Dresmian Army

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Dresmian Army
Founded21 August 2024
CountryKingdom of Dresmia
AllegianceKing of Dresmia
RoleGround Warfare
Part ofDresmian Armed Forces
Commander-in-ChiefKing Luke I
Chief of StaffVacant
Deputy Chief of StaffVacant
Army Sergeant MajorVacant

The Dresmian Army is the principal ground warfare force of the Kingdom of Dresmia. It is a branch of the Armed Forces of Dresmia, alongside the Royal Dresmian Navy and the Royal Dresmian Air Force.

Dating back to August 2024, the army was established by an order of King Luke I. Members of the army swear allegiance to the monarch as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The army itself is governed by the Chief of the General Staff, who is the chairman of the Army Board - the body principally responsible for the oversight of the army.

Composed primarily of infantry and cavalry, the army provides the main ground capability of the armed forces and as such is responsible for the conduct of land warfare operations. The army also provides the airborne, artillery, sapper and commando capabilities of the armed forces.


The Dresmian Army was founded in the same royal order as the armed forces. The branch dates back to 21 August 2024, being created by King Luke I through the order he issued to create the armed forces. The ratification of the order created the army alongside the air force and navy meaning that no branch officially is older than another. However, the army is the oldest ground warfare centred body in Dresmia.

The army was structured based on the basic structure of the British Army.

The oldest army regiment is the Royal Guard, which was established on 16 September 2024.


The army's command structure is hierarchical, with overall command residing in the Chief of the General Staff (CGS). The CGS is immediately subordinate to the Chief of the Defence Staff who is the professional head of the armed forces. The CGS attends both the Defence Council and Chiefs of Staff Committee in which they report on army-policy and issues.

The CGS is supported by the Deputy Chief of the General Staff (DCGS). Both officers oversee the Army Board, which is responsible for army government.

Army Board

The Army Board (also known as the General Staff) is the governing body of the Dresmian Army. It is chaired by the Chief of the General Staff and is a sub-committee of the Defence Council. The board overseas the army, and is responsible for its maintenance. The board consists of the senior-most commissioned and non-commissioned army personnel - including the Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Staff, in addition to the Army Sergeant Major.

Members of the army board are appointed to the board by the monarch as commander-in-chief. Usually members are ex officio members of the board, unless appointed specifically due to something such as their experience which may prove useful to the body.

Levels of Command

The structure of the Dresmian Army beneath the level of divisions and brigades is also hierarchical and command is based on rank. The table below details how many units within the Dresmian Army are structured, although there can be some variation between individual units:

Type of Unit Division Brigade Battlegroup Battalion, Regiment Company, Squadron, Battery Platoon or Troop Section Fire Team
Contains 3 Brigades 3–5 Battalions (Battlegroups) Combined Arms Unit 4–6 Companies 3 Platoons 3 Sections 2 Fire Teams 4 Individuals
Commanded by Maj Gen Brig Gen Lt Col Lt Col Maj Lt or 2Lt Cpl LCpl

Whilst many units are organised as battalions or regiments administratively, the most common fighting unit is the combined arms unit known as a battlegroup. This is formed around a combat unit and supported by units (or sub-units) from other capabilities. An example of a battlegroup would be two companies of armoured infantry.


The Dresmian Army recruits from within Dresmia. Only citizens are permitted to join, however there are some exceptional circumstances in which the government may issue a foreign citizen a waver permitting them to join. Enlistees are expected to be at least sixteen when they enter training, and officers should be at least eighteen when they enter training. Applicant are also expected to meet certain other requirements such as passing fitness and medical exams, having a clean criminal history and meeting certain educational requirements.

Oath of Allegiance

All soldiers and commissioned officers are required to take an oath of allegiance before they are permitted to begin basic training. This is done in a process called attestation.

The oath used is as follows:

I, [name], swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Luke I, His Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the General Officers and officers set over me. So help me God.

If an incoming recruit or officer cadet wishes to affirm instead of swear, then the oath may be altered slightly to facilitate this request.


All Dresmian Army candidates undergo a common training beginning with initial training for recruits, or initial officer training for officer cadets - both being referred to as basic or phase 1 training. Basic training brings all personnel up to a similar standard in basic military skills. After successful completion of basic training, trainees then undertake trade-specific training depending on the regiment or corps they are joining. This training is known as phase 2 training.

After phase 1 training, officers and enlisted personnel are counted as part of the army's trained strength. After phase 2 they are counted as trade strength.


Officer Ranks
OF-10 OF-9 OF-8 OF-7 OF-6 OF-5 OF-4 OF-3 OF-2 OF-1 OF(D)
Field Marshal General Lieutenant General Major General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Officer Cadet
FM Gen Lt Gen Maj Gen Brig Gen Col Lt Col Maj Capt Lt 2Lt Off Cdt
Enlisted Ranks
OR-9 OR-8 OR-7 OR-6 OR-5 OR-4 OR-3 OR-2 OR-1 OR(D)
No Insignia
Warrant Officer Class 1 Warrant Officer Class 2 Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance Corporal Private Recruit
WO1 WO2 SSgt Sgt Cpl LCpl Pte Rec

Most ranks across the Dresmian Army are known by the same name regardless of which regiment they are in. However, some regiments use alternative names for some ranks - with the royal guard being a notable example in which privates hold the rank of "Guardsman". Additionally, warrant officers of all regiments are usually referred to by their post (such as regimental sergeant major) instead of their rank.

See also