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Region of Clyro

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Region of Clyro
Flag of Region of Clyro
Coat of arms of Region of Clyro
Coat of arms
'Motto: 'Risloa, Rigeñen
Anthem: Jerusalem
LocationCounty of Essex/Duchy of Cornwall, UK
CapitalSaints' Rest Hundred
Largest cityGreater Koille Hundred
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Lord
Richard I
• First Minister
Baron Ó Cathail
LegislatureMercian Parliament House
• Census
CurrencyEnglish Stirling (GBP)
Time zoneGMT

The Region of Clyro is a micronation based in Middle Essex and South-Eastern Cornwall, England, that follows the principles of Theodorism. Clyro exists as an administrative region of The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Council of the Diarchal Crowns of the Disciples (otherwise known as Mercia), and as an Autonomous Member State of the Würtige Empire. The nation has thirteen citizens (five of which could be classed as 'territorial citizens'), and a slowly developing pseudo-Celtic culture. Clyro has existed since September 20, 2011, when it was first formed under its first incarnation as the St Peters Republic. Clyro is ruled by the Lord Spiritual of Mercia and the Lord (monarch) of the Region, His Lordship Richard I, by the Grace of God, Lord of Clyro, Lord of Mercia. Clyro was the first Theodorist nation in micronational history to have stably existed stably under the ideology for an extended period of time (seven months before the Clyro Reforms).


The name 'Clyro' comes from the Welsh village of the same name. 'Clyro' is thought to have derived from the Welsh phrase 'clear water'. The Welsh village of Clyro is also close to the 'independent kingdom' of Hay-on-Wye, a town that is also the National Book Town of Wales.


Clyro, as of the 26th April 2014, ranks as a 6th World Nation (Tiny, Brick and Mortar, Statehood) according to the Boodlesmythe-Tallini System of Classification. In addition, the Region ranks 2.2 on the Dresner System of Classification, and ranks 3 on the similar Linden's Revised System of Classification. These statistics overall mark the nation out as an 'average Micronation', but one that could "continue to exist if the server hosting their space ceased to exist".


Main article: History of the Region of Clyro


The St Peters Republic (SPR) was the brainchild of Richard of Burnham who, after nearly two years of being aware of micronationalism and its communities, used the opportunity of his UK school's AS Level Extended Project to work on creating a micronation and be graded on his success. A few of his friends were roped in to form a Council, and with Burnham as President-of-State, the St Peters Republic was officially formed on 20 September 2011. Up until the 10th February 2012, the St Peters Republic had updated its news feed almost daily, and by 1 January 2012, the nation had grown from 5 citizens to 12 citizens and 5 honorary citizens. However, inactivity became prominent in the SPR after the President-of-State's birthday celebrations, and the last news update on the St Peters Republic Government Website was on the 27th February 2012, stating that the SPR was fourth in the world rankings of the Virtual Micronational Soccer Board. By 1 March, the SPR was almost completely inactive.

The St Peters Republic became a member state of the Confederate States of Prosperity (CSP) when the Confederacy was formed unofficially in April 2012. During the time between the unofficial creation of the CSP and its public formation on 26 August, President Burnham was elected President of the CSP, as party leader of the Imperial-Corporatist Order of Gustavus Party, winning with 15 votes to the 14 and 12 from the other two political parties (the Guild For Hope Party and the Order of the Penguin Party respectively). This time was generally agreed to be the 'golden era' of the St Peters Republic.

On 1 December 2012, the CSP was unofficially dismantled, and two member nations (the St Peters Republic (now Clyro), and the Knoll Empire (now Nolland)) of the Confederacy became autonomous member states of the Würtige Empire. This was consummated on the 10th December 2012, when the CSP was transferred to the authority of the Technocratic Capital of Würdigeland.


The Independent Daenningas Regional Dominion of Burnham & their Lands was formed on 6 October 2012 as a result of the August Reforms. The Presidential Council was renamed the Consul Gorsedh (the Cornish word for 'assembly'), and the Counsellors became Consuls, with President Burnham becoming known as First Consul Burnham from hereonin. Following the Independent Daenningas Regional Dominion of Burnham & their Land's integration into the Würtige Empire, the officials of the nation (many of whom were also involved in the Knoll Empire (now Nolland) and the former Confederate States of Agnorr (now a Nollandish territory) and Amager (now the Commonwealth of Hobartstown and Victoria, the Union of Libereco and the Ashukov Federation) began to get heavily involved in both national and international politics.

On 31 May 2013, the IDRDB&L changed its name to the Theodorist Regional Dominion of Burnham and its Land (TRDB&L), and First Consul Burnham ascended to the role of monarch, coronated as Justinian I, Basileus (monarch) of Burnham and protector of the Socialist and Theodorist Principles. A Burnham constitution soon followed, as did the first Supreme Soviet Gorsedh of the Theodorist Dominion, and a rise in the activity of the Burnham Micropress. On 3 December 2013, the first Burnham General Election was supposed to occur. However, because of inactivity of the candidates and parties, no such election took place. Basileus Justinian I used his constitutional right and took emergency power over Burnham on 10 December. The People's Commons was kept on hiatus during this time, and the only significant public action from the Basileus was the reinstitution of the Order of the Nebra Disk, a forgotten institute from the days of the IDRDB&L, as the State Culture Service.

On 19 January, Basileus Justinian I published a Decree in the People's Commons of Burnham at exactly 12:00PM GMT. This decree changed the name of the IDRDB&L to the Region of Clyro, and reformed the political system. Following this declaration, which was received by the Grand Unified Micronational, the Würtige Empire and all significant former Burnham rooms, work began on reforming the legislature and the services so that their names and structure would conform with the new system. The Region of Clyro formed an alliance of crowns with the Archduchy of Loringia and created the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Council of the Diarchal crowns of the Disciples (known as Mercia) on the 9th February 2014.

The Holy Empire of New Israel, formerly an enemy of Clyro, agreed to join Mercia as a territorial concession on the 7th October 2014, closely followed by the Republic of Covanellis on the 13th. Covanellis signed the Treaty of Concession on the day it agreed to join, and New Israel signed the Treaty on the 18th October 2014.



By using the Right of Petition in the Mercian Constitution, Clyran citizens can request that the Mercian Parliament House form a new Gorsedh to cover a specific legislative or administrative task. The Mercian Parliament House can choose to vote on the creation of a new Gorsedh autonomously, also.

Currently, there are few Gorsedhs in Clyro, but the option to create such new Gorsedhs lends itself to the possibility of doing so.

Current Gorsedhs are listed here:

  • Civil Service Gorsedh - Gorsedh that deals with Land Use, Intellectual Property, Breach of Contract and Heraldry cases.
  • State Culture Gorsedh - Gorsedh that oversees and protects the culture of Clyro, as well as maintaining an in-house conworlding project.
  • Demographic Registry Gorsedh - Gorsedh that tends to the recording of data about Clyro's population.

The Mercian Parliament

The Mercian Parliament is the unicameral legislature of Clyro and Mercia, alongside its related Gorsedhs and the ruling Lord. The Mercian Parliament is elected every 4 months from the ranks of the Nobility and the Life Peerage.

The Mercian Parliament is headed by a First Minister, who oversees the body and presents the passed proposals to the Lords of Mercia.The First Minister is a Noble within the Mercian Parliament who is chosen by the Lords. In addition, the First Minister has the Mercian Parliament Cabinet that helps him oversee and manage various national and international policies.

The current First Minister is: Marquis Cassidy, also known as Thomas Cassidy, Tsar of Nolland.

The Lord of Clyro

The Lord of Clyro holds the position of 'monarch' in the Theodorist ideology. The Lord of Clyro has absolute powers in Clyro that are a continuation of the emergency powers from the Month of Emergency, but it is tradition that the Lord of Clyro let the Mercian Parliament House do much of the legislating in the nation, with the Lord's decrees only covering minor aspects.

As of 12 June 2013, the Lord of Clyro has powers to absolutely dictate the cultural direction of the Region of Clyro, providing the direction does not interfere with the National Calendar. Cultural direction that will affect the Calendar must be voted upon in the Mercian Parliament.

The current Lord of Clyro is Richard I. He is the Supreme Judge of the Civil Service Gorsedh.

Foreign Affairs

Through the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Council of the Diarchal Crowns of the Disciples (Mercia), Clyro is tied to the following nations and concessions:

The Region of Clyro has Treaties of Diplomatic Recognition and Relations with the following nations:

The Region of Clyro was part of the Würtige Empire, which consisted of these nations:


Natural Geography

Clyro is mostly a completely natural nation, as although there are more urban Hundreds than natural Hundreds, natural Hundreds contribute to more of Clyro's territory size than the urban Hundreds. The rest of Clyro is heavily wooded with areas of grassland comprising a large minority of ground cover also. The aesthetic qualities of the woods and grasslands are maintained by Park Rangers operating out of the UK.

The roadways in and out of Clyro are mostly made out of compressed soil, sand and gravel, so that their environmental impact is not as severe as permanent tarmac roadways. However, tarmacced areas exist, such as Declan Bridge and the Maine-Border Roadway that runs between Declan Forest and the UK by way of the Low Wold Hundred.

Urban Geography

60% of Clyro's Hundreds are small urbanised areas, these being the Capital Hundred of Saints' Rest, the Antient Hundred of Burnham Beacon, and the Shire of Mosshire, as well as the Resort Hundreds of Fort New Necessity and Footscray House.The rest of Clyro's Hundreds are either entirely without man-made structures, or with only minimal numbers of structures (for example, Lesser Koille Hundred has a single park bench, while the Low Wold has a poorly-maintained waste disposal building). All structures in Clyro outside of Saints' Rest are maintained either by UK Park Rangers or UK citizens. Saints' Rest itself is jointly managed by UK citizens and Clyrans.

Burnham Beacon is Clyro's only open-air urban area, the rest being entirely or mostly sheltered with roofs and verandas. The reason for this is because the Beacon itself is surrounded by a series of short steps that fan out in a semi-circle much like a Classical Greek theatre.

Territorial Claims

Province of Wibertsherne

The Province of Wibertsherne is affectionately known as the 'Home Shires' by many Clyrans; it is the heartland of the Region of Clyro, where the nation was first founded, and has been the site of almost every major historical event and celebration so far. Wibertsherne is an enclave of the United Kingdom's County of Essex.

Provincial Capital Hundred: Saint's Rest

Shires of Wibertsherne

Shires exist as the main administrative bodies of the Region, each being run by a member of the Clyran Nobility. The Shires of Wibertsherne are the largest in the entire Region, often consisting of multiple Hundreds.

  • Cassidishire: Consisting of the Hundreds of Declan Forest and the Low Wold.
  • Mossishire: Consisting of the Hundreds of Rio Cinema and Star Inn.
  • Rambleshire: Consisting of the Hundreds of Greater Koille and Lesser Koille.

Province of Kernollond

Kernollond is the newest province of the Region of Clyro, founded in the southwest of Great Britain. Kernollond is entirely surrounded by the United Kingdom's Duchy of Cornwall. As such, Kernollond is oft referred to simply as 'the Cornish Province'. The Provincial Capital Hundred of Kernollond is also the capital of the Region of Clyro.

Provincial Capital Hundred: Villa Hundred

Shires of Kernollond

  • Tremmoshire: Consisting of the Hundred of Campus.
  • Bridgeshire: Consisting of the Hundreds of Nine Logs, Penmine & Spildcastle, and the Darva Cascades.

Other Hundreds

Resort Hundreds

Resort Hundreds are leisure territories completely under Regal Authority.

  • Footscray House
  • Fort New Necessity

Antient Hundreds

An Antient Hundred is a section of land owned and administrated by the Clyro Defence Office (CDO), and it answers only to said Office and the Lord of Clyro.

  • Burnham Beacon.

Citizen numbers

The population change within Clyro since 31 December 2011 and 1 May 2014, the green bar being representative of citizen numbers on the chart to the left.
The population change of Clyro since 31 December 2011 and 1 May 2014, this time as a table of cells.
Hundred Citizens Residents
Saints' Rest 0 3
Declan Forest 0 0
The Low Wold 0 0
Rio Cinema 0 0
Star Inn 1 3
Greater Koille 0 0
Lesser Koille 0 0
Villa 1 2
Campus 0 0
Nine Logs 0 0
Penmine & Spildcastle 0 0
The Darva Cascades 0 0
Burnham Beacon 0 0
Footscray House 0 2
Fort New Necessity 0 3
Local Territorials 6 0
Non-Territorials 11 0
Total: 19 14

Six Clyran non-territorials live in the UK within five miles of a Clyran Parish, and are therefore also regarded to be territorial citizens. In addition, eleven Clyrans live across the UK and the Americas.


Although Clyro's roadways only connect the Parishes of Casshire to each other and the UK, they are regarded as evidence of Clyro's superb transport network.

Woolfe-Maine Roadway System

Woolfe Junction, a key area in the Woolfe Roadway Circle

The Woolfe Roadway Circle is the largest element of the Woolfe-Maine Roadway System, stretching over two thirds of Declan Forest Parish. The Woolfe Roadway Circle then connects to Declan Bridge, which in turn connects to the Woolfe-Border Roadway; and the Maine Junction, which then connects to the Woolfe-Maine Roadway.

The Woolfe-Maine Roadway System is mostly used by cyclists, walkers and joggers from the Region of Clyro and the United Kingdom, although the Woolfe Roadway Circle is also the primary venue for all Clyran track and cycling sporting events.


Despite Mercia being largely Germanic, and with Clyro having a long history of being part of the Germanic Würtige Empire as well as collaboration with Germanic and Slavic states, there is a Celtic minority in power, which has dictated the cultural policies of the region. One of Clyro's unofficial languages is Rigeñen, a Celtic conlang based on Scottish Gaelic; the institutions that operate in Clyro are known as Gorsedhs, the Cornish word for 'Assemblies'. Even the name 'Clyro' is derived from the Welsh phrase 'clear water'. Clyro's official language is English, although the constructed languages of Prospekh and Rigeñen find their uses in the Clyran administration. Some Clyrans speak Spanish as a second language, although it is not an official language in the Region.

Clyro also celebrates the Druidic festivals of Lúnastal (1 August) and Tan (6 August), as well as celebrating the Summer and Winter Solstices on the 21st of both June and December respectively. The Lord of Clyro, His Lordship Richard I, has declared his intent to 'Celticise' Clyro many times, and has made steady paces towards achieving this.

In addition to the Druidic festivals, Clyro commemorates the anniversaries of the battles of Leipzig in 1813 and Waterloo in 1815. These are days to remember battles that shaped Europe, but do not often get recognition like the battles of the two World Wars.

Clyro has recently begun to espouse the virtues of Chappism, a movement that revolves around stereotypical British gentlemanliness, Edwardian idealism, and fusing those two with modern pop culture. The Waistcoat Club Service is a group within Clyro that defends the ideals of Clyran Chappism, although it is not known yet how Chappism and Clyro's inherent Celtica will integrate with each other.

There is also an attempt by the Lord of Clyro to make the Region a Christian one, although this is heavily stymied by the vast majority of atheists and humanists within the citizenry. Nevertheless, the Mercian Christian Church is a growing establishment supported by the Lords of Mercia.


Under the Civil Service Gorsedh, the entirety of the Region of Clyro is classed as a single judicial district. A law system is currently in progress to be used within this district. All District Attorneys of the Civil Service Gorsedh form part of the Clyran Bar Council, in which District Attorneys vote and choose who shall prosecute or defend individuals in each trial.

Current Civil Service staff are listed here:

  • Lord Richard I (Supreme Judge)
  • Marquis Cassidy (first District Attorney)
  • Count Frisch (District Attorney)

After a treaty signed between the Region of Clyro and the Tsardom of Nolland on 9 February 2014, all criminal cases as defined by the Clyran Constabulary Office that occur in Clyro are to be referred to the Nollandish Crown Court for bail, the Nollandish Court of Session for trial, and to the Nollandish High Court for appeal, although sentences are to be served within Clyro. If the sentence is banishment, then the criminal is to be deprived of their Clyran citizenship. As such, the Civil Service Gorsedh has become a de facto Civil and Heraldic court.

Definition of 'Regal Authority'

'Regal Authority' in the Region of Clyro and its Land is defined as 'the authority of the Lord of Clyro'. As such, if anything in the nation is controlled by or is under Regal Authority, it is the sole jurisdiction of the Lord of Clyro to administer and see to its affairs.

Security and Defence

The Clyro Defence Office

The military body of Clyro is the Clyro Defence Office, the CDO. The CDO operates as the defence force for the Clyro home-territories. The CDO traditionally used the Prospekh trigramme for its definition when the Office was known as the Clyran Defence Force (Prospekh: Clyro Verdijen Takma / Kлыро Вepдыйeн Taкмa), although all administrative work is nowadays done in English.

The CDO is divided into three Legions, each of which fulfil a different function in the nation.

  • 1st Legion: The Local Guardians. This Legion is regarded as the best unit in the CDO, that is ready at a moment's notice. The 1st Legion is dedicated to protecting Clyro's home territories, and assisting the immediate area of the neighbouring United Kingdom.
  • 2nd Legion: The National Private Soldiers. The 'Nationals' are made of non-territorial Clyrans only. The mission of the 2nd Legion is to protect Clyro's interests abroad, as well as serving as the official legion in the Imperial Army of the Würtige Empire.
  • 3rd Legion: The Foreign Volunteers. The 3rd Legion is a force made entirely of individuals that do not possess citizenship within Clyro or the Würtige Empire. The duty of the 3rd Legion is to support the 2nd Legion, as well as provide a liaison between the militaries of Clyro, the Würtige Empire and other micronations.

The Clyro Defence Office traditionally used the Prospekhi constructed language in days past, as it is the longest standing constructed language in Clyro's history, and certificates of military service in the 1st Legion have always typically been written in both English and Prospekh, despite the repealing of the language's use in common CDO administration.

The Clyran Constabulary Office

The Clyran Constabulary Office (CCO) is the policing body of the Region of Clyro. Its frontline officers are also all members of the 1st Legion of the CVT, although the administration are largely non-territorials. The CCO is headed by three Chief Constables and a Deputy Chief Constable that answer directly to the Lord of Clyro and the Mercian Parliament House. The Deputy Chief Constable exists to assist the Chief Constable of the Home Shires in his or her task, considering the magnitude of policing the six largest Parishes in Clyro. The Chief Constable of Abroad Presence represents the CCO overseas, and also organises the escort guards for key Clyran individuals when they travel to foreign nations.

  • Chief Constable of the Wibertsherne: Comrade Seaward
  • Deputy Chief Constable of the Wibertsherne: Baron Whyatt
  • Chief Constable of the Capital Hundred: HL Richard I
  • Chief Constable of Abroad Presence & Kernollond: Marquis Cassidy

It is worth noting that Antient and Resort Parishes have no Chief Constables, as they are directly controlled by the CDO and the Lord of Clyro respectively.