2023 Zepranan independence referendums

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2023 Zepranan (FFRZ) independence referendum
Should the Free Federal Republic of Zeprana become a part of the Elarian Commonwealth?
LocationEmpire of Ela'r'oech
Date16 January 2023
Votes %
Yes 22 &1000000000000008148000081.48%
No 5 &1000000000000001851999918.52%
Total votes 27 100.00%
2023 Zepranan (FRZ) independence referendum
Should the Federative Republic of Zeprana become a part of the Elarian Commonwealth?
LocationEmpire of Ela'r'oech
Date16 January 2023
Votes %
Yes 16 &1000000000000006956999969.57%
No 7 &1000000000000003042999930.43%
Total votes 23 100.00%

Referendums concerning the independence of the Free Federal Republic of Zeprana and Federative Republic of Zeprana and their memberships in the Greater Elarian Commonwealth was held on 16 January 2023 and 17 January 2023. The referendum questions were; "Should the Free Federal Republic of Zeprana become a part of the Elarian Commonwealth?" and "Should the Federal Republic of Zeprana (McKeenist Zeprana) become a part of the Elarian Commonwealth?," to which voters responded with a simple Yea or Nay. The votes were finalized on 18 January 2023, making the legality of the FFRZ's membership in the GEC - which at that point had already been solidified - official, constitutional, and legal. Official diplomatic talks between the Ela'r'oech and McKeenist Zeprana are yet to be scheduled to take place.


As the first official referendums to declare a nation part of the Commonwealth, it is speculated by Elarian legalists on the legality of classifying the referendum as 'binding,' as it requires the consent of another nation. Regardless, the results were finalized and approved by the Elarian Federal Election Committee (EFEC) on 18 January 2023.

Votes were gathered from the Elarian Discord Server on 16 January 2023 and territories of Ela'r'oech on 17 January 2023, respectfully.

Although unlike the 2022 Pontunian independence referendum, where Carolusians had displayed their opinions outright, the Carolusians seemed to have a large majority.

The FFRZ referendum seemed to show major support from Elarian and Zepranan politicians from all sides of the political spectrum, with Zepranan President Grant Taylor also showing support.

The FRZ referendum seemed to show mixed support from Elarians and Zepranans alike. Zepranans from the FRZ were aggressively against the referendum and membership in the GEC, however as a result of the Zeprano-Elarian War, Elarians had overwhelmingly become moved to try and end the FRZ's fascist government. However, it should be noted that many Elarians were still concerned with associating with the nation.
