Armed Forces of Dresmia

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Armed Forces of Dresmia
Founded21 August 2024
Current form21 August 2024
Service branchesDresmian Army
Royal Dresmian Navy
Royal Dresmian Air Force
Commander-in-ChiefKing Luke I
Chief of DefenceVacant
Vice Chief of DefenceVacant
Active personnel0
Reserve personnel0
Deployed personnel0

The Armed Forces of Dresmia, also known as His Majesty's Armed Forces and the Dresmian Armed Forces, are the military forces of the Kingdom of Dresmia, responsible for the defence of the kingdom. They also promote Dresmia's wider interests, support peacekeeping efforts and provide humanitarian aid.

King Luke I is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, with ultimate military authority being vested in him. All armed forces personnel, commissioned and non-commissioned, swear allegiance to the monarch as the commander-in-chief. The Defence Council is the body responsible for governing the armed forces alongside and on behalf of the monarch. The Chief of the Defence Staff is the professional head of the armed forces and the chief military advisor to the monarch.

There is no official motto of the armed forces, but the phrase "Gott Mit Uns" (meaning "God With Us") is seen as the unofficial motto and battle cry of the military.


The existence of the armed forces date back August 2024. The armed forces were first established by a royal order issued by King Luke I. The order outlined the general structure and roles of the armed forces, in addition to the rank structure of each branch. The order also established the offices that comprise the defence council, and branch command boards. The order creating the armed forces loosely based the structure of the armed forces on that of the British Armed Forces.

The armed forces have existed continuously since their creation.

Command Organisation

The Dresmian monarchy serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the chief of the defence staff serves as the professional head. The chief of the defence staff is appointed by the monarch, and is usually a general, admiral or air chief marshal who served as a branch chief of staff before their promotion to the chairmanship of the defence staff.

The governing body of the armed forces is the Defence Council (also known as the Defence Staff). The council governs the armed forces alongside and on behalf of the monarch. The defence staff consists of the monarch, chief and vice chief of the defence staff in addition to the branch chiefs of staff - all of whom are appointed by the monarch. The defence council consists of a number of other committees - such as the defence board and chiefs of staff committee in order to ensure the effective governance of the armed forces.


The armed forces consist of three branches - the Dresmian Army, the Royal Dresmian Navy, and the Royal Dresmian Air Force. Each branch has its own unique role in the defence of Dresmia, in addition to their own command structures.

The chief of staff of each branch reports to the Chief of the Defence Staff and the Defence Council.


The Dresmian Army is the ground warfare branch of the armed forces. Consisting of infantry, airborne, artillery and cavalry - the army is versatile in its role defending Dresmia. The army also provides the armoured capability of the armed forces. The army also provides the dual role regiments that mount guards around important state properties and form the royal guard.

The army is commanded by the Chief of the General Staff, who chairs the Army Board.


The Royal Dresmian Navy is the naval and marine warfare branch of the armed forces. Permitted to operate warships, aircraft carriers, submarines and other forms of boats equipped for combat, the navy is responsible for asserting Dresmian sovereignty at sea as well as defending Dresmian naval trade routes. The navy is also permitted to uphold a naval air wing, consisting mostly of drones and helicopters, in order to support naval duties.

The commander of the navy is the Chief of the Naval Staff, who is the chair of the Navy Board.

Air Force

The Royal Dresmian Air Force is the air and space warfare branch of the armed forces. It is responsible for the air defence of Dresmia and so is focussed on the operation of the majority of Dresmian military aircraft - primarily fixed wing and rotary aircraft. The air force is permitted to uphold some ground units in order to maintain the security of their bases, and their landed aircraft. The air force also provides aerial support to the navy and army as and when needed.

The commander of the air force is the Chief of the Air Staff, who chairs the Air Force Board.


All three branches of the armed forces recruit exclusively from the Dresmian population. However, there are some circumstances when the government may issue waivers to foreign citizens who have exceptional skills that may be beneficial to the armed forces in order to permit them to join.

While conscription is not practiced in Dresmia, it is expected that citizens will sacrifice some time to the armed forces - whether that be in a civilian or uniformed capacity. Regular and reserve forces are supported by the armed forces, allowing members to serve on a full- or part-time basis with some exceptions for senior staff who are required to be in full-time service.

No official regulations have been put in place in terms of recruitment age, however precedent outlines that to enlist citizens should be sixteen by the time they enter training and officer cadets should be eighteen by the time they enter training.

See also