Bradonian Central Time
Bradonian Central Time | |
Time zone | |
UTC offset | |
BCT | UTC-04:55 |
Current time | |
3:09 am, 19 November 2024 UTC−04:55 [refresh] | |
Observance of DST | |
DST is observed throughout this time zone. |
The Bradonian Central Time Zone (BCT) is a time zone used exclusively within the Kingdom of Bradonia. Bradonian Central Time Zone (BCT) is five minutes ahead of Central Time (CT). During the summer months, the most zones including the Bradonian Central Time Zone (BCT) use daylight savings time (DST) and as a result, the Bradonian Central Time Zone (BCT) change's to Bradonian Central Daylight Time (BCDT).
The idea of a "unique" time zone within Bradonia has existed since Bradonia was formed. This is because Bradonia was very influenced by Molossian culture to an extent for a very long time, and wanted a unique time zone to call its own, and made a "law" enforcing the Bradonian Time Zone however, despite that fact, the implementation of the Time Zone took a very long time to put into implementation, and only in 2022 was it actually enforced as law.
The largest city in the Bradonian Central Time Zone is Bravrina; the Greater Bravrina metropolitan area is the largest metropolitan area in Bradonia.
Regions using Bradonian Central Time
Most of Bradonia uses Bradonian Central Time, however, the colonies in Colorado use Bradonian Western Time, a modified version of Bradonian Central Time. These timezones are observed for the entirety of the year and move according to daylight savings.