List of micronations in Kentucky

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Below is a list active and inactive micronations in the US state of Kentucky. Note that "N/A" is used where information is missing, unclear.

List of Active Micronations in Kentucky

Flag State Capital Pop.
Republic of Highlandia Tyler 900
Commonwealth of Yorkland New Hamsterdam 63
Confederate States of America Union City 16
Kingdom of Tsurasia Tsuri 13
Parland New Maine 5
Ipsissium of Verdisolia Arboria 21

List of Inactive micronations in Kentucky

Flag State Capital Pop.
Archususania Tuckysburg 102
Federated Republics of Flatland Auburn 25
Prosia of Angador Luinnar 1
Republic of Mellonia Dukas 3
Republic of Presburn Gorskiy 8
Commonwealth of Perisia Starlightia 2
Republic of Plaktukai Kennedy City 12
Eniarkian Confederation Vicis 30
Susanlandic Empire Tuckysburg 8
Empire of Eniarku Vicis 30
North American Confederation Imperial Residence N/A
Republic of Tueoedeth Tueoedeth City 20
Republic of Nosotro Verde N/A

See Also

Micronational Map of Kentucky