2024 Anti-Faltrian declarations

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2024 Anti-Faltrian declarations
Date14 March 2024 - 13 June 2024



Commonwealth of Faltree
Socialist Republic of Malus (until April 3)
People's Republic of the Dales

Diplomatic support:

Nyeusi Socialist Republic

Kingdom of Pontunia
Free Kingdom of Nicaea
Roscami Federation
Kingdom of Ƿynnbury (since 8 May)
Hijabialand (22 March only)

Diplomatic support:

Islamic Republic of Olov (since 13 May)
Press support
Laskaridia Vanguard
Commanders and leaders
Jonathan Gundy
Jakob Vancapelle
Owen Bean
Jebediah Powell
Andrew Perdomo
Alexandra I
Roscamistan Thomas Jacobs
Ezra I
D. McCabe
Saleh A.H

The 2024 Anti-Faltrian declarations were a series of political declarations calling for the toppling of the Commonwealth of Faltree, primarily motivated by the Commonwealth's victory in the Faltrian-Malusian War on 8 March 2024.[1] The first declaration was issued by the Roscami Federation on 14 March 2024, wherein Roscamistan called for nations in the New England Sector to "rise up against Faltrian imperialism" and urged fascists to "rise up against communism and capitalism."[2] The Free Kingdom of Nicaea and the Kingdom of Pontunia similarly issued demands on 15 March 2024, calling for the toppling of the Faltrian government whilst demanding that the Socialist Republic of Malus become personal property of Andrew Perdomo or a Pontunian vassal.[3]


The Commonwealth of Faltree has long denied the legitimacy of the Roscami Federation, denouncing it as a fascist entity since 21 August 2023 whilst maintaining control of the District of Chepiwanoxet, a territory that Roscamistan holds in dispute. Faltree has denied the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Pontunia since 23 September 2023, wherein it had been supporting the Democratic Opposition of Pontunia until 8 October 2023 following the dissolution of the opposition, Faltree has maintained its denial of the legitimacy of Pontunia since. Alexandra I was banned from the Faltree discord server after it was discovered that they were posing as a 17 year old girl whilst in reality being 21 years of age. The Commonwealth's victory in toppling the nationalist regime in Malus motivated the declarations. The Nyeusi Socialist Republic declared support for Malus on 20 March 2024.[4] On 22 March, the 2nd Hijabialandic Crown Republic declared war on Faltree and exited the war at the same day.

The conflict would remain quiet for some time. On 23 March, Mikhailovich and Terrel held peace talks behind closed doors. She and Mikhailovich agreed that in order for the conflict to end, Malus would remain neutral in the affairs between Faltree and Nicaea, and that the governments of Nicaea and Pontunia would issue a formal apology to the Malusians for involving them in the conflict. Additionally, the Aula Free State was set to be dissolved.[5]

On 8 May, the Kingdom of Ƿynnbury announced its intention to invade the Commonwealth of Faltree on the basis of expanding its territory. It eventually withdrew this declaration on 12 May due to criticism from the Commonwealth of Faltree. Ƿynnburian Parliament later declared that they still intend on invading the Commonwealth of Faltree the next morning.

On 13 May, Olovian president Saleh A.H voiced his criticism of the Commonwealth of Faltree and its allies, describing Marhaenia, which is also an Olov ally, as a "lapdog of Faltree" due to Marhaenia's recent anti-Islam policy and its transition to an atheist state, which Saleh claimed was due to Faltree's influence.

Dissolution of the Commonwealth of Faltree

On 13 June, the Commonwealth of Faltree formally dissolved, marked the beginning of the Faltrian Anarchy period, as multiple statelets and micronations have laid claim to the former territory of the Commonwealth.
