George d'Annenkov

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George d’Annenkov
Coat of Arms of George d’Annenkov
Chief Herald in Flandrensis
In office
From 2019 untill 2022
Predecessor Elias Jonkers
Minister of Flandrensis
In office
From 2019 untill 2022
Consul of Flandrensis in Scotland, UK
In office
Since 2018
Predecessor Position established
Minister of Antarctic Affairs, Environment and Climate Change in Flandrensis
In office
From 2017 until 2018
Predecessor Position established
Personal information
Born 26 July 1998 (1998-07-26) (age 26)
Citizenship Flandrensian
Nationality Belgian
Religion Eastern Orthodox

George d’Annenkov was the Chief Herald of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis between 2019 and 2022. He was also previously Minister of Antarctic Affairs, Environment and Climate Change. As part of his functions, he is also an active Minister in the Grand Ducal Cabinet and exercises the function of Consul of Flandrensis in Scotland, UK.


George d’Annenkov joined Flandrensis in early 2016 after reading about Flandrensis in a regional Belgian newspaper. A year later he took on the office of Minister of Antarctic Affairs, Environment and Climate Change. He worked together with the Grand Duke Nicholas on kick-starting the Climate Letters initiative, which continues to this day. He joined the Diplomatic Corps of Flandrensis as Consul in Scotland in 2018 with a two-year mandate, which was renewed in 2021. In 2019, after having his knowledge and skills in heraldry tested, he was invited by the Grand Duke to become Chief Herald of the micronation. While originally an apolitical position, the office of Chief Herald comes since 2020 with a ministership.

In September of 2020, he was elevated to the rank and dignity of Count of the Peerage of Flandrensis and became Captain of the Grand Ducal Guard. He worked together with the Cabinet and the Chancellor on the 16th Constitutional reform. He redesigned Flandrensis' judicial system, promoting the mixed jury model as a way of ensuring the defence gets a fair trial by its peers, while safeguarding the Grand Duke's role as Supreme Justice of Flandrensis. He also played an instrumental role in redesigning the procedures for the selection of Nicholas of Flandrensis' succession, redefining the role to the Peerage in the election of the future Sovereign, and the workings of the Special Royal College in charge of electing the successor more generally. In 2020, George d'Annenkov also designed a limited edition new Victorian-style stamp for Flandrensis with the Grand Duke's profile. This stamp is currently in use on all official Flandrensian mail.

In January of 2021, the Chancellor of Flandrensis Marquis Joaquín Castillo-Lopez nominated him Vice Chancellor of Flandrensis. While it is an honorary position without assigned day-to-day tasks, in the case the Chancellor is unable to fulfil his duties for any reason, the Vice Chancellor will be called upon to fill in the position as acting head of government. At the Chancellor's initiative, and as head of the Institute of Nobility and Heraldry, he redesigned the insignia of the Order of the Melting Mountain and Order of Saint Polycarpus, as part of a general reform of the Flandrensian honours system.

Titles & awards


George d’Annenkov’s full personal title is “His Excellency, The Right Honourable Count George d’Annenkov, Chief Herald of Arms”.

His preferred working title is “The Rt Hon. Count d’Annenkov”, although, in the exercise of his heraldic functions he is to be referred to as “The Rt Hon. Chief Herald of Arms”.

Flandrensian Titles and Honors

  • Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Count d’Annenkov, Peer of Flandrensis
  • Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Knight Grand Cross in the Order of Flandrensis
  • Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Melting Mountain
  • Grand Duchy of Flandrensis Captain of the Grand Ducal Guard