Coat of arms of Queensland

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Coat of Arms of Queensland
Used by the Government
Used on official documents
ArmigerMonarchy of Queensland
CrestWith a crown of monarchs (used in the same way as the United Kingdom) adorned the coat of arms
BlazonQuarterly;1. There is a lion on the big fort. Represents victory over anything and is the abbreviated emblem of the first King of the Kingdom

2. Ripe palm trees Annual tree, Queensland

3. The coat of arms beside the coat of arms is the "coat of arms of the United Kingdom", representing the people of Queensland loyal to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
Supportersleft: a lion wearing a crown, inviting the Inviting the 2nd Queensland flag Right: The unicorn wears the invitation flag of Queensland. Which represents the national flag in the land.
CompartmentGrass decorated with beautiful flowers.
Motto"God Guardian of Queensland"
Order(s)Order of the Gardenia

The coat of arms of the Kingdom of Queensland is the national coat of arms of Queensland In which this includes the national emblem and royal seal of the Monarchy and the royal family This seal has been reappeared in 2020 on the occasion of the 5 year anniversary of the establishment of the Kingdom.