Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland

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Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland
Kaiserreich Würdigeland
Flag of Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland
Coat of arms of Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland
Coat of arms
"Ad Victoriam, Ex Sapientia" (Latin)
"To Victory, By Knowledge"
Anthem: Preußens Gloria
Location relative to São Paulo, Brasil
Location relative to São Paulo, Brasil
and largest city
South Würdigestadt
Official languagesEnglish, German
Recognised regional languagesPortuguese
GovernmentTechnocratic constitutional monarchy
• Emperor
Newton I
• Prime Minister
Henry Clémens
LegislatureParliament of Würdigeland
Establishment27 April 2012
• Census
CurrencyWürdigeland Mark
Time zoneUTC−03:00
Date formatdd/mm/cy
Calling code+55

Würdigeland, officially the Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland (in German: Kaiserreich Würdigeland) is a micronation situated primarily within the Mata Atlântica region of South America, with an exclave located in the South East region of Great Britain and a colony located near Tasmania south of the Australian mainland. Würdigeland was established on 27 April 2012 by Arthur I and Wiggle Gaw Gadowd, with Arthur ascending to the throne as Emperor and Gadowd being inaugurated as the nation's first Prime Minister.

Originally conceived as a technocracy, modern Würdigeland in practice operates as a relatively pure parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Würdigeland's early history saw it develop a close alliance with the Confederate States of Prosperity. Upon that state's collapse in late 2012, Arthur I established the wider Würtige Empire and declared himself its Emperor, welcoming several former member states of the Confederate States of Prosperity and their successors as territories. Würdigeland became the seat of the wider Empire, thereby ascending the state to newfound relevance.

Despite exercising impressive strength and power within the MicroWiki community, eventually both Würdigeland and the Würtige Empire entered a period of decline as the Empire witnessed several of its territories secede both legally and illegally. The latter instances forced Würdigeland into repeated conflicts that further weakened both the Technocratic Capital and the wider Würtige Empire. By early 2016, Würdigeland had fallen entirely dormant.

Following the abdication of Arthur I and the short-lived reign of Kaiser Richard I, Würdigeland entered a new era under the reign of Kaiser Newton I. Würdigeland returned to its status as capital of the Würtige Empire, newly populated primarily with direct and indirect successors of the original territories of the Empire.


Würdigeland is named for the German word "würdige," which translates to "worthy" in English. Therefore Würdigeland is literally translated as "land of the worthy," while it is named the "technocratic capital" for its historical technocratic model of government, and to signify its status as the seat and capital of the Würtige Empire.


Würdigeland was established in 27 April 2012 in a foundation ceremony conducted at the residence of Arthur I, who immediately declared himself the nation's first Emperor. The next month, legislator and co-founder of Würdigeland Wiggle Gaw Gadowd claimed Arthur I was violating the constitution, leveraging further claims the Emperor was moving the nation towards autocracy. Following unsuccessful discussions with the Emperor, Gadowd seceded from Würdigeland in what became known as Würdigeland's May Crisis. After one week of tensions, an agreement was made that installed Gadowd as Würdigeland's Interim Prime Minister until formal elections could take place. The next month, Gadowd was reelected and officially assumed the title of inaugural Prime Minister. Gadowd would later lose the September general election, thereby being forced to depart from the office of Prime Minister. Dissatisfied with the election outcome, Gadowd launched a coup in West Würdigestadt and Palmeburg, seceding from Würdigeland once again. Arthur I deployed the 1st Würtige Guard Division in an attempt to supress the insurgence to no avail, with the resulting peace agreement returning West Würdigestadt to Würdigeland and installing Gadowd as its Governor.

Würdigeland became an active presence in the MicroWiki community immediately upon its conception, building a close relationship and eventually alliance with the Confederate States of Prosperity. Later that year the Confederate States of Prosperity began to collapse, beginning with the secession of New Nevada in October and continuing into December. Several member states of the Confederate States of Prosperity approached Arthur I, opening discussions over a succession plan that would situate Würdigeland as the capital of a wider imperial confederation. The result was the Würtige Empire, founded 10 December 2012.

The Empire's formation resulted in mixed reception within the wider micronational community, with heavy criticism directed towards each of the Empire's territories maintaining a separate delegation (and thus vote) in the Grand Unified Micronational. While Arthur I and Richard Hytholoday successfully negotiated to maintain separate delegations for the Empire's member states, the debate was renewed in early 2014 by then-Chairman Ciprian I of Juclandia, who argued the Empire should be represented by the Technocratic Capital alone. A landmark Court decision from then-Supreme Judge Bradley of Dullahan permitted multiple memberships to continue, granting Würdigeland and the Empire unprecedented political strength in the organization via what came to be known as the First Würtige Bloc.

Alongside the rest of the Würtige Empire, Würdigeland was heavily implicated in the Spice Wars, a series of conflicts of varying levels of severity but generally having little real implications. The Spice Wars were a result of tensions between the Empire and the Freihetian Empire, a former member state of the Confederate States of Prosperity that turned down an invitation to join the Empire alongside several of its fellow confederal states. The 10 January Accords concluded the Freihetian Civil War, though two weeks later Emperor Markus II - formerly of Freihetia but now leading the Holy Empire of New Israel - declared war directly on Würdigeland. Conflicts between the Würtige Empire and New Israel would continue for two years, with the Second Spice War in April 2013, Third Spice War in July 2014, and Saxon Rebellion finally culminating in the full independence of New Israel from the Empire on 10 August 2015.

The conclusion of the long-lasting Spice Wars coincided with a period of legal secessionist movements that left the Empire and thus Würdigeland severely weakened. The Tsardom of Nolland departed the Empire peacefully in early 2015, while Mercia - then arguably the Empire's most powerful territory - held a referendum on secession later in the year, gaining independence officially in January 2016. Outside Würdigeland and the imperial colonies of Ottoburg and New Lacedaemonia, this left the Principality of Beacon City as the only other remaining territory of the Empire. Despite intentions to dissolve the Empire in the case Mercia departed, legislation was never manifested to formally disband the Würtige Empire. Beacon City dissolved in April 2018 and was replaced by the Serene Beaconite Republic, thereby leaving Würdigeland as the Empire's lone non-colonial territory.

In the years since the decline of the Empire, an alliance of states with direct and indirect ties to the Würtige Empire formed that came to be known as the Second Würtige Bloc. In December 2020, this bloc pressured Arthur I to abdicate the throne of Würdigeland after eight years, making way for Kaiser Richard I who ruled for just sixteen days before abdicating in favor of Kaiser Newton I. Under Newton's rule, Würdigeland underwent a reformation process that saw Vandern, located in the South East region of Great Britain, added as a territory so as to allow the new Emperor to reside in the Technocratic Capital. The Würtige Bloc joined together to reform the Empire under the new Kaiser, composed originally of five territories: Würdigeland, Mercia, the Serene Beaconite Republic (the successor to Beacon City), the Uber-Essian Union (a union of two former Mercian colonies), and the Empire of Paravia.

Kaiser Newton's rule has seen Würdigeland stabilize within its role as the capital of the reformed Empire. After a long period of unilateral rule via the monarchy, Henry Clémens was elected the 3rd Prime Minister of Würdigeland in August 2024.

Foreign relations

Würdigeland is a member of the Würtige Empire, where it serves as the capital and seat of government. As established by the Second Würtige Joining Treaty, the Empire engages in foreign relations as a single institution. Foreign treaties do not automatically apply to its member states, as members are given the option to consent to treaties signed by the wider Empire.

A former member of the Grand Unified Micronational, Würdigeland was a full member until June 2015, when the organization was reformed into a formal discussion venue. Würdigeland also held a seat on the Security Council of the Grand Unified Micronational from the formation of the Würtige Empire until the dissolution of the Security Council under the Chairmanship of Richard Hytholoday in March 2013. Würdigeland also held a seat on the now-defunct Advancement Council of the Grand Unified Micronational.

Würdigeland was a member of the former Union of South American Micronations. Kaiser Arthur I served as the organization's third Secretary General, while inaugural Prime Minister Wiggle Gaw Gadowd served as a delegate to the South American Parliament.

Through membership in the Würtige Empire, Würdigeland holds mutual recognition and a state of alliance with the following states sorted by date of ascent:

Under the terms of the Würtige Empire's system of consensual recognition, Würdigeland recognizes the following Imperial treaties of mutual cooperation sorted by date recognized by the Technocratic Capital:

Würdigeland also recognizes the following Imperial treaties of mutual recognition, sorted by date recognized by the Technocratic Capital:

Würdigeland currently recognizes the following states unilaterally:

Since the September 2012 Secession War, the Rebel State of Palmeburg has been considered an enemy state of Würdigeland.


Ariel view of Greater São Paulo, Brazil. West and South Würdigestadt are located within the urban center, while the former Colony of Palmeburg is located on the coast to the south.

Würdigeland's territory consists of five separate portions of land, with three located in the Mata Atlântica region of South America, one in the South East region of Great Britain and another located near Tasmania off the southern coast of the Australian mainland. Originally, Würdigeland's claimed land consisted of four territories all located on the South American continent, enclaved by the State of São Paulo (Estado de São Paulo) in Brazil. Three of those territories remain part of Würdigeland today, including West Würdigestadt and South Würdigestadt, the latter serving as the nation's largest city and capital. Both cities are completely enclaved by the Municipality of São Paulo (Município de São Paulo). The Colony of Ottoburg, the third territory, is situated on the border of the Brazilian municipalities of Cássia dos Coqueiros and Santo Antônio da Alegria, approximately 270 km (168 miles) north of South Würdigestadt. Palmeburg, the southernmost of Würdigeland's original territories, was a port colony enclaved by the Municipality of Guarujá approximately 55 km (34 miles) south of South Würdigestadt, though declared its independence from Würdigeland during the September Secession War and was never returned to Würtige occupation.

Several new possessions have been claimed by Würdigeland in the years since its foundation and the Secession War. In September 2014, The Colony of New Lacedaemonia was established on a small island near Tasmania south of the Australian mainland. Prior to its colonization, New Lacedaemonia was a self-proclaimed independent state. Upon the ascension of Newton I to the kaisership in 2020, provisions were made to claim the residence of the new Emperor in order to maintain tradition that the Würtige Emperor reside in the Technocratic Capital. The Duchy of Vandern, located in the South East region of Great Britain approximately 50 km (30 miles) outside the British capital city of London, shares a border with both the United Kingdom and the Uber-Essian city of Villasgraz and houses the residence of Kaiser Newton I. Vandern's border with Uber-Esse, a Würtige member state, makes the duchy an important diplomatic centre within the Empire.

Administrative divisions

The four territories of Würdigeland are subdivided into two Duchies and two Colonies, the latter of which are administered directly by the government of the Technocratic Capital and a single permanent representative in the Parliament of Würdigeland. Among the South American territories, South Würdigestadt is the capital city of Würdigeland and is located within the Duchy of Würdigestadt, while West Würdigestadt is an exclave city of the Duchy on the opposite side of the Brazilian Municipality of São Paulo. Today, Würdigestadt is the only political subdivision in Würdigeland containing two cities, and is also the only subdivision to be separated between two unconnected territories.

List of duchies

Territory Area Founded Capital Borders
Würdigestadt, Duchy of 3.5km² 27 April 2012 South Würdigestadt Federative Republic of Brazil
Vandern, Duchy of ??km² 12 December 2020 Vandern United Kingdom, Uber-Essian Union

List of colonies

Colony Area Founded Capital Borders
Ottoburg, Colony of 2.5km² 27 April 2012 Ottoburg Federative Republic of Brazil
New Lacedaemonia, Colony of 0.014km² 1 September 2014 New Lacedaemonia None, nearest Commonwealth of Australia



Prime Minister


Law and order




