Commander-in-Chief (Dresmia)

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Luke I
King of Dresmia

since 21 August 2024
Dresmian Armed Forces
StyleHis Majesty
TypeCommanding Authority
Member ofDefence Council
Term lengthLife Tenure
Inaugural holderLuke I
Formation21 August 2024

The Commander-in-Chief is the supreme head of the Dresmian Armed Forces and position of the monarch over the armed forces. The supreme military authority is vested in the monarch as commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief is also the de jure chairman of the Defence Council - the body responsible for the overall day-to-day command of the armed forces. The commander-in-chief also has responsibility for defence policy and defence operations.

The current commander-in-chief is King Luke I by virtue of his position as monarch. He assumed the office on its creation on 21 August 2024.

Duties and Functions

The monarch, as commander-in-chief, is the supreme military authority and sovereign over the armed forces. As a result it is the duty of the monarch to govern the armed forces - however the day-to-day management of the military is usually delegated to the defence council who does this on the monarch's behalf. However, this does not affect the monarch's power over the armed forces.

The main functions of the monarch as commander-in-chief include:

  • Declare war and make peace,
  • Institute hostilities short of war,
  • Issue regulations for the armed forces,
  • Commission all officers,
  • Appoint all warrant officers,
  • Deploy the armed forces overseas,
  • Use the armed forces to maintain order internally,
  • Order warships in times of national necessity,
  • Regulate trade with hostile nations,
  • The engagement of angary during wartime,

Oath of Allegiance

Upon joining the armed forces, all personnel swear allegiance to the monarch as the head of state and commander-in-chief. The oath commonly used is:

I, [name], swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Luke I, His Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the [General Officers/Air Officers/Admirals] and officers set over me. So help me God.

Non-religious members of the armed forces may choose to affirm instead of swear. In this instance, the wording of the oath is altered slightly to reflect this.

Military Appointments

The monarch, as commander-in-chief, is responsible for making a large number of military appointments - primarily to senior posts. The royal order issued establishing the armed forces outlines that the monarch is responsible for the appointment of all members of the Defence Council (the Chief and Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, as well as the chief of staff of each branch) in addition to appointing all members of the governing board of each branch. The appointment of the defence council is at the monarch's discretion but the appointment to branch boards are usually done by the branch chiefs of staff and confirmed by the monarch on the recommendation of each chief of staff.

As well as this, it is the responsibility of the monarch to commission all officers and appoint all warrant officers. However, the commissions and warrants of appointment are usually prepared for the monarch to assent to by the Lord President of the Privy Council.

Additionally the governing board of each branch of the armed forces receives their authority to act and exercise command over their branch from the monarch and their defence council.

The monarch is also the only person with the authority to promote officers to the rank of Field Marshal in the army, Admiral of the Fleet in the navy, or Marshal of the Air Force in the air force. All three of these ranks are also held by the monarch by virtue of their position as commander-in-chief.


The office of commander-in-chief was a quasi-legal office when Dresmia was created on 20 August 2024, despite the armed forces not being established until later. With the creation of the armed forces by royal order on 21 August 2024, the position of commander-in-chief was formally established and confirmed as a position to be held by the monarch, with the armed forces bearing allegiance to them. The order defined the position as the highest authority in the armed forces and ultimately responsible for their administration, even though these duties are commonly delegated by the monarch to the Defence Council in which the commander-in-chief is the chairman of.

See also