeth II on horseback, with the inscription "ELIZABETH•II•DG•REG•FD"
Reverse: Design showing Coronation regalia.
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1977 Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND 1952-1977"
Reverse: The harbour of Gorey, Jersey with Mont Orgueil Castle in the background, with the inscription "BAILIWICK OF JERSEY".
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1980 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "D•G•REG•F•D•ELIZABETH II"
Reverse: A central portrait of the Queen Mother surrounded by a pattern of bows and lions, with the inscription "QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER AUGUST 4th 1980".
Twenty-five pence Elizabeth II, 1981 Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer Obverse: Elizabeth II, with the inscription "D•G•REG•F•D•ELIZABETH II"
Reverse: Prince Charles and Lady Diana, with the inscription "H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES AND LADY DIANA SPENCER".