Politics of New Europe

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Empire of New Europe

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of
New Europe

Imperial Government

The National Government of New Europe or the Imperial Government takes place in the framework of a confederate representative democratic constitutional monarchy, whereby the Monarch is the Head of State and the Imperial Chancellor is the head of state in a multi-party system. Executive power is vested in the government. Central legislative power is vested in the two chambers of parliament.

Political developments

Democracy was fully introduced following the re-establishment of New Europe in 2011, which had been ruled by Fascists and an autocrat since 2008. The 2011 constitution established New Europe as a democratic micronation, with the Imperial Chancellor (equivalent to Prime Minister) responsible to the bicameral Imperial Assembly elected every 4 months. Throughout the summer of 2011, in a period known as the White Revolution, conservative elements among the legislature achieved majority and tried to maintain or revitalize an imperialist authoritarian government. However, the minority groups of the government proved loyal to Eric Perez, who used his personal and political influence as Chairman of the Socialist Party, to encourage reforms in all sectors of the empire.

In October 2011, Eric Perez, then Vice-Chancellor, won a majority of votes in what has become a historical election. Perez ended the 3-year reign of right-wing chancellors. During this period New Europe created new social laws and programs in economics, and organization. Liberalization policies have been contested by conservatives but partially implemented. The country has massively modernized in this period, becoming a politically developed, culturally shifted, contemporary Open society.


Emperor Wilhelm I (Wilhelm Michael von Hartmann-Peters) (born September 30, 1991) has ruled as Emperor and head of state since January 20, 2009.

In accordance with the constitution the New European Monarch, as Head of state, is the theoretical source of all executive and legal power. However, since the introduction of democracy in 2011, a separation of powers has been in effect.

The text of the New European monarchy dates back to 2009. It has been interpreted by politicians to suit modern conditions. In a formal sense, the Monarch retains the ability to deny giving a bill imperial assent. In order for a decree to become law the countersignature by the Imperial Chancellor is required. The Monarch ceremonially chooses and dismisses the Imperial Chancellor, although in modern times this has become a no-option. Today a dismissal would cause a constitutional crisis. On May 31, 2010, Emperor Wilhelm I exercised the power of dismissal once, then created the Regency Government that ultimately caused New Europe to collapse. All imperial powers are considered sacred rights of the Monarch, such as patronage to appoint civil serveants and the ability to declare war and make peace, are exercised by the Imperial Assembly, with the formal consent of the Emperor. When a new Cabinet is to be formed, the Monarch calls the ministers to an appointment ceremony and to swear an oath to uphold the constitution, a tradition from a time when the Monarch officially had the power to appoint and dismiss government officials.

According to the principles of constitutional monarchy, today the Monarch has an essentially ceremonial role, restricted in his exercise of power by the convention of parliamentary democracy and the separation of powers. However, the monarch does continue to exercise formal rights. Pursuant to these ideals, both the Imperial Chancellor and the Cabinet attend the regular meetings with the Monarch.

Executative Branch

Executive power in New Europe lies with the Imperial Cabinet (German: Reichskabinett). It is headed by the Imperial Chancellor (German: Reichskanzeler) who is nominated by their respective political party, confirmed by a vote of the people in an election. After a candidate has been nominated he must win a majority of the votes from the population. The Imperial Chancellor designates the rest of the members of the Cabinet who are then appointed after a ceremonial investment of confidence from the Emperor. He directs the activities of the government as a whole. 

Legislative Branch

On the national level, citizens directly elect a legislature, the Imperial Assembly (German: Reichstag), which consists of two chambers, the Imperial Diet (German: Reichstag) and the Imperial Council (German: Reichsrat). The Imperial Diet serve terms that run for a maximum of six months while members of the Imperial Council are appointed by regional states.

The Imperial Diet has the power to initiate legislation but requires the agreement of the Imperial Council in order to pass proposals and the imposition of responsibilities on the states. This means that the agreement of the Imperial Council in the legislative process is very often vital, as Imperial legislation often has to be executed by state or local agencies. In the event of disagreement between the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Council a conciliation committee is formed to find a compromise.


The judicial system comprises three types of courts.

  • Supreme Court
  • Federal District Courts
  • State-Level Supreme Courts
  • City-Level Courts

The Supreme Court — the country's court of last resort — has five justices appointed by the Emperor and led by the Chief Justice of New Europe, and hears appeals from decisions rendered by the various appellate courts from the States and territories. Below this is the Federal District Courts, which hears cases arising under certain areas of federal law. This set up is mentioned in the constitution as State-Level Supreme Courts and City-Level Courts. This is to regulate the minimum number of courts in the States but does not bind them to follow the imperial set up. 

See also