Monarchy of Dresmia

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King of Dresmia
Luke I
since 20 August 2024
StyleHis Majesty
First monarchLuke I
Formation20 August 2024

The Monarchy of Dresmia is the hereditary office in which a monarch reigns as the head of state, head of government and absolute ruler of the Kingdom of Dresmia. The monarch holds absolute power exercised at their discretion. Officially the monarch also is the sovereign. As well as this, the monarch is the head of the Dresmian Royal Family and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The monarch also is the head and fons honoum of the national honours system.

The monarchy is the senior-most national office and institution. It was founded on 20 August 2024. Based on the divine right of kings, the monarchy has been absolute since its inception.

The monarch is supported by the royal household and privy council.

Currently, King Luke I is the reigning monarch. His rule began on 20 August 2024 and he is the first monarch.


The monarchy is the oldest national institution of Dresmia and dates back to the creation of Dresmia. The first reference to the monarchy is in the declaration of independence which opens by proclaiming itself a declaration of "His Majesty The King of Desmia before God and the Dresmian people assembled". This is seen as the de facto creating statement of the monarchy. The end of the declaration also concludes that Luke I, the declaration's author, is the rightful monarch - proclaiming him as king and allowing him to assume the throne and ratify the declaration by royal assent.

With the ratification of the declaration and the creation of Dresmia, the monarchy was cemented as part of the national government with the body soon confirming itself as the absolute ruler of the state in addition to being the head of state and government.

The monarchy saw its security in this position with the establishment of the privy council and royal household - both established to support the monarchy but in different ways. This allowed for the monarchy to be more effective ad governance through means of being supported and advised by staff appointed for the sole purposes of advising and aiding the monarch in their duties.


As the ruler of the state, the monarch holds absolute power. They are head of the state and head of the government. Their power encompasses legislative, executive and judicial powers which means the monarch is highly influential over government and society in Dresmia. In addition to governing the state, the monarch also executes some ceremonial functions.

Some of the common duties and functions exercised by the monarchy are listed below.


The monarch is the chief executive and head of the executive branch of government. Consequently, the monarch is responsible for the executive administration of state and government affairs.

The functions of the monarch in the executive capacity include:

  • Issuing and revoking passports,
  • Appointing and dismissing state officials,
  • Accrediting and receiving diplomats,
  • Recognising foreign states,
  • Making, concluding and ratifying treaties,
  • Declaring war and making peace,
  • Representing the state abroad,
  • Commander-in-chief of the armed forces,
  • Creating corporations,
  • Ordaining cities,
  • Overseeing the royal household,
  • Chairing the privy council and selecting its members,
  • Appointing a Crown Prince,


The monarch is the highest legislative official in Dresmia. All legislation needs the monarch's approval before becoming law. Usually legislation is introduced by the monarch via royal decree - however the privy council have authorisation to suggest legislation to the monarch. Royal decrees create primary legislation, and are used to outline punishments for violation of the law.

Legislation can also be introduced by royal orders. Royal orders usually create secondary legislation and are used in more of an executive capacity. They can be utilised for defining legal terms, and adopting or setting legal conditions that are not as serious enough to warrant a royal decree. Royal orders have been used to adopt the national flag, national anthem and national motto. Royal orders can be seen as an equivalent to executive orders used by a president.

Precedent has set that royal orders are used in more of an executive capacity, but affect legislation, whereas royal decrees are expressly and solely legislative.


The monarch is the senior-most figure in the judicial system and are de facto seen as the chief judge of the state and as a result can try criminal, civil and appellate cases under Dresmian law.

Other judicial functions include:

  • Establishing courts and determining their seniority,
  • Appointing and dismissing judges,
  • Approving the judicial functions of the privy council,
  • Pardoning convictions and granting clemency,
  • Issuing arrest warrants,
  • Hearing judicial appeals,


In addition to their functions governing Dresmia, the monarch holds some ceremonial functions. These functions include:

  • Head of the national honours system,
  • Granting honours, titles and peerages,
  • Host state functions,
  • Patron of some national organisations,
  • Representative of the state internally,


Succession laws have been in place since 22 August 2024, after being introduced by King Luke I. The laws outlined how only the relatives of the monarch may inherit the throne. Succession operates on a male-preference system but female royals may also inherit the throne. The heir apparent is known as the "Crown Prince of Dresmia" and is appointed by the monarch, who may dismiss them and also ordains their duties while they are crown prince.

The crown prince is always the first in line to the throne, and the line of succession is determined on a hereditary basis after the appointment of the crown prince. Hypothetically, anyone can be appointed crown prince but it is customary for only the children of the monarch to be considered for the post.

The privy council is charged with publishing a list annually outlining the current order of succession.

Upon succeeding the throne, the new monarch has to swear what is known as the "Oath of the King" before their predecessor's privy council. The oath ensures the incoming monarch promises to uphold and administer the law fairly as well as to defend the people and sovereignty of the state. In the oath, the monarch also asks God to guide them in their role as monarch.

List of Monarchs

Monarchs of Dresmia
Monarch Reign House Claim to Throne
Luke I 20 August 2024 - Present Brynach Founding Father

See also